73 research outputs found

    wFleaBase: the Daphnia genome database

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    BACKGROUND: wFleaBase is a database with the necessary infrastructure to curate, archive and share genetic, molecular and functional genomic data and protocols for an emerging model organism, the microcrustacean Daphnia. Commonly known as the water-flea, Daphnia's ecological merit is unequaled among metazoans, largely because of its sentinel role within freshwater ecosystems and over 200 years of biological investigations. By consequence, the Daphnia Genomics Consortium (DGC) has launched an interdisciplinary research program to create the resources needed to study genes that affect ecological and evolutionary success in natural environments. DISCUSSION: These tools include the genome database wFleaBase, which currently contains functions to search and extract information from expressed sequenced tags, genome survey sequences and full genome sequencing projects. This new database is built primarily from core components of the Generic Model Organism Database project, and related bioinformatics tools. SUMMARY: Over the coming year, preliminary genetic maps and the nearly complete genomic sequence of Daphnia pulex will be integrated into wFleaBase, including gene predictions and ortholog assignments based on sequence similarities with eukaryote genes of known function. wFleaBase aims to serve a large ecological and evolutionary research community. Our challenge is to rapidly expand its content and to ultimately integrate genetic and functional genomic information with population-level responses to environmental challenges. URL:

    Dual channel rank-based intensity weighting for quantitative co-localization of microscopy images

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    BACKGROUND: Accurate quantitative co-localization is a key parameter in the context of understanding the spatial co-ordination of molecules and therefore their function in cells. Existing co-localization algorithms consider either the presence of co-occurring pixels or correlations of intensity in regions of interest. Depending on the image source, and the algorithm selected, the co-localization coefficients determined can be highly variable, and often inaccurate. Furthermore, this choice of whether co-occurrence or correlation is the best approach for quantifying co-localization remains controversial. RESULTS: We have developed a novel algorithm to quantify co-localization that improves on and addresses the major shortcomings of existing co-localization measures. This algorithm uses a non-parametric ranking of pixel intensities in each channel, and the difference in ranks of co-localizing pixel positions in the two channels is used to weight the coefficient. This weighting is applied to co-occurring pixels thereby efficiently combining both co-occurrence and correlation. Tests with synthetic data sets show that the algorithm is sensitive to both co-occurrence and correlation at varying levels of intensity. Analysis of biological data sets demonstrate that this new algorithm offers high sensitivity, and that it is capable of detecting subtle changes in co-localization, exemplified by studies on a well characterized cargo protein that moves through the secretory pathway of cells. CONCLUSIONS: This algorithm provides a novel way to efficiently combine co-occurrence and correlation components in biological images, thereby generating an accurate measure of co-localization. This approach of rank weighting of intensities also eliminates the need for manual thresholding of the image, which is often a cause of error in co-localization quantification. We envisage that this tool will facilitate the quantitative analysis of a wide range of biological data sets, including high resolution confocal images, live cell time-lapse recordings, and high-throughput screening data sets

    Inorganic nitrogen availability alters Eucalyptus grandis receptivity to the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus albus but not symbiotic nitrogen transfer.

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    Forest trees are able to thrive in nutrient-poor soils in part because they obtain growth-limiting nutrients, especially nitrogen (N), through mutualistic symbiosis with ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi. Addition of inorganic N into these soils is known to disrupt this mutualism and reduce the diversity of ECM fungi. Despite its ecological impact, the mechanisms governing the observed effects of elevated inorganic N on mycorrhizal communities remain unknown. We address this by using a compartmentalized in vitro system to independently alter nutrients to each symbiont. Using stable isotopes, we traced the nutrient flux under different nutrient regimes between Eucalyptus grandis and its ectomycorrhizal symbiont, Pisolithus albus. We demonstrate that giving E. grandis independent access to N causes a significant reduction in root colonization by P. albus. Transcriptional analysis suggests that the observed reduction in colonization may be caused, in part, by altered transcription of microbe perception genes and defence genes. We show that delivery of N to host leaves is not increased by host nutrient deficiency but by fungal nutrient availability instead. Overall, this advances our understanding of the effects of N fertilization on ECM fungi and the factors governing nutrient transfer in the E. grandis-P. microcarpus interaction

    Corrigendum to "Mixtures of aromatic compounds induce ligninolytic gene expression in the wood-rotting fungus Dichomitus squalens" [J. Biotechnol. 380 (2020) 35-39].

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    In Section 3.1 of the Results and Discussion, it should have stated 100 μM and not 50 μM for the concentration of the aromatic compounds. The correct concentration was stated in the Materials and Methods and the error only occurred in the Results and Discussion section. The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused

    The ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus microcarpusencodes a microRNA involved in cross-kingdom gene silencing during symbiosis

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    Small RNAs (sRNAs) are known to regulate pathogenic plant-microbe interactions. Emerging evidence from the study of these model systems suggests that microRNAs (miRNAs) can be translocated between microbes and plants to facilitate symbiosis. The roles of sRNAs in mutualistic mycorrhizal fungal interactions, however, are largely unknown. In this study, we characterized miRNAs encoded by the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus microcarpus and investigated their expression during mutualistic interaction with Eucalyptus grandis. Using sRNA sequencing data and in situ miRNA detection, a novel fungal miRNA, Pmic_miR-8, was found to be transported into E. grandis roots after interaction with P. microcarpus. Further characterization experiments demonstrate that inhibition of Pmic_miR-8 negatively impacts the maintenance of mycorrhizal roots in E. grandis, while supplementation of Pmic_miR-8 led to deeper integration of the fungus into plant tissues. Target prediction and experimental testing suggest that Pmic_miR-8 may target the host NB-ARC domain containing transcripts, suggesting a potential role for this miRNA in subverting host signaling to stabilize the symbiotic interaction. Altogether, we provide evidence of previously undescribed cross-kingdom sRNA transfer from ectomycorrhizal fungi to plant roots, shedding light onto the involvement of miRNAs during the developmental process of mutualistic symbioses