399 research outputs found

    Recomendações para sistemas de integração floresta-pecuária no extremo Sul do Brasil.

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    Quais áreas priorizar para os SSPs; Quais espécies utilizar; Que espaçamentos e arranjos arbóreos utilizar.bitstream/item/55748/1/CT35.pd

    Ergasilus holobryconis sp.n., a crustacean parasite of Holobrycon pesu (MÜLLER & TROSCHELL), a fish from the Brazilian Amazon (Copepoda: Poecilostom-atoida: Ergasilidae)

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    The female of Ergasilus holobryconis n. sp. (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida: Ergasilidae) is described from the branchial cavities of an Amazon fish, Holobrycon pesu (MÜLLER & TROSCHELL) collected in the Ji-Paraná (Machado) river, tributary of Madeira river, near Ji-Paraná, Rondônia, Brazil. The new specie is distinguished from the others by the shape of the pectinate seta on the third segment of the fìrst exopod, the format and disposition of bristles in the mouthparts and by having a smaller size

    Optimizing Yield and Quality of Orchardgrass Pasture in Temperate Silvipastoral Systems

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    The objective of this study was to provide grazing management recommendations for a silvipastoral system by determining the effects of shade and nitrogen (N) on the pattern of dry matter accumulation and nutritive value of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) in a subhumid temperate environment. Orchardgrass in open pasture (100% transmittance) and under 10 year old Pinus radiata tree shade (60% transmittance) at 200 stems/ha was used as the main plot and nitrogen (0 and 300 kg N/ha as synthetic urine) was the subplot factor. Dry matter (DM) production of orchardgrass in the first 60-day spring rotation was similar in open and shade conditions (2.6 t/ha) but approximately doubled by the application of N. In the 60- day summer rotation, DM production was about 22% lower in the shaded plots and was increased by about 60% by the addition of N. Crude protein and organic matter digestibility declined with herbage age and the onset of reproductive tiller growth. It was concluded that to maximise DM production without compromising pasture quality, grazing management of orchardgrass should be similar in open and shaded pastures in spring (30-35 day regrowth) but a shorter regrowth length used for open (20 days) than silvipastoral (25-30 days) systems in summer

    Dry Matter Production and Nutritive Value of Alfalfa (\u3ci\u3eMedicago sativa\u3c/i\u3e L.) and Orchardgrass (\u3ci\u3eDactylis glomerata\u3c/i\u3e L.) under Different Light Regimes

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    Spring and summer alfalfa dry matter and nitrogen production rates were greater than orchardgrass in open pasture and under three shade levels. Ten years old Pinus radiata allowed 60% light transmissivity. The addition of artificial shade resulted in 45% and 25% transmissivity. Orchardgrass pastures were nitrogen deficient and water stressed. In contrast, alfalfa was not stressed and it was more light responsive than orchardgrass. Differences in nutritive value were relatively small between species and between light regimes. Sheep liveweight gain on alfalfa was greater than on orchardgrass. Orchardgrass demonstrated shade tolerance, but alfalfa was more productive even at 25% transmissivity. Conventional concepts of shade tolerance may not be appropriate when screening pasture species for silvipastoral systems

    Programa boas práticas agropecuárias em bovinos de corte na Região Sul do Brasil: situação atual e perspectivas.

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    O BPA-Gado de Corte na região Sul; O diagnóstico dos estabelecimentos filiados a APROCCIMA: A posição dos estabelecimentos quanto aos itens obrigatórios do BPA, A posição dos estabelecimentos quanto aos itens altamente recomendáveis, Análise integrada das conformidades.bitstream/item/55755/1/DT87.pdfTambém publicado na versão impressa

    Manejo de animais e pastagens em sistemas de integração silvipastoril

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    Los sistemas silvopastoriles en las regiones subtropicales del Brasil: las actividades de la EMBRAPA.

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    En Ias regiones subtropicales dei Brasil hay una gran oportunidad para el establecimiento de sistemas silvopastoriles. En esta región, Ias sistemas dominantes de uso de Ia tierra son Ias actividades agrícolas (maíz, soja, trigo, frijol, arroz, etc.) y ganaderas (producción de carne y leche bovina y ovina). Hay presiones económicas y ambientales que actúan en el media rural sobre Ias productores tendientes a adaptar sistemas de uso de Ia tierra más sostenibles. Si bien existen pruebas científicas y ejemplos de aplicación, Ia diversidad de condiciones regionales aconsejan desarrollar más estudios y mecanismos de política pública para promover Ia conversión de Ias pastizales sin árboles aios sistemas silvopastoriles

    Hispanic ethnicity and survival in pediatric acute lymphocytic leukemia (all) patients in Florida

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    Introduction: Pediatric cancer mortality rates have drastically declined according to analyzed population-based surveillance data; however, incidences of most childhood cancers continue to rise. Recent studies have indicated an association between ethnicity/race and cancer survival. Florida's ethnically/racially diverse population and surging pediatric cancer incidence characterize the state as an ideal setting to study the association between ethnicity/race and pediatric cancer survival. Objective: To determine whether or not an association exists between Hispanic ethnicity and cancer survival in a Floridian population of pediatric patients with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL). Methods: We will use data from participants 18 years or younger of Florida Cancer Data System (FCDS). Cox-proportional hazard regression was used to assess independent association between Hispanic ethnicity and time to death (time interval from diagnose of ALL to the last patient contact, as recorded in the database). Survival status (death or alive) was assessed at the date of last contact. Those who are alive at last contact were then censored. Results: In the unadjusted model, ethnicity was not associated with risk of death (HR= 0.87, 95% CI=0.73 - 1.04). After adjustment for sex, race, age at diagnosis, insurance status, geographic area, and immunophenotype) the results showed again no association between Hispanic ethnicity and survival (HR = 1.19, 95% CI=0.82 - 1.72). Conclusions: We found no evidence for differences in survival based on ethnic status. Potential difference in racial-survival disparities in pediatric ALL within various geographic regions might depend on Hispanic ancestries or cancer type. Further research on the topic is still deemed necessary as to clarify the nature of the association between ethnicity and cancer survival