Schematic models of wood for optic mineralogy and geosciences teaching / Modelos esquemáticos em madeira para o ensino de mineralogia óptica e de geociências


Optical physics applied to mineralogy becomes a complex concept, since it is based on concepts of refractoriness of isotropic and anisotropic materials, dependent on crystallographic parameters. The work aims to materialize these concepts in three-dimensional schematic models in wood, such as optical indicatrix and figures of interferences, generated when the plane polarized or polarized light interacts with several transparent minerals. The pieces were applied in the classes of Mineralogy II of the Geology course of the Federal University of Espírito Santo in the years 2017 and 2018, presenting great receptivity by the dissenting body and ease in the profusion of the knowledge of the group of monitors and teachers. The geometric representations were also shown in workshops at the Natural History Museum of Southern Espírito Santo State with the objective of disseminating the geosciences. As a result, the classes obtained satisfactory results of approval and learni

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