70 research outputs found

    Doppler effect in the oscillator radiation process in the medium

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the radiation process of the charged particle passing through an external periodic field in a dispersive medium. In the optical range of spectrum we will consider two cases: first, the source has not eigenfrequency, and second, the source has eigenfrequency. In the first case, when the Cherenkov radiation occurs, the non-zero eigenfrequency produces a paradox for Doppler effect. It is shown that the absence of the eigenfrequency solves the paradox known in the literature. The question whether the process is normal (i.e. hard photons are being radiated under the small angles) or anomalous depends on the law of the medium dispersion. When the source has an eigenfrequency the Doppler effects can be either normal or anomalous. In the X-ray range of the oscillator radiation spectrum we have two photons radiated under the same angle- soft and hard. In this case the radiation obeys to so-called complicated Doppler effect, i.e. in the soft photon region we have anomalous Doppler effect and in the hard photon region we have normal Doppler effect.Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    On the Possibility of Medium-Energy Compact X-ray Free-Electron Laser

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    The problem of X-ray Free-Electron Laser operating on self-amplified spontaneous emission in irregular microundulator is considered. The case when the spectrum width of spontaneous radiation is conditioned by the spatial distribution of sources creating the undulating field is considered. In this case gain function of the stimulated radiation is dozens of times higher than that of the conventional undulators. We propose a model of irregular microundulator, which can be used to construct a drastically cheap and compact X-ray free-electron laser operating on medium energy electron bunch.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, revtex4, accepted by Armenian Journal of Physic

    Dark energy, α\alpha-attractors, and large-scale structure surveys

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    Over the last few years, a large family of cosmological attractor models has been discovered, which can successfully match the latest inflation-related observational data. Many of these models can also describe a small cosmological constant Λ\Lambda, which provides the most natural description of the present stage of the cosmological acceleration. In this paper, we study α\alpha-attractor models with dynamical dark energy, including the cosmological constant Λ\Lambda as a free parameter. Predominantly, the models with Λ>0\Lambda > 0 converge to the asymptotic regime with the equation of state w=1w=-1. However, there are some models with w1w\neq -1, which are compatible with the current observations. In the simplest models with Λ=0\Lambda = 0, one has the tensor to scalar ratio r=12αN2r=\frac{12\alpha}{N^2} and the asymptotic equation of state w=1+29αw=-1+\frac{2}{9\alpha} (which in general differs from its present value). For example, in the seven disk M-theory related model with α=7/3\alpha = 7/3 one finds r102r \sim 10^{-2} and the asymptotic equation of state is w0.9w \sim -0.9. Future observations, including large-scale structure surveys as well as B-mode detectors will test these, as well as more general models presented here. We also discuss gravitational reheating in models of quintessential inflation and argue that its investigation may be interesting from the point of view of inflationary cosmology. Such models require a much greater number of ee-folds, and therefore predict a spectral index nsn_{s} that can exceed the value in more conventional models by about 0.0060.006. This suggests a way to distinguish the conventional inflationary models from the models of quintessential inflation, even if they predict w=1w = -1.Comment: 61 pages, 27 figures. v3: Improved version in response to referee's comments; added references, expanded discussion, moved some results to an appendix; conclusions unchange

    The landscape, the swampland and the era of precision cosmology

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    We review the advanced version of the KKLT construction and pure d=4d=4 de Sitter supergravity, involving a nilpotent multiplet, with regard to various conjectures that de Sitter state cannot exist in string theory. We explain why we consider these conjectures problematic and not well motivated, and why the recently proposed alternative string theory models of dark energy, ignoring vacuum stabilization, are ruled out by cosmological observations at least at the 3σ3\sigma level, i.e. with more than 99.7%99.7\% confidence.Comment: 48 pages, 10 figures. v2: Improved version; discussions added, typos fixed, structure modified, appendix added on two-field scenarios, note added in response to arXiv:1809.00154. v3: Published versio

    On nonlocally interacting metrics, and a simple proposal for cosmic acceleration

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    We propose a simple, nonlocal modification to general relativity (GR) on large scales, which provides a model of late-time cosmic acceleration in the absence of the cosmological constant and with the same number of free parameters as in standard cosmology. The model is motivated by adding to the gravity sector an extra spin-2 field interacting nonlocally with the physical metric coupled to matter. The form of the nonlocal interaction is inspired by the simplest form of the Deser-Woodard (DW) model, αR1R\alpha R\frac{1}{\Box}R, with one of the Ricci scalars being replaced by a constant m2m^{2}, and gravity is therefore modified in the infrared by adding a simple term of the form m21Rm^2\frac{1}{\Box}R to the Einstein-Hilbert term. We study cosmic expansion histories, and demonstrate that the new model can provide background expansions consistent with observations if mm is of the order of the Hubble expansion rate today, in contrast to the simple DW model with no viable cosmology. The model is best fit by w01.075w_0\sim-1.075 and wa0.045w_a\sim0.045. We also compare the cosmology of the model to that of Maggiore and Mancarella (MM), m2R12Rm^2R\frac{1}{\Box^2}R, and demonstrate that the viable cosmic histories follow the standard-model evolution more closely compared to the MM model. We further demonstrate that the proposed model possesses the same number of physical degrees of freedom as in GR. Finally, we discuss the appearance of ghosts in the local formulation of the model, and argue that they are unphysical and harmless to the theory, keeping the physical degrees of freedom healthy.Comment: 47 pages in JCAP style, 7 figures. Some discussions extended in response to referee's comments. Version accepted for publication in JCA

    The splashback radius in symmetron gravity

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    The splashback radius rspr_\mathrm{sp} has been identified in cosmological NN-body simulations as an important scale associated with gravitational collapse and the phase-space distribution of recently accreted material. We employ a semi-analytical approach to study the spherical collapse of dark matter haloes in symmetron gravity and provide insights into how the phenomenology of splashback is affected. The symmetron is a scalar-tensor theory of gravity which exhibits a screening mechanism whereby higher-density regions are screened from the effects of a fifth force. In this model, we find that, as over-densities grow over cosmic time, the inner region becomes heavily screened. In particular, we identify a sector of the parameter space for which material currently sitting at rspr_\mathrm{sp} has followed, during the collapse, the formation of this screened region. As a result, we find that for this part of the parameter space the splashback radius is maximally affected by the symmetron force and we predict changes in rspr_\mathrm{sp} up to around 10%10\% compared to its General Relativity value. Because this margin is within the precision of present splashback experiments, we expect this feature to soon provide constraints for symmetron gravity on previously unexplored scales.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. Comments are welcom

    Massive mimetic cosmology

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    We study the first cosmological implications of the mimetic theory of massive gravity recently proposed by Chamseddine and Mukhanov. This is a novel theory of ghost-free massive gravity which additionally contains a mimetic dark matter component. In an echo of other modified gravity theories, there are self-accelerating solutions which contain a ghost instability. In the ghost-free region of parameter space, the effect of the graviton mass on the cosmic expansion history amounts to an effective negative cosmological constant, a radiation component, and a negative curvature term. This allows us to place constraints on the model parameters---the graviton mass and the St\"uckelberg vacuum expectation value---by insisting that the effective radiation and curvature terms be within observational bounds. The late-time acceleration must be accounted for by a separate positive cosmological constant or other dark energy sector. We impose further constraints at the level of perturbations by demanding linear stability. We comment on the possibility of distinguishing this theory from Λ\LambdaCDM with current and future large-scale structure surveys.Comment: 9+1 pages, 1 figure. Version published in PL