1,108 research outputs found

    Business Zones – Essential Elements Of Varaždin County Economic Development

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    Sažetak U radu se ukazuje na utjecaj poslovnih zona na lokalni i regionalni razvoj nekog područja. Poslovne zone utječu na suvremeno gospodarstvo, kao i na privlačenje stranih investitora u određeno područje koji pridonose gospodarskom razvoju. Podizanje efikasnosti i konkurentnosti na domaćem i na inozemnom tržištu predstavlja ključno razvojno pitanje. Pri stvaranju konkurentske pozicije važna je uloga države, ali i jedinica lokalne uprave i samouprave. Grad Varaždin, u kratko vrijeme, postao je poželjna investicijska zona i ogledni primjer za ostatak Hrvatske. Zahvaljujući izvrsnom prometnom položaju, gdje dolazi do križanja europskih prometnih koridora, blizini mnogih zemalja i vrijednim ljudima, Varaždinska županija (u daljnjem tekstu Županija) je područje dinamičnog razvoja, otvorena prema novim načinima razmišljanja i spremna za brze promjene. Rad je strukturno podijeljen u dva dijela. U prvom je dijelu izvršena kratka analiza sadašnjega gospodarskog stanja Županije i grada Varaždina. U drugom dijelu rada definiran je pojam i vrsta poslovnih zona, kao i njihovih obilježja, temeljni razlozi i ciljevi osnivanja zona. Prikazan je način rada Slobodne zone Varaždin kao najrazvijenije slobodne zone u ovom dijelu Hrvatske. Osim poduzetničkih zona na području Varaždina djeluje i Tehnološki park koji predstavlja važan segment privlačenja mladih i visokoobrazovanih kadrova koji svojim idejama u novoosnovanim poduzećima ne mogu opstati na tržištu ukoliko im se na početku ne pomogne. Na kraju ovog dijela rada ukratko je prikazan budući projekt Biotehnološkog parka, koji će biti od iznimne važnosti za razvoj gospodarstva i obrazovanja u sjevernom dijelu Hrvatske.The work points to the influence of business zones on local and regional development of an area. The business zones influence the contemporary economy and simultaneously attract foreign investors into certain area who will contribute to the economic development. Raising efficiency and competitiveness on local and foreign market represents the key developmental question. While creating competitive position, the role of state is important as well as the roles of local units of government and self-government. In a short period, the City of Varaždin has become a desirable investment zone and a model example for the rest of Croatia. Thanks to excellent transportation position where there are crossings of European transportation corridors and vicinity of many countries and busy people, the Varaždin County (hereinafter County) is an area of dynamic development that is open to new way of thinking and ready for quick changes. The work is structurally divided in two parts. The first part gives the short analysis of the current economic situation of the City of Varaždin and Varždin County. The second part defines the notion and sort of business zones as well as their characteristics and basic reasons and aims of their establishment. The current operations of Varaždin Free Zone as the most developed one in this part of Croatia is also shown. In addition to entrepreneurial zones on the area of Varaždin there is also Technological Park that represents an important segment of attracting young highly educated professional personnel who, with their ideas in newly established enterprises, cannot survive on the market unless they are given initial help. In the end of this work, there is short survey of a future project – Biotechnological Park. This project will be of exceptional importance for the development of economy and education in the northern part of Croatia


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    This paper presents the planning of purchase and supply of funds, and other inputs necessary to achieve the objectives of the project, processing products based on practices of public companies under the Law on Public Procurement, the process of acquiring, receiving and issuing goods, and how human resources (candidates) can be selected for initiation, planning, organizing, evaluation and successful realization of a project. To determine the most favourable tender in the bid process, the AHP method and Expert Choice program for decision support were used. This paper presents the alternatives and criteria based on which the final decision-making process for the procurement of funds for the project is carried out. The selection criteria do not only take into consideration extra services and delivery speed of resources that the company provides, but also the characteristics of the equipment for the project realization.Rad prikazuje kako se planira kupovina i nabava sredstva, te ostalih inputa za ostvarenje ciljeva projekta, proces obrade ponuda na temelju prakse javne tvrtke po Zakonu o javnoj nabavi, proces nabavljanja, zaprimanja i izdavanja robe, način na koji se odabiru (kandidati) ljudski potencijali za iniciranje, planiranje, organiziranje, evaluiranje i uspješno realiziranje projekta. Za određivanje najpovoljnije ponude u procesu obrada ponuda korištena je AHP metoda i primjenski program Expert Choice za potporu kod donošenja odluke. U radu se prikazuju alternative i kriteriji na temelju kojih se donosi konačna odluka za nabavu sredstva za realizaciju projekta. Kriteriji za odabir nisu samo dodatne usluge i brzina isporuke sredstava koje tvrtka pruža nego i karakteristike samih uređaja za realizaciju projekta

