75 research outputs found

    Long-Term Outcome ofEn BlocExtensive Resection of the Penis and Prepuce Associated with a Permanent Perineal Urethrostomy in a Gelding Affected by Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    A 15-year-old gelding was referred for a orid, cauli ower-like ulcerated mass, enclosing penis and prepuce together with penile urethra showing a malodorous purulent and blood-stained discharge and larvae infestation. En bloc extensive resection of the penis and prepuce, without penile retroversion or pexy to ventral abdomen associated with a permanent perineal urethrostomy, was performed. Histology of the mass revealed a squamous cell carcinoma of penis and prepuce. e surgical technique that was adopted is a modi ed version of that already described that allows a more proximal resection of the penile body and is a valid option for treating advanced SCC lesions involving the penis. Early postsurgical complications (mild strangury, haemorrhage from the urethrostomy site and its partial dehiscence, and infection of the abdominal wound) were managed with a medical treatment and resolved within 5 to 12 days. ree years a er surgery the horse is in good body condition and does not show any sign of recurrence or disorders related to the surgery

    Current Use of Equine Laparoscopy in Urogenital Disorders: A Scoping Review of the Literature from 2000 to 2021

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    Background: Laparoscopic surgery replaced traditional invasive techniques for the treatment of common urogenital disorders in equids. The aim of this review is to evaluate applications and the development of urogenital laparoscopy from 2001 to 2021. (2) Methods: A scoping review of literature was undertaken according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines for scoping reviews on three databases (NCBI-PubMed, Web of Science-Thompson Reuters, and SciVerse Scopus). (3) Results: A total of 452 papers were identified. After duplicate removal and title screening, 181 papers underwent abstract screening. Of these, 160 + 10 papers (cited by others) were assessed for eligibility according to the PICOs. A total of 132 papers were considered eligible. Most of the research was focused on ovaries and testes, followed by urinary bladder and general articles about laparoscopy in horses. We identified 43 original studies (33%, RCT, NoRCT, and experimental trials), 39 case series/retrospective studies (29%), 37 case reports (28%), and 13 reviews (10%, narrative or systematic). (4) Conclusions: Gonadal disorders were the most investigated. Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery (HALS) and laparoscopic-assisted surgery represent valuable options for more challenging conditions (uterine and urinary bladder disorders)

    Preliminary study on the effect of parenteral naloxone, alone and in association with calcium gluconate, on bone healing in an ovine "drill hole" model system

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    BACKGROUND: Several diseases affect bone healing and physiology. Many drugs that are commonly used in orthopaedics as "analgesics" or anti-inflammatory agents impair bone healing. Stressful conditions are associated with decreased serum osteocalcin concentration. High endorphin levels alter calcium metabolism, blocking the membrane channels by which calcium normally enters cells. The consequent decrease of intracellular calcium impairs the activities of calcium-related enzymes. Naloxone is a pure opioid antagonist. Morphine-induced osteocalcin inhibition was abolished when osteoblasts were incubated with naloxone. Naloxone restored the altered cellular and tissue physiology by removing beta-endorphins from specific receptors. However, this is only possible if the circulating Ca concentration is adequate. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of parenteral naloxone administration in inducing fast mineralization and callus remodelling in a group of sheep with a standardised bone lesion. METHODS: Twenty ewes were randomly assigned to 4 treatment groups. Group A acted as control, group B received a solution of calcium gluconate, group C a solution of naloxone, and group D a solution of calcium gluconate and naloxone. A transverse hole was drilled in the left metacarpus, including both cortices, then parenteral treatment was administered intramuscularly, daily for four weeks. Healing was evaluated by weekly radiographic examination for eight weeks. For quantitative evaluation, the ratio of the radiographic bone density between the drill area and the adjacent cortical bone was calculated. After eight weeks the sheep were slaughtered and a sample of bone was collected for histopathology RESULTS: Group D showed a higher radiographic ratio than the other groups. Sheep not treated with naloxone showed a persistently lower ratio in the lateral than the medial cortex (P < 0.01). Histopathology of bone samples showed more caverns and fewer osteoblasts in group D than in the other groups (P </= 0.001). CONCLUSION: A low-dose parenteral regimen of naloxone enhances mineralization and remodelling of the callus in healing cortical defects in sheep, especially if associated with calcium gluconate

