4 research outputs found

    Inclusive educational methods in geosciences and paleontology for visually impaired individuals / Métodos educacionais inclusivos em geociências e paleontologia para pessoas com deficiência visual

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    The present work shows methods of implementing inclusive education in geoscience and paleontology areas for blind and low-vision individuals, being considered a limiting science to this public due to the dependence of the sense of sight. Tactile resources, the use of techniques of high relief and color contrast in illustrations are essential for the development and learning of young people with visual limitations. Concomitant with the creation of materials, the work proposes that students, especially ones of all levels besides teachers can act as diffusers in the spread of the use of inclusion techniques, such as children from the schools of Alegre and Jerônimo Monteiro and undergraduates and teachers. They work at the Macroscopy Laboratory of the Geology course at UFES and at the Natural History Museum of the Southern State of Espírito Santo. In addition, the project reaches other states, such as schools in Rio de Janeiro city and Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais. 

    The natural history museum of the southern state of Espírito Santo - MUSES: didactic activities in Geosciences and Paleontology / Museu de história natural do sul do estado do Espírito Santo - MUSES: atividades didáticas em Geociências e Paleontologia

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     The Natural History Museum of the Southern State of Espírito Santo is a space for the imrprovement of learning that devel-ops activities such as workshops and events to increase the interest of visitors. The Museum also stands out in the human re-sources formation such as preparation of materials, lectures, courses for the monitors training. This work aims to present the activities developed by the scholarship and volunteer monitors during the XIV Science and Technology Week. The museum gave the opportunity to train more than 80 monitors (fixed and volunteers), students of the Geology and Biological Sciences courses in workshops geosciences during the event. The results showed that 38% of the monitors had no contact with muse-ums in the last twelve months and that 45% still had no monitoring experience. The work showed that many reported lack self-confidence, about 45%, which required more expository classes and hands-on training for upcoming events. The conclusion is the Natural History Museum of the Southern State of Espírito Santo is a center of teaching and propagation of geosciences and paleontology, as well as the training of university monitors. This show the extreme importance in the southern region of Espírito Santo State. 

    Hidrogeologia, geomorfologia e educação ambiental no museu de história natural do sul do Estado do Espírito Santo – Brasil / Hydrogeology, geomorphology and environmental education at the natural history museum of the southern Espírito Santo State – Brazil

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    A oficina “hidrogeologia: água com ciência” foi realizada durante a 16ª Semana estadual de Ciência e Tecnologia, em outubro de 2019 no Museu de História Natural do Sul do Espírito Santo da UFES, na cidade de Jerônimo Monteiro. O objetivo foi transmitir o conhecimento científico e a sensibilização, através da hidrogeologia e geografia/geologia ou geociências, para estudantes de todos os níveis de escolaridade (do ensino básico ao superior), professores e a população em geral. Além disso, buscou-se a inclusão de pessoas com deficiência visual, a partir da produção de materiais acessíveis. Sendo o único museu de história natural do Espírito Santo, o trabalho é relevante para a divulgação das geociências e capacitação de monitores universitários. Para a realização da oficina foram utilizados jogos lúdicos e interativos, mapas para pessoas cegas e dei baixa visão e modelos esquemáticos. Tais metodologias são relevantes para estudantes, principalmente em relação a difusão do conhecimento científico e as técnicas aplicadas a pessoas com deficiência visual. A concepção de termos utilizados nas geociências, como por exemplo, de bacias hidrográficas e domínio morfoclimáticos foram mais bem absorvidos pelo público adulto e adolescente. Já o público infantil teve maior absorção do conhecimento de sensibilização na utilização dos recursos hídricos. Como resultado, a avaliação demonstrou que a oficina foi bem avaliada pelo público

    Schematic models of wood for optic mineralogy and geosciences teaching / Modelos esquemáticos em madeira para o ensino de mineralogia óptica e de geociências

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    Optical physics applied to mineralogy becomes a complex concept, since it is based on concepts of refractoriness of isotropic and anisotropic materials, dependent on crystallographic parameters. The work aims to materialize these concepts in three-dimensional schematic models in wood, such as optical indicatrix and figures of interferences, generated when the plane polarized or polarized light interacts with several transparent minerals. The pieces were applied in the classes of Mineralogy II of the Geology course of the Federal University of Espírito Santo in the years 2017 and 2018, presenting great receptivity by the dissenting body and ease in the profusion of the knowledge of the group of monitors and teachers. The geometric representations were also shown in workshops at the Natural History Museum of Southern Espírito Santo State with the objective of disseminating the geosciences. As a result, the classes obtained satisfactory results of approval and learni