8 research outputs found

    Positron collisions with ethene

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    We present experimental and theoretical cross sections for positron collisions with ethene molecules. The experimental total cross sections (TCSs) were obtained with a linear transmission technique, for energies from 0.1 eV up to 70 eV. The calculations employed the Schwinger multichannel method and were performed in the static plus polarization approximation for energies up to 10 eV. Our calculated elastic cross sections indicate a Ramsauer-Townsend minimum around 2.8 eV and a virtual state, in agreement with previous calculations by da Silva et al. [ Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 1028 (1996)]. We found reasonable agreement between the calculated elastic integral cross section and the measured total cross section below the positronium formation threshold. The present results are also in quite good agreement with available theoretical and experimental data, although for the experiments this is only true for TCSs above about 7 eV

    Positron scattering from the cyclic ethers oxirane, 1,4-dioxane, and tetrahydropyran

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    In this paper we report original measurements of total cross sections (TCSs) for positron scattering from the cyclic ethers oxirane (C2H4O), 1,4-dioxane (C4H8O2), and tetrahydropyran (C5H10O). The present experiments focus on the low energy range from ∼0.2  to  50 eV, with an energy resolution smaller than 300 meV. This study concludes our systematic investigation into TCSs for a class of organic compounds that can be thought of as sub-units or moieties to the nucleotides in living matter, and which as a consequence have become topical for scientists seeking to simulate particle tracks in matter. Note that as TCSs specify the mean free path between collisions in such simulations, they have enjoyed something of a recent renaissance in interest because of that application. For oxirane, we also report original Schwinger multichannel elastic integral cross section (ICS) calculations at the static and static plus polarisation levels, and with and without Born-closure that attempts to account for the permanent dipole moment of C2H4O. Those elastic ICSs are computed for the energy range 0.5–10 eV. To the best of our knowledge, there are no other experimental results or theoretical calculations against which we can compare the present positron TCSs. However, electron TCSs for oxirane (also known as ethylene oxide) and tetrahydropyran do currently exist in the literature and a comparison to them for each species will be presented

    Positron scattering from methane

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    We report on measurements of total cross sections for positron scattering from the fundamental organic molecule methane (CH4). The energy range of these measurements was 0.1–50 eV, whereas the energy resolution was ∼100 meV when our Ni moderator was used and ∼260 meV when the W moderator was employed. To assist us in interpreting these data, Schwinger multichannel calculations were performed at both static and static plus polarization levels of approximation for elastic positron scattering from 0.001 to 10 eV. These calculations are found to be in quite good qualitative agreement with our measured data, and they clearly educe the crucial role played by the target polarization in the low energy positron–CH4 scattering dynamics

    Theoretical and experimental study on electron interactions with chlorobenzene: Shape resonances and differential cross sections

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    In this work, we report theoretical and experimental cross sections for elastic scattering of electrons by chlorobenzene (ClB). The theoretical integral and differential cross sections (DCSs) were obtained with the Schwinger multichannel method implemented with pseudopotentials (SMCPP) and the independent atom method with screening corrected additivity rule (IAM-SCAR). The calculations with the SMCPP method were done in the static-exchange (SE) approximation, for energies above 12 eV, and in the static-exchange plus polarization approximation, for energies up to 12 eV. The calculations with the IAM-SCAR method covered energies up to 500 eV. The experimental differential cross sections were obtained in the high resolution electron energy loss spectrometer VG-SEELS 400, in Lisbon, for electron energies from 8.0 eV to 50 eV and angular range from 7 degrees to 110 degrees. From the present theoretical integral cross section (ICS) we discuss the low-energy shape-resonances present in chlorobenzene and compare our computed resonance spectra with available electron transmission spectroscopy data present in the literature. Since there is no other work in the literature reporting differential cross sections for this molecule, we compare our theoretical and experimental DCSs with experimental data available for the parent molecule benzene. Published by AIP Publishing

    The electron-furfural scattering dynamics for 63 energetically open electronic states

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    We report on integral-, momentum transfer-and differential cross sections for elastic and electronically inelastic electron collisions with furfural (C5H4O2). The calculations were performed with two different theoretical methodologies, the Schwinger multichannel method with pseudopotentials (SMCPP) and the independent atom method with screening corrected additivity rule (IAM-SCAR) that now incorporates a further interference (I) term. The SMCPP with N energetically open electronic states (N-open) at either the static-exchange (N-open ch-SE) or the static-exchange-plus-polarisation (N-open ch-SEP) approximation was employed to calculate the scattering amplitudes at impact energies lying between 5 eV and 50 eV, using a channel coupling scheme that ranges from the 1ch-SEP up to the 63ch-SE level of approximation depending on the energy considered. For elastic scattering, we found very good overall agreement at higher energies among our SMCPP cross sections, our IAM-SCAR+I cross sections and the experimental data for furan (a molecule that differs from furfural only by the substitution of a hydrogen atom in furan with an aldehyde functional group). This is a good indication that our elastic cross sections are converged with respect to the multichannel coupling effect for most of the investigated intermediate energies. However, although the present application represents the most sophisticated calculation performed with the SMCPP method thus far, the inelastic cross sections, even for the low lying energy states, are still not completely converged for intermediate and higher energies. We discuss possible reasons leading to this discrepancy and point out what further steps need to be undertaken in order to improve the agreement between the calculated and measured cross sections. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC

    Vibrational Excitation Cross-Section by Positron Impact: A Wave-Packet Dynamics Study

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    The vibrational excitation cross-section of a diatomic molecule by positron impact is obtained using wave-packet propagation techniques. The dynamics study was carried on a two-dimensional potential energy surface, which couples a hydrogenlike harmonic oscillator to a positron via a spherically symmetric correlation polarization potential. The cross-section for the excitation of the first vibrational mode is in good agreement with previous reports. Our model suggests that a positron couples to the target vibration by responding instantly to an interaction potential, which depends on the target vibrational coordinate

    Electron scattering processes: fundamentals, challenges, advances, and opportunities

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    Much effort has been devoted to describing qualitatively and quantitatively electron scattering processes due to their ever-increasing importance in many industrial and medical applications. We present achievements made in the last years, focusing on some of the advancements and recent progress in the field. Particular reference is made on concrete case studies to probe the level of accord in cross-section data obtained from experiments and theory, as well as on selected instrumentation developments to probe dynamics of dissociative processes induced by electron impact. We stress that the purpose of this colloquium paper is not to be a comprehensive review but rather to provide a snapshot of different research topics in electron scattering by pointing out certain challenges and, therefore, indicating opportunities to facilitate further experimental and theoretical work

    Positron and electron collisions with nitrous oxide: measured and calculated cross sections

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    We present cross-section results from an experimental and theoretical study on positron scattering from nitrous oxide. Total cross sections (TCSs) have been measured at incident energies between 0.1 and 70 eV with a linear-transmission-based positron spectrometer. Elastic differential and integral cross sections, as well as inelastic integral cross sections and TCSs, have been computed with two different theoretical approaches: the independent atom model with screening-corrected additivity rule (IAM-SCAR), at energies in the 1- to 1000-eV range, and the Schwinger multichannel method at energies between 0.1 and 10 eV. Note that the latter method specifically reports cross sections for the elastic channel. We find good qualitative agreement between the theories and the TCS experiment at all common energies. That level of accord is found to also become quantitative above the ionization energy of nitrous oxide. Electron-impact TCSs calculated with the IAM-SCAR approach are also presented and compared to the existing results in order to uncover any similarities or differences in the scattering processes between these two leptons and nitrous oxide