    Elastosonographic features of the metacarpophalangeal joint capsule in horses

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    Background: Capsulitis leads to the release of inflammatory mediators in the joint, causing capsular fibrosis and osteoarthritis (OA). Strain elastosonography (SE) measures the elasticity of tissue by evaluating its strain in operator-dependent deformation. The aims of the study were to assess the feasibility, repeatability, and reproducibility of SE for imaging the distal attachment of the joint capsule (DJC) of metacarpophalangeal joints in sound horses (Group S) and in horses with metacarpophalangeal OA (Group P) and to evaluate differences in the elastosonographic patterns of these horses. After a whole lameness examination, fore fetlock DJCs were assigned to Group S and Group P and were thereafter examined by two operators using SE. Qualitative (i.e., colour grading score) and semi-quantitative (i.e., elasticity index (EI) and strain ratio (SR)) methods were used to evaluate the elastograms. The inter-rater reliability (IRR), intraclass correlation coefficient (intra-CC) and interclass correlation coefficient (inter-CC) were used to compare colour grading scores and the repeatability and reproducibility of EI and SR outcomes. The same parameters were compared between groups. P &lt; 0.05 indicated a significant finding. Results: Forty-one horses were included: 11 were in Group S and 30 were in Group P (16 with bilateral OA, 8 with left OA and 6 with right OA). IRR outcomes ranged from good to excellent. For transverse and longitudinal ultrasound scans, the colour grading score of Group S was significantly higher than the metacarpophalangeal DJCs of Group P. Both Inter-CC and intra-CC were higher in Group S than in Group P, with values always &gt; 0.8. Significative differences in EI and SR were detected between groups and between Group S and the affected limb of Group P; values were lower in Group S than in Group P. Conclusions: SE can be a useful technique for evaluating DJCs, with good repeatability and reproducibility. DJCs appear softer in sound horses

    Laparoscopic drainage of an ovarian haematoma in a Martina Franca jenny (Equus asinus)

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    An 11-year-old Martina Franca jenny (Equus Asinus), involved in a breed recovery programme organised by the Puglia Region, was referred to the University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital for a mass formation detected on the surface of the right ovary. The subject had regular oestrous cycles, but gestation loss was reported in the anamnesis. The ovarian mass was monitored by transrectal palpation and ultrasonography. In the differential diagnosis, an ovarian haematoma, a haemorrhagic anovulatory follicle and a granulosa cell tumour were hypothesised; a surgical resolution with laparoscopic access was chosen. During surgery, about 750 ml of haemorrhagic fluid was drained, confirming the suspect of the ovarian haematoma. After resolution, the jenny was inseminated, eventually giving birth to a live and viable foal. Usually, an ovarian haematoma spontaneously regresses, but, in this report, the lesion remained stable for more than two months, leading to the decision of the surgical resolution. Furthermore, to the authors’ knowledge, this lesion has never been reported in donkeys

    Analgesic Effect of Butorphanol during Castration in Donkeys under Total Intravenous Anaesthesia

