1,886 research outputs found


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    Kísérleti helyzetek és csoportok összehasonlítása új statisztikai módszerekkel = Comparison of experimental treatments and groups by means of new statistical methods

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    Kutatásaim fő célja: új statisztikai módszerek kidolgozása a pszichológiai kutatások számára összetartozó és független minták egy- és kétszempontos összehasonlításainak különböző elrendezéseiben. A legfontosabb eredmények: 1. Az osztópont-elemzés módszerének kidolgozása. Ezzel a módszerrel két vagy több független minta esetén megbízhatóan kideríthető, hogy van-e a függő változó értékskálájának olyan pontja, amelyben a két vagy több elméleti eloszlás közti különbség koncentrálódik, vagyis amelyben a függő változót dichotomizálva a legélesebb különbséget tapasztaljuk a csoportok között. 2. Sűrűsödéspont-elemzés kidolgozása. Ezzel a módszerrel azonosíthatók egy minta azon személyei, akiknek megadott távolságmérték alapján a legtöbb "szomszédjuk" van. Egy klaszteranalízis után végrehajtott sűrűsödéspont-elemzés segíthet feltárni a klaszterek prototípusait, karakterisztikus alközpontjait. 3. Érvényesen használható robusztus próba megszerkesztése a kétszempontos független mintás varianciaanalízisben az interakciós hatás tesztelésére. 4. Új módszer kidolgozása két kvantitatív változó közti nemlineáris összefüggések feltárására. 5. A KLASZTER szoftver kidolgozása, mellyel egyedi klasszifikációk és komplex mintázatfeltáró elemzéssorok egyaránt végrehajthatók. | The main goal of the project: to develop new statistical methods for research in psychology in different arrangements of one-way and two-way layouts. Most important results are as follows: 1. Development of cutpoint analysis. By means of this method one can reveal in comparing one or more independent samples the special point where dichotomizing the quantitative dependent variable the groups can be discriminated most sharply. 2. Development of dense point analysis. This method reveals in a sample subjects having the greatest number of neighbors. If a control clustering variable is specified, the method reports the percentages of dense point neighborhoods falling into the different clusters for each explored dense point. 3. Construction of a valid robust procedure for testing the interaction effect in the layout of two-way independent sample ANOVA. 4. Development of a new method for exploring nonlinear relationships over the whole range of a quantitative variable by means of local correlations. 5. Development of statistical software (called KLASZTER) capable to perform simple classifications and complex series of pattern oriented analyses as well

    Between East and West: polio vaccination across the Iron Curtain in Cold War Hungary.

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    In 1950s Hungary, with an economy and infrastructure still devastated from World War II and facing further hardships, thousands of children became permanently disabled and many died in the severe polio epidemic that shook the globe. The relatively new communist regime invested significantly in solving the public health crisis, initially importing a vaccine from the West and later turning to the East for a new solution. Through the history of polio vaccination in Hungary, this article shows how Cold War politics shaped vaccine evaluation and implementation in the 1950s. On the one hand, the threat of polio created a safe place for hitherto unprecedented, open cooperation among governments and scientific communities on the two sides of the Iron Curtain. On the other hand, Cold War rhetoric influenced scientific evaluation of vaccines, choices of disease prevention, and ultimately the eradication of polio.This research was supported by generous awards from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Karen Johnson Freeze Fellowship Fund, MPIWG, and the Philadelphia Area Center for History of Science (PACHS)

    Folyadékkristály elasztomerek = Liquid crystal elastomers

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    Telítetlen végcsoportot tartalmazó mezogén monomereket állítottunk elő folyadékkristályos elasztomerekhez. Ezek voltak a 4(10-undeceniloxi)benzoesav, a 4(10-undeceniloxi)-bifenilkarbonsav, a racém és optikailag aktív (S)-4’-[10-undeceniloxi-4-(4’-(2-metilbutiloxi-benzoil))]benzoát, és a racém 4’-[10-undeceniloxi-4-(4’-(2-metilbutiloxibenzoilfenil))]-benzoát. Szerkezetüket FTIR-, 1H-NMR- és 13C-NMR-spektroszkópiával bizonyítottuk, fázisátmeneteiket DSC-analízissel és polarizációs mikroszkópiával, kristályszerkezetüket röntgendiffrakciós analízissel határoztuk meg. Homopolimerizáltuk a 4(10-undeceniloxi)-benzoesavat és a 4(10-undeceniloxi)-bifenilkarbonsavat. A homopolimerek folyadék-kristályok, meghatároztuk fázisátmeneteiket, szerkezetüket igazoltuk. Folyadékkristályos elasztomert állítottunk elő 4(10-undeceniloxi)benzoesav, valamint 4(10-undeceniloxi)bifenilkarbonsav EPDM-re ojtásával. Karboxilfunkciós elasztomert módosítottunk karboxilfunkciós mezogénekkel triglicidil izocianurát (TGIC) térhálósító felhasználásával. Mivel a TGIC három királis szénatomot tartalmaz, antipódja nagy aktivitású enantiomer. Alkalmazásával befolyásolható az optikailag aktív mezogént tartalmazó elasztomer viselkedése. | Unsaturated mesogenic monomers for liquid crystal elastomers have been synthesized, such as 4(undec-10-enyloxi)benzoic acid, 4(Undec-10-enyloxi)biphenylcarboxylic acid, the racemic and optically active (S)-4’-[undec-10-enyloxi-4-(4’-(2-methylbutyloxibenzoyl))]-benzoate and the racemic 4’-[undec-10-enyloxi-4-(4’-(2-methylbutyloxibenzoylfenyl))]-benzoate. As co-monomers the 4-octyloxibenzoyloxi-ethyl acrylate and –methacrylate have been prepared. Purification took place by recrystallization or preparative coloumn chromatography. The structures have been confirmed by FTIR-, 1H-NMR- and 13C-NMR-spectroscopy. The phase transitions were determined by DSC and polarizing microscopy, the crystalline structures by XRD. Homopolymers of 4(undec-10-enyloxi)benzoic acid and 4(Undec-10-enyloxi)biphenylcarboxylic acid were synthesyzed and characterized. Liquid crystalline elastomers have been prepared by grafting 4(undec-10-enyloxi)benzoic acid and 4(undec-10-enyloxi)biphenylcarboxylic acid onto EPDM. Carboxyl-functional elastomer has been modified with carboxyl-functional mezogens by using triglycidylisocyanurate (TGIC) cross-linker. The antipodes of the two diastereomer racemates are of high optical activity, by their use the behaviour of the liquid crystalline elastomer can be taylored

