9,276 research outputs found

    Sustainable and renewable hydrogen production from recycled aluminum

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    The whole world has been suffering strong consequences related to climate change. The intense use of fossil fuels in the chemical and automotive industries have put the environment in jeopardy. Thus, the industry has achieved a point of no return and it is urgent the development of renewable and sustainable technologies. Hydrogen has been pointed as a key component of the new era in industry since it can be produced in a clean and sustainable way. Currently the development of hydrogen fuel cells technology has put the automotive sector ahead of the chemical industries in relation to studies regarding the hydrogen production. Chemical industries produce hydrogen with technologies reliant on fossil fuels while the automotive sector has been looking for renewable forms of hydrogen generation.  Trains powered by hydrogen fuel cells are a reality in Europe, for instance. Hydrogen generation technological advances must match the pace of the development of fuel cells electrical vehicles in order to the environmental goals and widespread application of fuel cell systems to be achieved.  The present study addresses the hydrogen generation from the spontaneous reaction between aluminum and aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide. Aluminum is a metal that presents high exergetic value and can be recycled several times without losing its thermo-mechanical properties. That makes the use of aluminum especially appealing. It will make hydrogen generation a cleaner and more affordable process.  Our findings demonstrate that it is possible to predict the kinetic behavior of the reaction using data obtained by the conductometric method. Graphs of electrical conductivity vs time show that is possible to verify the order of the reaction. We will present concepts of kinetic, thermodynamic and transport phenomena of the reaction between solid recycled aluminum and sodium hydroxide in an aqueous solution.  The knowledge acquired throughout this study will contribute to the development of a new reactor and as a consequence, a new renewable and sustainable industrial system of hydrogen generation

    Análisis estadístico de los resultados de una investigación de los efectos de la influencia de la contaminación atmosférica sobre indicadores biológicos en escolares de sexo masculino

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    Con el objeto de buscar indicadores biológicos humanos de los efectos de la contaminación atmosférica se ha ejecutado un proyecto analítico exploratorio con poblaciones escolares en el centro de la ciudad de Santiago y en la comuna rural de María Pinto (Región Metropolitana). Se trabajó con 114 voluntarios escolares varones entre 10 y 14 años en el Instituto Nacional en Santiago y con un grupo de conrtol, similar, de 51 escolares en María Pinto. En sangre venosa y saliva obtenidas de estos voluntarios se hicieron determinaciones de variables inmunológicas, hematológicas y bioquímicas y medición de la actividad fagocítica del macrófago de sangre periférica. Se hicieron igualmente determinaciones antropométricas. Se determinó también factores de contaminación atmosférica por partículas en ambos lugares: se comprobó que la calidad de aire es significativamente diferente en ellos. Se resumen los resultados globales del proyecto y su análisis estadístico: se discuten tres metodologías alternativas que permitirían tomar en cuenta diferencias de estado nutricional entre ambas poblaciones que pudieran afectar los niveles de respuesta en las variables principales. Las concentraciones de imnunoglobulinas y los factores de complementos C3 y C4 no se muestran como indicadores biológicos efectivos de la contaminación por partículas en la atmósfera. Subsiste la posibilidad de que las variables: capacidad antioxidante del plasma, metahemoglobina, hematocrito, concentración de Fe en materia seca de sangre y otras puedan servir como tales indicadores. Las variaciones conjuntas del índice de fagocitosis y del % de killing evidencian un significativo stress oxidativo

    Ativação alcalina de cinzas volantes utilizando solução combinada de NaOH e Ca(OH)2

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento da resistência à compressão, ao longo do tempo, em amostras de argamassas à base de cinzas volantes álcali-ativadas. Como ativador alcalino foi utilizada uma solução combinada de NaOH e Ca(OH)2. A cura das amostras foi realizada de duas formas distintas. Na primeira, as amostras foram mantidas em estufa à 70°C/12 hs e à temperatura constante de 22°C em sala climatizada até a idade de ensaio. Apesar de serem obtidas resistências da ordem de 20 MPa nas primeiras 24 hs, houve decréscimo da resistência a partir da idade de 7 dias. Verificado esse comportamento, um segundo método de cura foi adotado. Para isso, o traço utilizado para o preparo de novas argamassas foi o mesmo adotado no método anterior. Porém, foram submetidas à temperatura constante de 70°C até a idade de ensaio. Nesse caso, as amostras apresentaram decréscimo mais acentuado da resistência em menor espaço de tempo, quando comparado às amostras curadas no primeiro método. Como estudos complementares foram realizadas análises microestruturais da CV antes e depois da ativação, utilizando o MEV/EDS.The main objective of this work was to evaluate the development of the compressive strength, along time, in alkali-activated fly ash mortars. As alkaline activator a combined solution of NaOH and Ca(OH)2 was used. The cure of the samples was carried through two distinct forms. In the first one, samples were kept in oven at 70°C during the first 12 hours and at constant room temperature of 22°C afterwards, until the age of testing. Compressive strength of 20 MPa magnitude were achieved during the first 24 hours, however it started to decrease after the age of 7 days. Considering this behaviour, second method of curing was adopted for the same mixing proportions. However, mortar samples were kept in oven at 70°C until the age of testing. In this case, compressive strength results decreased more significantly and at earlier ages, when compared with the results of samples cured using the first method. As complementary to understand the decreasing in compressive strength, microstructural analyses of the fly ash, before and after the activation, have been carried out, using the SEM/EDS