    Bioactivity of essential oils from cultivated winter savory, sage and hyssop

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    Species of the Lamiaceae family have enjoyed a rich tradition of use for flavoring, food preservation, and medicinal purposes, due to their curative and preventive properties. Cultivated winter savory (Satureja montana L.), sage (Salvia officinalis L.) and hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) are produced for seed, herb, and essential oil. Dominant compounds in S. montana essential oil were carvacrol (43.2%) and thymol (28.4%), while CIS-thujone (27.1%) and camphor (19.3%), followed by trans-thujone and 1,8-cineole were the major compounds in S. officinalis essential oil. As for H. officinalis essential oil, CIS-and trans-pinocamphone (41.1% and 20.5%, respectively) were the most abundant compounds, followed by b-pinene. S. montana essential oil exhibit the highest antimicrobial properties, as well as antioxidant capacity, compared to other tested essential oils. Furthermore, H. officinalis essential oils showed higher antioxidant activity than that of S. officinalis. The aim of this investigation was to determine the composition and bioactivity of essential oils of mentioned varieties. Presented results show that S. montana essential oil could be proposed as a valuable source of natural preservatives

    Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Angelica archangelica Root Essential Oil

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    Roots of wild growing Angelica archangelica L. from Mt. Ozren (Serbia) were subjected to hydrodistillation and GC-MS analysis. The roots contained 0.10% of essential oil with alpha-pinene (29.7%), delta-3-carene (14.2%), and a mixture of beta-phellandrene and limonene (13.2%) as main compounds. The modified resazurin microtiter-plate assay was used to evaluate the antibacterial activity of the essential oil against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values were 14.2 mu L/mL for S. aureus and 28.4 mu L/mL for E. coli, while the minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) were 56.8 mu L/mL and 113.6 mu L/mL, respectively. According to the obtained results, the angelica root essential oil can be applied as a natural preservative in food and as a natural antibiotic for the treatment of several infectious diseases caused by these two bacteria

    Control of Cercospora leaf spot – an example of disease management practices

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je analizirati provedenu zaštitu u suzbijanju pjegavosti lista šećerne repe (Cercospora beticola Sacc.) te prikazati ostvaren prinos i kvalitetu šećerne repe u petogodišnjem razdoblju (2016. – 2020.). U analiziranom razdoblju prvo tretiranje fungicidom provodilo se zbog prevencije već u prvoj ili drugoj dekadi lipnja. Ovisno o vegetacijskoj sezoni, zaštita je provedena u 4 (2016. – 2018.) ili 5 navrata (2019. i 2020.). Razmak između tretiranja je bio između 14 i 20 dana. Zadnje tretiranje provelo se krajem prve dekade kolovoza. U svakom tretiranju fungicidima korištena je kombinacija organskih sistemičnih fungicida i sredstava na bazi bakra (bakreni oksiklorid) što se pokazalo uspješnim u očuvanju lisne rozete. Prinos korijena šećerne repe iznosio je prosječno 74,4 t/ha, a sadržaj šećera u korijenu 15,86%. Najveći prinos korijena bio je 2016. godine (80,8 t/ha), kada je zaštita od gljivice Cercospora beticola bila provedena u 4 navrata. Najmanji prinos i sadržaj šećera ostvaren je 2019. godine, (65,2 t/ha i 12,24%), jer je nakon tuče u srpnju šećerna repa retrovegetirala.The aim of this study was to assess the applied fungicides in the control of Cercospora leaf spot, CLS (Cercospora beticola Sacc.), and to analyse sugar beet yields and quality in the five-year period (2016- 2020). In the analysed period, the first preventive fungicide application was carried out in the first or second decade of June. Regardless of the growing season, treatments were carried out on 4 (2016 - 2018) or 5 treatments (2019 and 2020). The interval between treatments was from 14 to 20 days. The last treatment was carried out at the end of the first decade in August. A combination of organic systemic fungicides and copper-based agents (copper oxychloride) was used in each treatment, which has been shown to be successful in preserving sugar beet leaves free of CLS. The average yield of sugar beet root was 74.4 t/ ha, while sugar content in the root 15.86%. The highest root yield was achieved in 2016 (80.8 t/ha), when protection against CLS was carried out on 4 applications. The lowest yield and sugar content were achieved in 2019 (65.2 t/ha and 12.24%), because after the hail in July, re-growth of sugar beet leaves occured

