1,152 research outputs found

    The philosophy of European Law with "chaos out of order" set-up and functioning

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    In reconsideration of the composition and operation of European law, it is the description of its underlying mentality that may cast best light on the query whether European law is the extension of domestic laws or a sui generis product. As to its action, European law is destructive upon the survival of traditions of legal positivism, for it recalls post modern clichés rather. Like a solar system with planets, it is two-centred from the beginning, commissioning both implementation and judicial check to member states. As part of global post modernism, a) European law stems from artificial reality construction freed from particular historical experience and, indeed, anything given hic et nunc. By its operation, b) it dynamises large structures and sets in motion that what is chaos itself. It is owing to reconstructive human intent solely that any outcome can at all be seen as fitting to some ideal of order, albeit neither operation nor daily management strives for implementing any systemicity. This is the way in which the European law becomes adequate reflection of the underlying (macro) economic basis, which it is to serve as superstructure. Accordingly, c) the entire construct is operated (as integrated into one well-working unit) within the framework of an artificially animated dynamism. With its “order out of chaos” philosophy it assures member states’ standing involvement and competition, achieving a flexibly self-adapting (and unprecedentedly high degree of) conformity

    Development of Theoretical Legal Thought in Hungary at the Turn of the Millennium

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    Singular Poisson equations on Finsler-Hadamard manifolds

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    In the first part of the paper we study the reflexivity of Sobolev spaces on non-compact and not necessarily reversible Finsler manifolds. Then, by using direct methods in the calculus of variations, we establish uniqueness, location and rigidity results for singular Poisson equations involving the Finsler-Laplace operator on Finsler-Hadamard manifolds having finite reversibility constant.Comment: Published in: Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 54 (2015), no. 2, 1219-124

    Main characteristics of non-residents’ trading on the foreign exchange and government bond markets

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    Our article analyses the behaviour of non-resident participants on domestic financial markets, which are important from the point of view of monetary policy. Due to the determining role played by foreign investors, understanding their behaviour is essential for understanding the main functioning mechanism of the markets. Among domestic markets, we will examine the foreign exchange market, which has particular relevance to monetary policy, owing to the role played by the exchange rate in the economy. We will also review the domestic government bond market, which is important for the central bank in relation to its role played in the transmission of interest rate policy and with regard to the assessment of the credibility of economic policy.foreign exchange market, government bond market, market turnover, feedback trading.

    A BÍRÓI ÉRVELÉS ÖSSZEHASONLÍTÓ TANULMÁNYOZÁSA: Jogi kultúrák és jogászi gondolkodásmód összefüggése = THE COMPARATIVE STUDY OF JUDICIAL ARGUMENTATION: The Connection between Legal Cultures and the Legal Mind

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    A kutatás a jogot folyamatként láttatja, mely professzionális hatósági diskurzusban bontakozik folyvást ki, normativitásra utaló s e diskurzust mindenkori alakulásában mederbe terelő objektivációk, mint textualizált jelzések nyomán. E konglomerátum jéghegyének látható csúcsa "a jog", amelynek szükségképpeni megvalósulását sugallja a háttérből voltaképpen mozgató tömb, mint mindenkori aktualizálásában újra megvalósító demiurgoszi teremtő, a bírói érvelés eredményeként. Ennek mikéntje viszont a jog össztársadalmi vállalkozása mögött álló, öröklötten minden egyes aktusával tovább fejlődő (rekonvencionalizáló) kultúra által hordozott hagyományban rejlik. A különféle társadalmi praxisokban az azok begyakorlottsága s rutinírozottsága mögött megbúvó (mert általuk kifejlesztett) társadalmi diszciplína fegyelmező ereje teszi lehetővé, hogy a textuális jogi objektivációk önmagukban bizonytalan, többértelmű, homályos, voltaképpeni kriterialitásra alkalmatlan jelzései ebben a mozgás-összességben mégis harmonikus koordináltságot, a soha nem szűnő össztársadalmi méretű edukáció és szocializáció eredményeként előálló viszonylagos, ám praktikus megítélésében mégis megbízható gyakorlatot eredeztethessenek. Jelenkorunk posztmodernitása a jogban is csupán egy végső statisztikai valószínűséggel, a stochasztikus folyamatokban munkáló autopoietikus erők összhatásának tendenciális végkifejletével jellemezhető, bármiféle bizonyossághoz bizonytalanságok tömegén keresztül érkező összetettséget mutat. | Law is eventually seen as a process continuously unfolding from professional authoritative discourse upon the basis of objectivations that are taken as textual signals demanding normativity when they channel the discourse within definite webs at any time. The visible top of this conglomerate's iceberg is provided by 'the law', while its necessary realisation is asserted by the genuine motive force working in the background, that is, by the act of demiurgic creation restating law through its actualisation by each act of implementation as a concrete result of the judicial reasoning. All its internal functioning is defined by tradition carried by the underlying culture instantly reconventionalised. The disciplining force rooted in various routinised social practices makes it possible that signals issued by textual legal objectivations can in the total movement generate (their ambiguously fuzzy nature notwithstanding, unable to provide criteriality) some harmoniously co-operative and reliable praxis, out of all-social education and socialisation. Accordingly, post-modernism will reveal law as complex entity reaching certainty through sets of uncertainty and characterised by the tendential end of total effects of autopoietic forces, operating with statistical probabilities in stochastic processes

    Structure in Legal Systems. Artificiality, Relativity, and Interdependency of Structuring Elements in a Practical (Hermeneutical) Context

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    Does the legal system have a structure (according to sources and branches of law, general and special parts of codes, principles, rules and exceptions in regulation, etc.), or structuring is taken into it from the outside? And providing that it is taken, whoever is taking it? For neither principles, nor rules are given in themselves, separated from each other in a way classified in terms of the law's taxonomic systemicity as bearing their own separate meaning. All this can be but the result of a constitutive act. Based upon legal doctrines, it is judicial practice that builds different propositions into either principles or rules. Or, it is not logic itself that labels anything as a structuring element identified as either principle or rule but we, who ponder the mode of how to construct a sequence of distinction, deduction and justification conclusive enough to convince those controlling the issue we propose in the procedural hierarchy. Therefore the structuring features in law are construed and construing, constructed and constructing at the same time, for they do not and cannot exist in and by themselves at all

    Egy sajátos diszciplína felbukkanása. Az európajog oktatásának néhány kérdése

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    Egy jogfilozófiai távolságból és általánosságból való megközelítés természetszerűleg nem vindikálhat magának arra nézve felhatalmazást, hogy magának az európajognak az oktatásáról véleményt formáljon. Ugyanakkor érzékelheti, hogy itt egy teljes jogági tagoltságnak megfelelő kurrikuláris sokféleség egyetlen specifikus tárgyban való megkettőzéséről van és lehet csupán szó – csakúgy, mint például az úgynevezett római jognak önálló tárgyként kiemelt tanításako