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    Pain management is necessary for all surgical procedures. Little scientific evidence about drug efficacy in donkeys is available. The aim of this study was to evaluate the analgesic ef- fect of butorphanol in donkeys undergoing orchiectomy under total intravenous anaesthesia with guaifenesin-ketamine-detomidine. A randomized blinded prospective clinical trial (Protocol n. 2021/0000338), was carried out on 18 clinically healthy donkeys undergoing bilateral orchiectomy. Patients were assigned to Group D (n = 8) or Group DB (n = 10) if receiving intravenous detomidine or detomidine-butorphanol respectively, before induction of general anaesthesia with ketamine- diazepam. Intraoperative muscle relaxation, nystagmus, palpebral reflex, heart and respiratory rate, and non-invasive blood pressure were evaluated every 2 min; time to prepare the patient, duration of surgery and anaesthesia and recovery score were recorded. Group D had significantly longer surgical time, higher heart rate, higher systolic and mean blood pressure (p &lt; 0.05; repeated measure ANOVA), increased muscle rigidity and expression of palpebral reflex (p &lt; 0.05; Mann–Whitney U test) than group DB. Top-ups with thiopental were statistically higher in Group D. Butorphanol and detomidine together produced a more stable anaesthetic plan. The low dosage of opioid and alpha-2-agonists and reduced rescue anaesthesia are responsible for a safer and more superficial anaesthesia, which is mandatory under field conditions

    2D-SWE of the Metacarpophalangeal Joint Capsule in Horses

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    (1) Two-dimensional shear wave elastography (2D-SWE) employs an ultrasound impulse to produce transversely oriented shear waves, which travel through the surrounding tissue according to the stiffness of the tissue itself. The study aimed to assess the reliability of 2D-SWE for evaluating the elastosonographic appearance of the distal attachment of the fetlock joint capsule (DJC) in sound horses and in horses with osteoarthritis (OA) (2). According to a thorough evaluation of metacarpophalangeal joint (MCPJ), adult horses were divided in a sound Group (H) and in OA Group (P). Thereafter, a 2D-SWE of MCPJs was performed. Shear wave velocity (m/sec) and Young's modulus (kPa) were calculated independently by two operators at each selected ROI. Statistical analysis was performed with R software. (3) Results: 2D-SWE had good-excellent inter-CC and intra-CC in both groups. Differences in m/s and kPa between Groups H and P were found in transverse scans with lower values in Group P. No correlation with age or DJC thickness was found. (4) Conclusions: 2D-SWE was repeatable and reproducible. In Group H, DJC was statistically stiffer than in Group P only in transverse scan. The technique showed poor sensitivity and specificity in differentiating fetlocks affected by OA

    Lung adenocarcinoma originates from retrovirus infection of proliferating type 2 pneumocytes during pulmonary post-natal development or tissue repair

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    Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) is a unique oncogenic virus with distinctive biological properties. JSRV is the only virus causing a naturally occurring lung cancer (ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma, OPA) and possessing a major structural protein that functions as a dominant oncoprotein. Lung cancer is the major cause of death among cancer patients. OPA can be an extremely useful animal model in order to identify the cells originating lung adenocarcinoma and to study the early events of pulmonary carcinogenesis. In this study, we demonstrated that lung adenocarcinoma in sheep originates from infection and transformation of proliferating type 2 pneumocytes (termed here lung alveolar proliferating cells, LAPCs). We excluded that OPA originates from a bronchioalveolar stem cell, or from mature post-mitotic type 2 pneumocytes or from either proliferating or non-proliferating Clara cells. We show that young animals possess abundant LAPCs and are highly susceptible to JSRV infection and transformation. On the contrary, healthy adult sheep, which are normally resistant to experimental OPA induction, exhibit a relatively low number of LAPCs and are resistant to JSRV infection of the respiratory epithelium. Importantly, induction of lung injury increased dramatically the number of LAPCs in adult sheep and rendered these animals fully susceptible to JSRV infection and transformation. Furthermore, we show that JSRV preferentially infects actively dividing cell in vitro. Overall, our study provides unique insights into pulmonary biology and carcinogenesis and suggests that JSRV and its host have reached an evolutionary equilibrium in which productive infection (and transformation) can occur only in cells that are scarce for most of the lifespan of the sheep. Our data also indicate that, at least in this model, inflammation can predispose to retroviral infection and cancer
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