852 research outputs found

    Nagorny Karabakh Conflict

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    苏联垮台后带来的权利真空以及两极世界的终结为苏联领⼟带来了许 多⽆法解决的争端。南⾼加索是其中最多纷争的动荡地区。纳⼽尔诺-卡拉巴 赫的争端爆发于1988,当该地区的主要民族开始从阿塞拜疆寻求独⽴。在亚 美尼亚的⽀持下,卡拉巴赫亚美尼亚⼈不断在争取民族⾃决权,卡拉巴赫亚 美尼亚与阿塞拜疆经历了⼀场⾎战,最终结果亚美尼亚得到了阿塞拜疆⼟地 20%的控制权。尽管学术研究的数据显⽰纳⼽尔诺-卡拉巴赫的冲突在近年...The power vacuum created after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the bipolar world has left the post-Soviet territory with many unresolved disputes. South Caucasus was one of the most contested and volatile of the regions. Nagorny Karabakh conflict erupted in 1988 when the region predominantly populated by ethnic Armenians sought independence from Azerbaijan. Backed by the Repub...学位:法学硕士院系专业:南洋研究院_国际关系学号:2552015115479

    R-parity violating supersymmetric contributions to the neutron beta decay at the one-loop level

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    The contribution of the R-parity violating minimal supersymmetric standard model to the neutron beta decay at the one-loop level is investigated. It is found that the baryon number and R-parity violating interactions contribute to the D correlation through one-loop corrections, while the tree level prediction is vanishing. The Fierz interference term is also investigated at the one-loop level by considering the lepton number and R-parity violating interactions. We show that future experimental progress can provide us with better constraints on some of the combinations of R-parity violating couplings.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, minor correction

    Observation of charge-dependent azimuthal correlations in p-Pb collisions and its implication for the search for the chiral magnetic effect

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    Charge-dependent azimuthal particle correlations with respect to the second-order event plane in p-Pb and PbPb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV have been studied with the CMS experiment at the LHC. The measurement is performed with a three-particle correlation technique, using two particles with the same or opposite charge within the pseudorapidity range jηj < 2.4, and a third particle measured in the hadron forward calorimeters (4.4 < jηj < 5). The observed differences between the same and opposite sign correlations, as functions of multiplicity and η gap between the two charged particles, are of similar magnitude in p-Pb and PbPb collisions at the same multiplicities. These results pose a challenge for the interpretation of charge-dependent azimuthal correlations in heavy ion collisions in terms of the chiral magnetic effect