    Non-equivalence in old- and new-flagellum daughter cells of a proliferative division in Trypanosoma brucei

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    Differentiation of Trypanosoma brucei, a flagellated protozoan parasite, between life cycle stages typically occurs through an asymmetric cell division process, producing two morphologically distinct daughter cells. Conversely, proliferative cell divisions produce two daughter cells, which look similar but are not identical. To examine in detail differences between the daughter cells of a proliferative division of procyclic T. brucei we used the recently identified constituents of the flagella connector. These segregate asymmetrically during cytokinesis allowing the new-flagellum and the old-flagellum daughters to be distinguished. We discovered that there are distinct morphological differences between the two daughters, with the new-flagellum daughter in particular re-modelling rapidly and extensively in early G1. This re-modelling process involves an increase in cell body, flagellum, and flagellum attachment zone length and is accompanied by architectural changes to the anterior cell end. The old-flagellum daughter undergoes a different G1 re-modelling, however, despite this there was no difference in G1 duration of their respective cell cycles. This work demonstrates that two daughters of a proliferative division of T. brucei are non-equivalent and enables more refined morphological analysis of mutant phenotypes. We suggest all proliferative divisions in T. brucei and related organisms will involve non-equivalence

    Improving watermelon drought tolerance by grafting: the implications for quality and yield

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    Drought is a common abiotic constraint affecting world agricultural production. This study was aimed to investigate grafting as a means to improve watermelon response to drought, as well as to assess the effects of different rootstocks on watermelon agronomic and quality traits. The popular vegetable is among species with a rather large water demand. Five scions (Citrullus lanatus breeding lines, experimental hybrids and cultivar) were grafted on nine rootstocks (Citrullus lanatus var. citroides, Lagenaria siceraria, Cucurbita moschata and Cucurbita maxima) in all combinations, without previous knowledge on their compatibility. Plant material originates from the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia, where the experiments took place. Three quarters of the total number of the scion-rootstock combinations were successfully acclimatized in a growth chamber, whereas in the open field only a half of previously acclimatized combinations completed life cycle

    Pojava prouzrokovača rđe boba (Uromyces viciae-fabae) tokom 2015. godine

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    Broad bean (Vicia faba L.) is an important grain legume, used in human and animal nutrition, stewed or fresh. It is one of the oldest domesticated vegetable species. In our country today, it is grown on small areas or fields, mostly for household needs. Given the low prevalence of broad beans, data about the causes of this species diseases are scarce. In 2015, the medical examination of crops on a test field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad showed the presence of pustules on leaves, initially at the end of May, as well as on the broad bean tree later on, in June. The microscopic analysis of the pustules' content showed dark orange uredospores, typical for pathogenic fungi from the group of rust causing agents. Multiple secondary diseases were established after monitoring the disease till the end of the broad bean vegetation.Bob (Vicia faba L.) je važna zrnena mahunarka, mada više u svetu nego kod nas. Upotrebljava se za ljudsku ishranu kao varivo ili u svežem stanju, ali i kao stočna hrana. Među najstarijim je gajenim biljnim vrstama. Danas se u našoj zemlji gaji na malim površinama i okućnicama, prevashodno za potrebe domaćinstva. S obzirom na malu rasprostranjenost boba, ne postoji mnogo podataka o prouzrokovačima oboljenja na ovoj vrsti. Zdravstvenim pregledom useva na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu, tokom 2015. godine, zabeležena je pojava pustula prvo na listovima boba, krajem maja, a potom i na stablu tokom juna. Analizom sadržaja pustula, mikroskopiranjem, utvrđene su tamno-narandžaste uredospore, karaktristične za patogene gljive iz grupe prouzrokovača rđa. Praćenjem oboljenja do kraja vegetacije boba, utvrđeno je više sekundarnih zaraza