    Socialist utopia in practice: everyday life and medical authority in a Hungarian polio hospital

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Oxford University Press via the DOI in this record.Based on oral history interviews, medical literature, hospital newsletters, memoirs and news media, this article explores the ways in which ideals of socialism interacted with medical practice in polio care in 1950s Hungary. Through the everyday life of polio hospitals, it argues that the specific care that polio demanded from hospital staff, parents and children, resonated with state socialist political discourses of gender equality and the breakdown of class barriers and conventional hierarchies in medicine. Providing opportunities, as much as failing to fulfil expectations of patients, parents and medical staff, polio care simultaneously created socialist utopias and demonstrated the limits of political ideals.This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust

    Family law and citizenship: the case study of Egyptian Baha\u27is

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    After a four-year legal battle in 2009, Egypt’s Supreme Administrative Court granted Egyptian Baha’is the right to obtain national identification cards. However, members of this minority group have continued to struggle to access basic rights of citizenship. Non-recognition of Baha’i marriage is the chief source of disenfranchisement of Baha’is in Egypt. This study argues that marriage as the legal instrument of creating a family, can act as the precursor to citizenship. By sanctioning certain types of marriages and prohibiting others, the state translates its specific ideology into creation of politicized legal entities known as citizens. The state’s aspiration is to create an ideal nation by embracing “normal” families that can produce ideal citizens. As a vehicle for public policy, marriage has the capacity to act as a powerful hegemonic tool that shapes the society on the bases of class, gender, race, and religion. The family is fundamentally a legal entity shaped and sanctioned by the state and it is the site of production and reproduction of citizenship

    A study of Australian managers\u27 perceptions of the internet

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    Despite its young age the Internet has grown to become a significant new medium for businesses and their customers. The existing literature suggests that some businesses are not going on-line whilst others are: embracing the new technology, but as yet little research has been conducted as to the reasons for this difference in take-up rate. Even less research has been conducted from an Australian perspective, with most research originating in the United States. This preliminary study explored the differing perceptions of eight Perth-based managers of businesses that are on-line compared to those that are not on-line. Of particular interest was whether these perceptions differed between managers of small and medium-sized businesses. An exploratory method, relying on in-depth one to one interviews, was utilised to identify and interpret themes and underlying patterns among the responses of the managers interviewed. The perceptions of the managers interviewed varied in only one respect between businesses that are on-line compared to those that are not on-line. This point of difference was the perceptions held as to whether their respective consumer markets were accessible via the Internet or not. Otherwise, the managers interviewed appeared to share similar perceptions with regards to such Internet issues as: whether the Internet represented an opportunity; Internet security concerns; and the role of Internet advertising in the media mix. Furthermore, no apparent differences were found to exist between the perceptions of the sampled managers of small and medium-sized businesses

    The Socialist World in Global Polio Eradication

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Presses Universitaires de France via the DOI in this recordWhile global polio eradication is most often associated with “philanthrocapitalism”, the program has its roots in the Cold War East. This paper shifts the beginnings of polio eradication by three decades and argues that the vaccine developed in the nexus of liberal internationalism and socialist international networks. The result of a collaboration between Albert Sabin, Soviet and Eastern European virologists and public health officials, the live polio vaccine used today in polio eradication programs began its global journey in the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Cuba. The paperarticle argues that socialist ideas and practices of health provided fertile ground for a disease elimination program that rested on a combination of primary health structures and top-down initiatives. Taking the case of the Sabin vaccine, it considers the role of political systems in disease eradication

    Vaccination and the communist state

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    This is the final version. Available from Manchester University Press via the DOI in this recor