2,772 research outputs found

    Reproductive selection and human evolution: An empirical analysis for Spain, 2010

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    [Abstract] In this paper I investigate whether there is an economic bias in the reproduction of humans in Spain using data from the Encuesta de Presupuestos Familiares (Household Budget Survey) of 2010. The main result is that parents that are income earners tend to earn 16% more than non-parents income earners of equal age and gender. Parents also have greater probability of being income earners than the rest of the population of equal age and gender. I argue that the contribution of such reproductive selection to economic development can be as high as half a percentage point per year

    Fish Barrel Politics? Self-selection into and inside the European Parliament's fisheries committee

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    An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 31st UACES annual conference in Bristol, September 2001. I thank the participants in the panel for their comments.This paper investigates the division of labour inside the European Parliament in the light of contending theories, using evidence from its fisheries committee. The aim of the paper is to find out the causes of specialisation and whether the committee is representative of the full chamber, using socio-economic variables such as the fisheries sector share of employment or production as proxies for MEPs’ preferences. The paper starts by analysing nominal committee membership. Then, it goes deeper to investigate participation inside committee, by analysing the allocation of rapporteurships, which are used by the EP to organise its work inside committees. Finally, the conclusions summarise the main findings on the causes of specialisation and the representativeness of committees, and introduce some normative considerations about the efficiency of self-selection

    De Little Rock a la frontera francesa: ¿a qué especie animal pertenece la Unión Europea?

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    Diego Varela Pedreira recibió una beca conjunta de la Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza y The British Council para iniciar estudios doctorales en la London School of Economics durante el curso 1998-1999, dentro de la convocatoria de becas de posgrado en Gran Bretaña de 1997.[Resument] El artículo compara la reacción de los Estados Unidos ante la reticencia del estado de Arkansas a integrar sus escuelas públicas con la reacción de la Unión Europea ante la reticencia del gobierno francés de garantizar la libre circulación de mercancías en su frontera con España. La conclusión es que la UE no es un estado y por lo tanto carece de la efectividad de éste en la defensa de ciertos derechos fundamentales. A pesar de esto, la Unión sí puede caracterizarse como un sistema político emergente, y ser objeto de estudio de la política comparada

    Reconocimiento y homologación

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    Diego Varela Pedreira recibió una beca conjunta de la Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza y The British Council para iniciar estudios doctorales en la London School of Economics durante el curso 1998-1999, dentro de la convocatoria de becas de posgrado en Gran Bretaña de 1997.El Gobierno de España ha aprobado recientemente una importante reforma relativa a la homologación de títulos extranjeros de postgrado. Dicha reforma es interesante desde el punto de vista práctico, y más para nosotros que, como becarios de postgrado de la Fundación, estamos dentro del grupo de posibles beneficiarios de estos cambios. Pero también es posible interpretar dicha reforma como un modesto aunque significativo paso de cara a una reforma más profunda del sistema universitario español. El artículo se divide en tres partes, seguidas de una conclusión. En la primera, explico unas distinciones básicas entre títulos oficiales y no oficiales, y entre reconocimiento y homologación, que serán útiles para seguir el texto. En la segunda parte, presento dos modelos paradigmáticos de reconocimiento de diplomas extranjeros: el modelo americano y el modelo francés. En la tercera parte, analizo el sistema español y la reciente reforma para el reconocimiento de los títulos de postgrado a la luz de esos dos modelos alternativos. Por último, en la conclusión hago una evaluación general de la situación actual y propongo algunas posibilidades de futuro

    The Kraft-Terrabusi struggle: Workers organization, clasist left and union representation “vacancy”

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    En este artículo, intentaremos un primer análisis del caso Kraft Foods desarrollando, en primer lugar, una reconstrucción de la historia reciente de la organización obrera en la empresa y, en segundo término, un análisis de un elemento que el conflicto puso sobre la mesa del debate político y conceptual: la relación entre la revitalización de la organización sindical en el lugar de trabajo, la izquierda clasista y los denominados problemas de representatividad de las cúpulas sindicales en Argentina. El abordaje de este elemento pretende, también, abrir nuevos interrogantes sobre las contradicciones y potencialidades inscriptas en la irrupción de la clase obrera en la escena política nacional, en el marco del fin de ciclo kirchnerista.In this article, we will attempt a first analysis of the Kraft Foods case developing, in first place, a reconstruction of the recent history of labor organization in the company and, secondly, an essential element to understand what the conflict brought to the actual conceptual and political debate: the relationship between the revitalization of the union organization in the workplace, the clasist left and the so-called problems of representativeness of the union leaderships in Argentina. The approach to this element also intends to open new questions about the contradictions and potentialities inscribed in the emergence of the working class in the national political scene, as part of the end of the Kirchner political cycle.Fil: Varela, Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales; ArgentinaFil: Lotito, Diego. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    The power of voice: An informational model of the legislative powers of the European parliament.

