3 research outputs found

    Modelo de aseguramiento de la informaci贸n y revisor铆a fiscal en Colombia

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    En la actualidad los Estados propenden porque sus econom铆as sean cada d铆a m谩s competitivas en el mercado global; para ello, buscan constantemente cumplir con las diferentes regulaciones que establecen los mercados mundiales. Para el caso de Colombia, las implementaciones del modelo de aseguramiento de la informaci贸n han puesto en una encrucijada la tarea de los Revisores Fiscales, as铆 como tambi茅n han develado el atraso y la poca concordancia de las normas nacionales con el mercado global. En ese orden de ideas, el presente art铆culo pretende en un primer momento realizar un breve resumen de qu茅 es el modelo de aseguramiento de la informaci贸n, qu茅 busca, para qu茅 sirve y la importancia del aseguramiento de la informaci贸n; esto en el marco del desarrollo econ贸mico y del cumplimiento de las Normas Internacionales Financieras. En un segundo momento, dar una mirada a la Revisor铆a Fiscal tanto a nivel general como en la labor del Estado, y plantear por qu茅 debe mantenerse est谩 en el pa铆s; esto en pro de comprender el debate que se suscita en nuestra naci贸n con la implementaci贸n de las normas internacionales de informaci贸n financiera (NIIF). En un tercer momento analizar la importancia de la Revisor铆a Fiscal bajo el modelo de aseguramiento, sus incidencias, efectos, riesgos y perspectivas a futuro. Finalmente, unas breves conclusiones y recomendaciones frente a la tem谩tica.Universidad Libre -- Facultad de Ciencias Econ贸micas, Administrativas y Contables -- Especializaci贸n en Revisor铆a Fiscal y Auditor铆aAt present, the United States tends because its complications are increasingly competitive in the global market; to do this, they constantly seek to comply with the different restrictions that limit world markets. In the case of Colombia, the implementations of the information assurance model have put the task of the fiscal reviewers at a crossroads, as well as having developed the backwardness and the lack of concordance of national norms with the global market. In that order of ideas, this article initially seeks to make a brief summary of what the information assurance model is, what it seeks, what it is for and the importance of information assurance; this in the framework of economic development and compliance with international financial standards. In a second moment, take a look at the tax audit both at the general level and in the work of the State, and ask why it should be maintained is in the country; This is in order to understand the debate that arises in our nation with the implementation of international financial reporting standards (IFRS). In a third moment, analyze the importance of the fiscal review under the assurance model, its incidents, effects, risks and future perspectives. Finally, brief recommendations and recommendations on the subject

    Rostral Middle Frontal Volumetric Differences in Bipolar Offspring versus Community Controls Offspring

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    Neuroanatomical findings in the anterior limbic network in bipolar disorder (BD) adults have not been replicated in other populations such as bipolar offspring (BO). The aim of this study was to compare some brain areas volumes between BO with and without a lifetime affective disorder (AD) to a group of community control offspring (CCO). Methods: A descriptive observational cross-sectional study was carried out, with multiple comparison groups. Seven subjects (11-17 years old) from the BO with AD group were compared to seven subjects from the BO without AD group and seven subjects from the CCO group (match by age, gender and Tanner stage). Magnetic resonance imaging was performed with a Philips 3 Teslas device and volumetric segmentation was performed with the Freesurfer image analysis suite. Results: A larger size was found in the right middle frontal rostral region in the BO with AD group compared to the other two groups (p = 0.041). A higher volume was also found in BO with AD group in the left pars opercularis (Cohen d = 0.63) and in the right cingulate isthmus (d = 0.53) when compared with BO without AD group, and in the right hippocampus (d = 0.53) when compared to CCO group. A smaller volume was found in the BO without AD group versus CCO group in the left anterior caudate (d = 0.6). The BO groups (with and without AD) compared to CCO have a higher volume in the right frontal pole (d = 0.52). These volumetric differences can be attributed to the condition of BO with AD

    Rostral Middle Frontal Volumetric Differences in Bipolar Offspring versus Community Controls Offspring

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    Neuroanatomical findings in the anterior limbic network in bipolar disorder (BD) adults have not been replicated in other populations such as bipolar offspring (BO). The aim of this study was to compare some brain areas volumes between BO with and without a lifetime affective disorder (AD) to a group of community control offspring (CCO). Methods: A descriptive observational cross-sectional study was carried out, with multiple comparison groups. Seven subjects (11-17 years old) from the BO with AD group were compared to seven subjects from the BO without AD group and seven subjects from the CCO group (match by age, gender and Tanner stage). Magnetic resonance imaging was performed with a Philips 3 Teslas device and volumetric segmentation was performed with the Freesurfer image analysis suite. Results: A larger size was found in the right middle frontal rostral region in the BO with AD group compared to the other two groups (p = 0.041). A higher volume was also found in BO with AD group in the left pars opercularis (Cohen d = 0.63) and in the right cingulate isthmus (d = 0.53) when compared with BO without AD group, and in the right hippocampus (d = 0.53) when compared to CCO group. A smaller volume was found in the BO without AD group versus CCO group in the left anterior caudate (d = 0.6). The BO groups (with and without AD) compared to CCO have a higher volume in the right frontal pole (d = 0.52). These volumetric differences can be attributed to the condition of BO with AD.Los hallazgos neuroanat贸micos en la red l铆mbica anterior en el trastorno bipolar (TB) en adultos no se han replicado en otras poblaciones, como en los hijos de pacientes con trastorno bipolar (HPTB). El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los vol煤menes de 谩reas del cerebro entre HPTB, con y sin alg煤n trastorno afectivo (TA) a lo largo de la vida, con un grupo de hijos de padres control de la comunidad (HPC). M茅todos: Se realiz贸 un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, con m煤ltiples grupos de comparaci贸n. Siete sujetos (11-17 a帽os) del grupo HPTB con TA se compararon con siete sujetos del grupo HPTB sin TA y siete sujetos del grupo HPC (pareados por edad, sexo y estadio Tanner). La resonancia magn茅tica nuclear se realiz贸 con un resonador Philips 3 Teslas y la segmentaci贸n volum茅trica se realiz贸 con el conjunto de an谩lisis de imagen Freesurfer. Resultados: Se encontr贸 un tama帽o mayor en la regi贸n frontal rostral medial derecha en el grupo HPTB con TA en comparaci贸n con los otros dos grupos (p = 0.041). Tambi茅n se encontr贸 un mayor volumen en el grupo HPTB con TA en el op茅rculo frontal izquierdo (Cohen d = 0,63) y en el istmo del giro del c铆ngulo derecho (d = 0,53) cuando se compar贸 con el grupo sin TA, y en el hipocampo derecho (d = 0,53) en comparaci贸n con el grupo HPC. Se encontr贸 un volumen m谩s peque帽o en el grupo HPTB sin TA versus grupo HPC en el caudado anterior izquierdo (d = 0,6). Los grupos HPTB (con y sin TA) en comparaci贸n con HPC tienen un volumen mayor en el polo frontal derecho (d = 0.52). Estas diferencias volum茅tricas pueden atribuirse a la condici贸n de HPTB con TA