    Cinzas volantes álcali-ativadas com solução combinada de NaOH e Ca(OH)2

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento da resistência à compressão, ao longo do tempo, em amostras de argamassas à base de cinzas volantes álcali-ativadas. Como ativador alcalino foi utilizada uma solução combinada de NaOH e Ca(OH)2. A cura das amostras foi realizada de duas formas distintas. Na primeira, as amostras foram mantidas em estufa à 70°C/12 h e à temperatura constante de 22°C em sala climatizada até a idade de ensaio. Apesar de serem obtidas resistências da ordem de 20 MPa nas primeiras 24 h, houve decréscimo da resistência a partir da idade de 7 dias. Verificado esse comportamento, um segundo método de cura foi adotado. Para isso, o traço utilizado para o preparo de novas argamassas foi o mesmo adotado no método anterior. Porém, foram submetidas à temperatura constante de 70°C até a idade de ensaio. Nesse caso, as amostras apresentaram decréscimo mais acentuado da resistência em menor espaço de tempo, quando comparado às amostras curadas no primeiro método. Como estudos complementares foram realizadas análises microestruturais da CV antes e depois da álcali-ativação, utilizando o MEV/EDS. Nas imagens microestruturais foi possível identificar três morfologias distintas nas pastas álcali-ativadas: uma composta de regiões com aspecto denso; outra apresentando partículas de cinzas volantes parcialmente solubilizadas; e outra mostrando a formação de produtos em forma de cristais aciculares. Porém, apenas o uso do MEV/EDS não foi suficiente para que se pudesse entender o mecanismo de reação deletéria provocada entre os ativadores alcalinos e a cinza volante. Portanto, trabalhos futuros deverão contemplar o uso de ferramentas auxiliares às adotadas nesse trabalho com o objetivo de esclarecer tal mecanismo deletério.The main objective of this work was to evaluate over time the development of the compressive strength of alkali-activated fly ash mortars. A combined solution of NaOH and Ca(OH)2 was used as alkaline activator. The curing of the samples was carried out in two distinct ways. In the first one, samples were kept at 70°C during the first 12 hours after mixing and at 22°C afterwards, until the age of testing. Although compressive strengths of about 20 MPa were achieved during the first 24 hours, the strength started to decrease after 7 days. Considering this behaviour, a second method of curing was adopted. The mix proportions were the same as before, however the mortar samples were kept in an oven at 70°C until the age of testing. In this case, the compressive strength values decreased more significantly and in a shorter period of time, as compared to the results obtained for samples cured using the first method. Complementary studies were performed in order to better understand the observed reduction in compressive strength. Microstructural analyses of the fly ash, before and after the alkali-activation, have been carried out using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). It was possible to identify three different morphologies in the alkali-activated pastes: one composed by regions with dense aspect; other showing partially solubilised particles of fly ash; and a third showing the formation of products with a needle-like shape. The information provided by the SEM/EDS experiments was not enough to enable the complete understanding of the mechanism of the deleterious reaction that took place among the alkaline activators and the fly ash. Therefore, future studies should address this question by using additional analysis tools in order to clarify this deleterious mechanism

    The Effect of Pre-Harvest Application of Pectic Oligosaccharides and Abscisic Acid on Technological Ripening and Anthocyanin Profile of ‘Syrah’ Must and Grapes Grown in a Warm Climate

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    The progressive increase of environmental temperature as a consequence of climate change is a challengefor the wine industry. Elevated temperatures during grape ripening affect the development of grape skincolor by inhibiting the synthesis of pigments and promoting their degradation, which causes an imbalancein the chromatic quality of must and red wine. The application of pectic oligosaccharides (POs) and abscisicacid (ABA) triggers the phenylpropanoid pathway and increases the color index in grapes. Since the atharvestpigments and phenolic compounds are determinant for wine quality, this work addressed the preharvestapplication of POs and ABA as an in-field strategy for improving the quality of Syrah must andgrapes grown in a warm climate. The color development, physicochemical parameters, phenolic content,and pigments in berries and must were evaluated. Results showed POs and ABA improved berry colordevelopment and anthocyanin content during ripening. Musts from POs-treated berries exhibited thehighest phenols concentration and the most intense color, related to higher chroma values and anthocyanincontent, particularly delphinidin, petunidin, and malvidin 3-glucosides, while ABA improved must tonalityby reducing the hue angle. In summary, POs and ABA application at veráison, differentially modulatedthe technological ripening of Syrah grapes and can be an alternative to conventional agrochemicals topreserve the quality of musts elaborated from grapes grown in warm climates, by increasing the content ofphenolic compounds and enhancing berry skin color development through the differential accumulationof anthocyanins