31 research outputs found

    Psychology and modern society interaction as a way of mutual development. The genesis of the research of determinants of professional stability of a future psychologist personality: conceptualization and empirical referents

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    In order to implement Ukraine's strategic course for integration into the European Union, to ensure Ukraine's full integration into European political, economic and legal space and to create preconditions for Ukraine's membership in the European Union. The Decree of the President of Ukraine approved the Strategy of Ukraine's integration into the European Union. The main areas of cultural, educational, scientific and technical integration are the implementation of European norms and standards in education, science and technology and the dissemination of their own cultural, scientific and technological achievements in the EU


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    The connection between speech and cognitive impairments may be the key to understanding more general mechanisms of children's brain development. The identification, analysis, and understanding of speech impairments open up opportunities for the development of new teaching methods, rehabilitation programs, and support for children and their families in overcoming such difficulties. Particular attention should be paid to a multidisciplinary approach to the study of this issue. This approach combines the efforts of psychologists, educators, speech therapists, and medical professionals. This study aimed to investigate the neuropsychological features of cognitive functions of junior pupils with speech impairment. The research employed a comprehensive methodology based on neuropsychological tests and theoretical studies. The authors found that speech disorders among junior pupils indicate the presence of speech difficulties. Moreover, they can also be indicators of certain cognitive developmental disorders. Such peculiarities in speech and cognitive functions can lead to problems in learning, social integration, and emotional well-being. A timely detection of these features and their subsequent correction are the keys to ensuring optimal conditions for the child's development and successful societal adaptation. The main value of this study comes from the fact that it offers a holistic view of the problem. Moreover, it focuses on the broad context of influence shaping speech and cognitive development. The article is recommended for consideration by specialists in the fields of education, psychology, and medicine who are interested in expanding their knowledge and improving their practical skills in working with children with special needs.A conexão entre a fala e as deficiências cognitivas pode ser a chave para a compreensão dos mecanismos mais gerais do desenvolvimento do cérebro das crianças. A identificação, análise e compreensão das deficiências de fala abrem oportunidades para o desenvolvimento de novos métodos de ensino, programas de reabilitação e apoio às crianças e suas famílias na superação de tais dificuldades. Deve ser dada especial atenção a uma abordagem multidisciplinar ao estudo desta questão. Essa abordagem combina os esforços de psicólogos, educadores, fonoaudiólogos e profissionais médicos. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar as características neuropsicológicas das funções cognitivas de alunos do ensino fundamental com comprometimento de fala. A pesquisa empregou uma metodologia abrangente baseada em testes neuropsicológicos e estudos teóricos. Os autores descobriram que os distúrbios de fala entre os alunos do ensino fundamental indicam a presença de dificuldades de fala. Além disso, também podem ser indicadores de certos distúrbios do desenvolvimento cognitivo. Tais peculiaridades na fala e nas funções cognitivas podem levar a problemas de aprendizagem, integração social e bem-estar emocional. A detecção atempada destas características e a sua subsequente correcção são a chave para garantir condições óptimas para o desenvolvimento da criança e uma adaptação social bem sucedida. O principal valor deste estudo vem do fato de oferecer uma visão holística do problema. Além disso, concentra-se no amplo contexto de influência que molda a fala e o desenvolvimento cognitivo. O artigo é recomendado para apreciação de especialistas das áreas de educação, psicologia e medicina que tenham interesse em ampliar seus conhecimentos e aprimorar suas habilidades práticas no trabalho com crianças com necessidades especiais

    The peculiarities of using the computer complex HC-psychotests in the process of psychodiagnosis of the level of development of future specialists mental capacity

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    The IT revolution, which has embraced material production, social relations and the whole sphere of culture and education, is more and more contributed to solving the problem of automation of intellectual processes in science, technology and society, as well. This scientific article is devoted to the consideration of topical issues of introduction of the computer complex HC-psychotests in the process of psychological support of professional-personal formation of the future specialist during the period of study in higher school. The article also presents the analysis of the versatile possibilities of using the NS- psychotest in the paradigm of modern education. In this scientific article, the results of the screening study with the use of HC-psychotest in the process of psychodiagnosis of the level of development of mental capacity of future specialists are analyzed in detail. It is determined that the complex HC-psychotests allowed to give multilevel, multiparametric characteristics of the mental states of the respondents with the use of psychological, psychophysiological, physiological and social indicators. It has been proved that the introduction of computer psychodiagnostics has not only enriched the experimental base with appropriate methods that facilitate the implementation of various research strategies, but also combined empirical work into a single technological cycle

    Psychological resources of the individual under the conditions of modern challenges. 2.4. Розвиток благополуччя особистості в умовах сучасних трансформацій

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    В останні десятиліття проблема благополуччя все частіше стає предметом дослідження психологів. Це викликано гострою необхідністю для психологічної науки і практики визначення того, що служить підставою для внутрішньої рівноваги особистості, з чого вона складається, які емоційно-цiннiснi відносини лежать в основі, яким чином все це впливає на здатнiсть регуляції поведінки, як можна допомогти особистості у вирішенні проблеми благополуччя. Актуальність дослідження обумовлена тим, що радикальні трансформаційні зміни, що відбулися в нашій країні й світі (соціально-економічна криза, політичні та соціальні зміни) торкнулися найрізноманітніших аспектів життя людей. Ситуація, в якій знаходиться сучасне украïнське суспільство, неоднозначна – константою стала ситуація нестабільності суспільства в цілому, гострота соціально – економічних проблем, різка психологічна напруженість, що супроводжується емоційним дискомфортом особистості. У зв'язку з цим вкрай важливо враховувати показники психологічного самопочуття особистості, її суб'єктивного благополуччя

    Neuropsychological peculiarities of cognitive functions of speech-impaired junior pupils

