24 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Holdingtime Proses Annealing terhadap Strukturmikrodan Morfologi Lapisan Tipis Barium Zirkonium Titanate

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    PENGARUH HOLDINGTIME PROSES ANNEALING TERHADAP STRUKTURMIKRODAN MORFOLOGI LAPISAN TIPIS BARIUM ZIRKONIUM TITANATE. Penumbuhan lapisan tipis Barium Zirconium Titanate (BZT)menggunakan metode Chemical Solution Deposition (CSD) yang disiapkan dengan spin coater telah berhasil ditumbuhkan di atas substrat Si. Variasi holding time proses annealing dilakukan untuk melihat struktur mikro (tingkat kekristalan) menggunakan X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) dan morfologi (ukuran butir) menggunakan Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) dari lapisan tipis BZT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi holding timemengakibatkan berubahnya tingkat kekristalan, ketebalan dan ukuran butir lapisan BZT. Tingkat kekristalan makin tinggi seiring dengan bertambahnya holding time yang ditandai dengan makin besarnya intensitas. Tingkat kekristalan tertinggi pada holding time 4 jam yaitu sebesar 80%. Ketebalan lapisan makin tipis seiring dengan bertambahnya holding time. Lapisan tipis BZT dengan holding time 4 jam adalah yang paling tipis yaitu sebesar 570 nm. Ukuran butir bertambah besar seiring dengan bertambahnya holding time karena adanya proses difusi antar butir

    Kajian Variasi Suhu Annealing Dan Holding TIME Pada Penumbuhan Lapisan Tipis Bazr0,15ti0,85o3 Dengan Metode Sol Gel

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    Penumbuhan lapisan tipis BaZr0,15Ti0,85O3 telah dilakukan menggunakan metode sol gel di atas substrat Pt/Si yang disiapkan dengan spin coater. Penumbuhan lapisan tipis menggunakan variasi suhu annealing 8000C dan 9000C, dan variasi waktu tahan (holding time) 3 jam dan 4 jam dengan kecepatan putar 4000 rpm. Hasil karakterisasi XRD menunjukkan, seiring dengan bertambahnya waktu tahan menunjukkan bertambahnya intensitas yang semakin tinggi. Hal ini menandakan tingkat kekristalan makin tinggi. Namun, dengan penambahan suhu annealing maka intensitas semakin kecil. Setelah dilakukan penghalusan menggunakan metode Rietveld dengan program GSAS, parameter kisi lapisan tipis BaZr0,15Ti0,85O3 semakin besar dengan bertambahnya suhu annealing dan waktu tahan serta memiliki struktur kristal tetragonal. Partikel size yang didapat dengan formula Scherer semakin besar seiring dengan bertambahnya suhu annealing dan waktu tahan. Hal ini juga ditunjukkan dari SEM, ukuran butir semakin besar seiring dengan bertambahnya suhu annealing, akan tetapi pada varisi suhu annealing ukuran butir tidak dapat ditentukan. Thin Films BaZr0,15Ti0,85O3 have deposited on Pt/Si substrate by using sol gel method that was prepared by using spin coater. Deposition of thin films applies by using annealing temperatures in 8000C and 9000C, while the holding time was 3 and 4 hours and the rotation speed was 4000 rpm.The XRD characterization results show that the x-ray intensity increases along with the increasing of its holding time therefore it indicates that the crystallinity level is higher. Meanwhile the x-ray intensity decreases along with the increasing of annealing temperature. The refinement results using the Rietveld method with the GSAS program show that the thin films BaZr0.15Ti0.85O3 have tetragonal crystal structure and its lattice parameter value increases along with the increasing of its annealing temperature and holding time. Particle size obtained by Scherer formula was increasing along with the increasing of the annealing temperature and holding time. It was also shown from the SEM characterization results that the particle size increased along with the increasing of the annealing temperature but the grain size variation cannot determined

    Evaluating of oral and salivary conditions of two specific groups of workers

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    Introduction and Objective: Tooth decay is one of the most common chronic oral diseases found in industrial countries and is a multifactorial disease which has sugar as a key dietary factor. The amount of saliva concentration and presence of cariogenic bacteria will favor the development of caries. Because of this, the aim of this study was to collect and analyze data on oral alterations referred to tooth decay, oral pH changes, and changes of the oral microbiota in two distinct groups of workers. Material and methods: 30 individuals belonging to two different groups of workers: group A (GA) – workers who maintain daily contact with the confectionery; group B (GB) – workers who do not have such contact. Saliva collection was done by analysis of the salivary pH in both groups, as well as cultivation of Lactobacillus spp and S. mutans. We also evaluate the dental status of individuals belonging to the two groups through the DMFT index. Results: After the examinations of 30 workers (17 from the GA [9 men and 8 women] and 13 in the GB [7 men and 6 women]), the mean DMFT of the individuals in the group A and group B, was 7.41 (SD 5.14) 7.08 (SD 5.56), respectively, without statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). The count of S. mutans and Lactobacillus spp, was not statistically significant. Conclusion: There was no statistically significant relationship between presence of dental caries and the fact that workers are in contact with sugar because they work on candy food industry, but new studies are needed for more precise research