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    There are three main powers in any decision-making situation: agenda-setting, voting, and voice. One of these - 'the power of voice' - is the great unknown. To analyse this power, this dissertation develops a general model of law-making using two basic premises: (1) a distinction between policies and outcomes, and (2) the costs of transmission of policy-relevant information. The model divides the law-making game in two sub-games: a lobbying sub-game, where an indefinite number of lobbyists provide legislative bodies with information; and a legislative sub-game, where legislative bodies bargain with that information under a given decision rule. The general model is then applied to the three main EC legislative procedures (consultation, assent and co-decision), which produces a series of propositions about how the power of voice operates, relative to the power of veto. These propositions are then tested, using data on nearly two thousand legislative procedures from the 1989-1999 period and the results of an issue-based survey of political consultants. Two case studies then illustrate the workings of the powers of voice and veto, respectively. Finally, the conclusions focus on the nature of the power of voice, the informational rationale of its delegation, and the implications for the accountability of the EU

    Relatório de estágio curricular obrigatório nas áreas de clínica médica, clínica cirúrgica e reprodução de grandes animais

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Curitibanos. Medicina Veterinária.O estágio curricular obrigatório consiste na última etapa de formação do acadêmico e possibilita o exercício dos conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo da graduação sejam eles teóricos e práticos na rotina de trabalho hospitalar ou a campo. A aplicação prática destes conhecimentos é de suma importância para a adequada formação pessoal e profissional do acadêmico. O estágio curricular obrigatório foi realizado nas áreas de clínica médica, clínica cirurgia e reprodução de grandes animais, com o intuito de associar os conhecimentos de cada uma das áreas. O estágio envolvendo clínica média e clínica cirúrgica de grandes animais foi realizado na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais no setor de grandes, no município de Belo Horizonte - MG, enquanto o estágio com ênfase em reprodução de grandes animais foi realizado na Nobryo Reprodução Animal, no município de Lages - SC. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar a estrutura, atividades desenvolvidas e casuística de cada um dos locais, de forma a demonstrar dados numéricos e teóricos da experiência vivida no período de estágio.The mandatory curricular internship consists of the last degree of academic training and allows the exercise of knowledge acquired until the end of the graduation, whether theoretical and practical in the routine of hospital or field work. The practical application of this knowledge is of paramount importance for the adaptation of academic and personal training. The mandatory curricular internship was carried out in the areas of medical clinic, surgery clinic and reproduction of large animals, aiming to combine the knowledge of each of these areas. The medium and clinical training for large animals was carried out at the Federal University of Minas Gerais in no large sector, no municipality in Belo Horizonte - MG, while the simulation stage in reproduction of large animals was carried out at Nobryo Animal, in the municipality of Lages - SC. The present report aims to describe the structure, activities developed and casuistry of each of these places, in order to demonstrate numerical and theoretical data of the experience lived during the internship period

    Síndrome do abdomen agudo equino: decisão clínica ou cirúrgica - revisão de literatura

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Curitibanos. Medicina Veterinária.A síndrome do abdômen agudo equino é uma emergência médica a qual deve ser solucionada com rapidez e a habilidade, sendo grande causa dos óbitos da espécie no centro cirúrgico. Entretanto, a resolução dessa patologia poderá ser de forma clínica ou com manobras cirúrgicas a qual apenas o Médico Veterinário tem propriedades de definir o tratamento. Outrossim, os desafios no campo em diagnosticar a patologia de base a qual causa o desconforto abdominal é obstáculo a ser superado, a fim de aumentar as chances de sobrevivência existem parâmetros os quais definem e auxiliam na interpretação e na recomendação do encaminhamento ao hospital especializado ou tratamento a campo. Apesar dos hospitais veterinários possuírem suporte técnico e de infraestrutura o trabalho do clínico é fundamental no processo podendo ser crucial no processo cirúrgico e na sobrevida do animal. Este trabalho tem por objetivo descrever os principais parâmetros utilizados para a decisão clínica ou cirúrgica da síndrome do abdômen equino e auxiliar colegas do campo com a revisão de literatura sobre as principais abordagens e parâmetros.The acute equine abdomen syndrome is a medical emergency which must be resolved quickly and skillfully, being a major cause of deaths of the species in the operating room. However, the resolution of this pathology may be clinically or with surgical maneuvers which only the Veterinarian has the properties to define the treatment. Furthermore, the challenges in the field in diagnosing the underlying pathology that causes abdominal discomfort is an obstacle to be overcome, in order to increase the chances of parameters that define and assist in the interpretation and recommendation of referral to a specialized hospital or treatment. field. Even though veterinary hospitals have technical and infrastructure support, the clinician's work is fundamental in the process and can be crucial in the surgical process and in the animal's survival. This work aims to define the parameters used for a clinical or surgical decision on equine abdomen syndrome and colleagues in the field with a literature review on the main approaches and parameters