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    A conexão entre a fala e as deficiências cognitivas pode ser a chave para a compreensão dos mecanismos mais gerais do desenvolvimento do cérebro das crianças. A identificação, análise e compreensão das deficiências de fala abrem oportunidades para o desenvolvimento de novos métodos de ensino, programas de reabilitação e apoio às crianças e suas famílias na superação de tais dificuldades. Deve ser dada especial atenção a uma abordagem multidisciplinar ao estudo desta questão. Essa abordagem combina os esforços de psicólogos, educadores, fonoaudiólogos e profissionais médicos. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar as características neuropsicológicas das funções cognitivas de alunos do ensino fundamental com comprometimento de fala. A pesquisa empregou uma metodologia abrangente baseada em testes neuropsicológicos e estudos teóricos. Os autores descobriram que os distúrbios de fala entre os alunos do ensino fundamental indicam a presença de dificuldades de fala. Além disso, também podem ser indicadores de certos distúrbios do desenvolvimento cognitivo. Tais peculiaridades na fala e nas funções cognitivas podem levar a problemas de aprendizagem, integração social e bem-estar emocional. A detecção atempada destas características e a sua subsequente correcção são a chave para garantir condições óptimas para o desenvolvimento da criança e uma adaptação social bem sucedida. O principal valor deste estudo vem do fato de oferecer uma visão holística do problema. Além disso, concentra-se no amplo contexto de influência que molda a fala e o desenvolvimento cognitivo. O artigo é recomendado para apreciação de especialistas das áreas de educação, psicologia e medicina que tenham interesse em ampliar seus conhecimentos e aprimorar suas habilidades práticas no trabalho com crianças com necessidades especiais

    Artistic and aesthetic senior preschool age сhilddevelopment: Organizational and management block

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    The timeliness of the problem is caused by the contradiction between need for artistic and aesthetic development of the child, who has a desire to learn, be creatively realized and insufficient organizational and methodological support in art schools. The purpose of research work is determining the stages of artistic and aesthetic development of older preschool children in primary art school. The research methodology consisted of the research works by Greene S., Hill M., Green B., Hall E., Turner C., Zyazyun I., Zlatyeva A., Otich O., Padalka H., Rudnytska O., McLeod N., Wright D., McCall K., Fujii M., Muzyka O., Lopatiuk Y., Belinska T., Belozerskaya A., Shvets I., Legkostup P., Kopylkovska I., Tikhomirova T. Results

    Analysis of modern young students' idea of parenting

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    The article presents the results of an empirical study aftfie modem students'idea af the phenomenon of parenting. The urgency af the issue presupposes chat chese ideas influence the quality of human life, contribute tci the process af personalicy's formatian, and help to form a conscious acdtude towards family and marriage. As a result of the study, gender differences in the ideas of parenting have been idencrfied. It was empirically proved thac one of che main characteristics of parenting, in the opinion of young people, is responsibilicy. and this concept is і ncerp re ted differently by giris and bays: far bays, respansibilicy for a child is, first of all, finandal support сгеасюп of material wealth: for girls creation of a favorable acmosphere at home, mencal comfort

    The peculiarities of the usage of AR technologies in the process of hardiness of future professionals

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    Abstract. One of the main challenges of today is to increase the resilience of individuals to stressful environmental factors and preserve the quality of life and efficiency. Hardiness is a psychological phenomenon, the essence of which is a productive way out of the crisis towards personal growth. Taking into account the effectiveness of information and technological progress, the issue of internalization of AR-technologies in the process of training a competitive, viable specialist who is able to mobilize and self-realize internal potential resources is vital. The scientific article analyzes the possibilities of using innovative AR-technologies in the process of developing the hardiness of the future specialist on the basis of the implementation of competence and subject-personal approach to the introduction of AR-technologies in the educational process in the system of higher education. The article describes the experience of integrated implementation of elements of augmented reality in the program of development of hardiness - Hardiness Enhancing Lifestyle Program based on the concept of BYOD. According to the results of the obtained empirical data the efficiency of using innovative AR-technologies in the structure of mobile applications in the process of development of the components of hardiness of the personality of the future specialist is proved. Prospect for further research is the development of a methodology for integrated implementation of AR-technologies in the practice of higher education in order to optimize the training of future professionals

    Developing professional stability of future socionomic specialists using cloud technologies in blended learning

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    Thisarticleexploreshowcloudtechnologiescanbeusedtodeveloptheprofessionalstabilityoffuture socionomicspecialistsinblendedlearningenvironments.Professionalstabilityisakeyfactorforthe competitivenessandadaptabilityofgraduatesinthelabormarket.Thearticlefocusesontheuseofcloud services,suchasGoogleWorkspaceforEducationandMoodle,toenhancetheICTcompetenceandthe mentalcapacityofthestudents.Thearticlealsoidentifiesthepsychologicalandpedagogicalconditions andthedidacticcapabilitiesofcloudservicesfordevelopingthecognitive,motivational,behavioral, emotionalandvolitionalcomponentsofprofessionalstability.Thearticlepresentsamethodological frameworkfordesigningtheprocessofprofessionalstabilitydevelopmentbasedoncloudservices.The articlereportstheresultsofanempiricalstudythatassessedthelevelofdevelopmentofprofessional stabilitycomponentsandrelatedabilities,suchasempathy,emotionalself-regulation,vitality,among studentsinblendedlearning.Thestudyfoundsignificantpositivechangesintheindicatorsofprofessional stabilityaftertheimplementationofthecloud-basedprogram.Thearticlesuggestsfurtherresearch directionsfordevelopingacomprehensiveprogramforusingcloudtechnologiesinnon-formaleducation andpersonalizingtheprocessofprofessionaldevelopmentoffuturespecialist