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    PENGARUH HOLDINGTIME PROSES ANNEALING TERHADAP STRUKTURMIKRODAN MORFOLOGI LAPISAN TIPIS BARIUM ZIRKONIUM TITANATE. Penumbuhan lapisan tipis Barium Zirconium Titanate (BZT)menggunakan metode Chemical Solution Deposition (CSD) yang disiapkan dengan spin coater telah berhasil ditumbuhkan di atas substrat Si. Variasi holding time proses annealing dilakukan untuk melihat struktur mikro (tingkat kekristalan) menggunakan X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) dan morfologi (ukuran butir) menggunakan Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) dari lapisan tipis BZT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi holding timemengakibatkan berubahnya tingkat kekristalan, ketebalan dan ukuran butir lapisan BZT. Tingkat kekristalan makin tinggi seiring dengan bertambahnya holding time yang ditandai dengan makin besarnya intensitas. Tingkat kekristalan tertinggi pada holding time 4 jam yaitu sebesar 80%. Ketebalan lapisan makin tipis seiring dengan bertambahnya holding time. Lapisan tipis BZT dengan holding time 4 jam adalah yang paling tipis yaitu sebesar 570 nm. Ukuran butir bertambah besar seiring dengan bertambahnya holding time karena adanya proses difusi antar butir

    Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan gigi ibu hamil

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    Abstract: Factors Related to Utilization of Dental Health Services for Pregnant Women.&nbsp;Dental and oral health of pregnant women should receive attention because oral and dental health is very influential on the health of pregnant women in general and the health and growth of fetuses that are growing and developing in the womb. Based on the results of a survey conducted at the Oesapa Health Center in Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara Province, the number of visits of pregnant women to check their dental health is still low. This study aims to analyze factors related to the utilization of dental health services for pregnant women in the Dental Clinic of the Oesapa Health Center, Kupang City. This research is a type of analytic study with a cross-sectional approach. The sample in this study were 50 pregnant women at the Oesapa Health Center in Kupang City. Chi-square test results showed that among 8 factors studied, including factors of access, income, knowledge, attitude, husband / family support, health care facilities, dentist services and care services showed that income factors had a relationship with the utilization of maternal dental health services pregnant at the Kupang Oesapa health center with a p-value &lt;0.05. It was concluded that the income factor had a relationship with the utilization of dental health services for pregnant women in the Dental Clinic at the Oesapa City Health. Abstrak:&nbsp;Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Gigi Ibu Hamil.&nbsp;Kesehatan gigi dan mulut ibu hamil harus mendapat perhatian karena kesehatan gigi dan mulut sangat berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan ibu hamil secara umum serta kesehatan dan pertumbuhan janin yang sedang tumbuh dan berkembang dalam kandungan. Berdasarkan hasil survey yang telah dilakukan di Puskesmas Oesapa Kota Kupang Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur didapatkan jumlah kunjungan ibu hamil untuk memeriksakan kesehatan giginya masih rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan gigi ibu hamil di Poli Gigi Puskesmas Oesapa Kota Kupang. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 50 ibu hamil di Puskesmas Oesapa Kota Kupang. Hasil uji chi-square menunjukkan diantara 8 faktor yang diteliti, yang diantaranya faktor akses, pendapatan, pengetahuan, sikap, dukungan suami/keluarga, fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan, pelayanan dokter gigi dan pelayanan perawatan menunjukkan bahwa faktor pendapatan memiliki hubungan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan gigi ibu hamil di puskesmas Oesapa Kota Kupang dengan p-value &lt; 0,05. Disimpulkan bahwa faktor perdapatan memiliki hubungan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan gigi ibu hamil di Poli Gigi Puskesmas Oesapa Kota Kupang

    Reducing occupational noise propagated from centrifugal fan through dissipative silencers: A field study

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    Acoustic performance of dissipative silencer was evaluated to determine the effectiveness of perforated duct porosity and absorbent material density in reducing occupational noise exposure propagated from centrifugal fan. Design charts were applied to predict noise reduction and length of a dissipative silencer. Dissipative silencers with various punched duct porosity (14, 30 and 40) and sound absorbent density (80 Kg/m3, 120 Kg/m3, and 140 Kg/m3) were designed and fabricated. According to ISO9612 and ISO11820, noise level was measured before and after installing all nine test silencers at fixed workstations around the discharge side of a centrifugal fan in a manufacturing plant. On average, the noise level at the discharge side of a fan without silencer was measured to be 93.6 dBA, whereas it was significantly mitigated by 67.4 dBA to 70.1 dBA after installing all silencers. Dynamic insertion loss for a dissipative silencer with 100 cm length was predicted to be 27.9 dB, which was in agreement with experimental ones. Although, there was no significant differences between insertion loss of silencers, the one with 30 porosity and 120 Kg/m3 rock wool density had the highest insertion loss of 26.2 dBA. Dissipative silencers noticeably reduced centrifugal fan noise exposures. Increasing sound absorbent density and duct porosity up to a certain limit could probably be effective in noise reduction of dissipative silencers. © 2021 Slack Incorporated. All rights reserved