19 research outputs found

    Realization of Anti Gravity fitness exercises in physical education practice of female students.

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    The article is devoted to substantiating use effectiveness of Anti Gravity fitness exercises in PE practice for relatively healthy female students. The studies were attended by students (n=25) of age 19 years practicing fitness aerobics in PE classes at university. The study period was being conducted during 10 months. Moreover, girls from group No1 (n=13) continued fitness aerobics classes. Besides, girls from group No2 (n=12) practiced Anti Gravity fitness together with fitness aerobics classes. The battery tests were used assessing physical fitness indicators: BMI, dynamometry, step ergometry, Flamingo balance test, Unterberg test, Hirtz test and others. By the way, statistical reliability was calculated using the Mann–Whitney U-test. The results had revealed the presence of significant (P<0,05) superiority particulars of indices of the static body balance and muscle strength of the hands in favor of female students practicing Anti Gravity fitness. Also, significant (P<0,05) superiority of these students was found in terms of characterizing the development of body flexibility. However, complex use of Anti Gravity fitness had been substantiated together with other types of health and sports fitness in РЕ practice of female students without diseases

    Realization of step exercises using the independent calorimetry during the period of self-isolation

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    Background: In home conditions population of Russian Federation do not have an opportunity to do optimal physical activities during the period of spreading COVID-19. The aim of the study was to develop a system of realization step exercises in home conditions using the independent calorimetry during the period regime of self-isolation and to prove its effectiveness on the indicators of body mass index of the people. Study participants: 62 women and men between the ages of 18 and 45 who have problems with being overweight. Interventions: The study was being conducted in home conditions during 60 days. During the experiment the participants independently carried out the calorimetry, taking into account the consumed calories during the day and burning kilocalories while doing step exercises and another physical activity. For carrying out the calorimetry during the day a formula was developed due to available and simple counting: «N = 0.00168 - 0.098/P», where N - the amount of burning kilocalories per one heartbeat per one kg of body mass, P - heart rate per minute. Main outcome measures: It is defined out that the introduction of step exercises in home conditions with the use of independent calorimetry to the author's system has made a significant impact (p < .05) on body mass index of participants. Findings. In the presented study, for the first time, the regularities of increasing the burning of kilocalories in people at various levels of intensity depending on their body weight were experimentally revealed

    Individual system of self-monitoring of the daily motor activity of athletes

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    Background: The implementation of daily and weekly self-control of individual motor activity, consisting of various speed modes, is not a systematically studied issue. The aim of the study was to develop an individually-differentiated system of self-monitoring of daily physical activity of athletes to increase their motor regime and prove its effectiveness by increasing the level of physical development and health of participants in the experiment. Study participants: Thirty-two subjects from 18 to 25 years of age, engaged for 12 weeks at the Sports Club “Progress”(Glazov, Russia). Interventions: self-monitoring by the participants of this research on a ranking system for diverse types of physical exercises by their correlation to one ordinary step or author's motor unit. Main outcome measures: the author’s self-monitoring system contributes to lowering the body mass index of athletes and developing their endurance. However, its implementation is effective in increasing the level of physical health only among athletes, stably, systematically and without significant deviations in the level of weekly physical activity performing physical activity. The results of the study. the implementation of daily monitoring of motor activity of young people in various motor modes stimulates respondents to increase their motor daily, weekly and monthly activity. Findings. The author’s recommendations for the implementation of continuous self-monitoring will provide feedback to the user of the programme, increase motivation for setting individual goals of amateur athletes and strategies for their further achievement

    Level increase of competitive readiness of elite judokas in the weight category ofup to 60 kg (as an example is the national team of Kyrgyzstan)

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    The aim of the research is to find the new methods of the judoists’ preparation for the competitive activity. Actually the participants of the researches are the men (n=20) and they are the members of Kyrgyzstan national judo team. Moreover, the median age was 22,8 years. The research period was 1 year. It was revealed that the blocks of coordination and speed-power exercises jointly with the improvement of the technical base of the wrestlers were added in the program of the athletes’ preparation of the experimental group (n=10). Besides, the tests were used to determine the level of different motor skills of the athletes to assess the obtained data. Attention should also be paid to the calculation of the values of the competitive coefficients (CC) of the athletes which was made. Besides, the statistical analysis of the data was carried out using Mann–Whitney U–test. Indeed, the test results revealed a significant (P<0,05) advantage of the athletes from the experimental group in the speed running, strength training and running 1 mile. Fortunately, CC data of the athletes showed a significant (P<0,05) discrepancy in the volume of the effective equipment (Nage-waza) and a significant (P<0,01) difference in the intervals between the attacks (Nage-waza) in favor of the athletes from the experimental group. Accordingly, the use of coordination blocks and speed-power exercises in the structure of a year cycle of the athletes’ preparation allows to increase the development indicators of the motor skills and technical activity of the judoists during the competitive matches significantly

    Исследование влияния краткосрочных силовых тренировок на соревновательные результаты элитных дзюдоистов

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    Sports performance of elite judo athletes is dependent on the high level of technical skills and physical fitness, including strength capacities: power, muscular strength, muscular endurance and other. This study investigated the effects of short-term (4-/6- or 8-week) specific strength interventions on sports performance in male elite judokas. Thirty six elite male judokas (aged 18–22 years) practiced in short-term (4-/6- or 8-week) strength training intervention added to the regular judo training. To determine sports performance, all athletes were evaluated with regards to their performance during the five judo tournaments within three months in post-intervention. The judokas’ individual sport performance was evaluated in accordance with guidelines of the German potential analysis system (PotAS). There were significant (p≤0.05) differences in sports performance points among the groups in the first judo tournament in favor of judokas, who practiced 4-week strength training intervention. All judokas demonstrated similar mean sports performance points during the second and third judo tournaments. There were significant (p≤0.05) differences in sports performance points in favor of judokas, who practiced 6- or 8-week strength training intervention during the fourth and fifth judo tournaments. The short-term (4-/6- or 8-week) strength training interventions are not equally effective to increase sports performance of elite male judokas within three months in post- strength intervention. The final decision for the specific duration (4-/6- or 8-week) of strength training intervention can be decided according to an judoka’s medal challenges during the competition season: high sports performance in near future (during the month) or an increase in sports performance after one-two monthsСпортивные результаты элитных дзюдоистов зависят от высокого уровня технических навыков и физической подготовки, включая силовые показатели: мощность, мышечную силу, выносливость и др. В данном исследовании изучалось влияние краткосрочных (4-6 или 8 недель) специальных силовых тренировок на спортивные результаты у мужчин-дзюдоистов. Тридцать шесть элитных дзюдоистов-мужчин (в возрасте 18–22 лет) использовали краткосрочные (4-6 или 8 недель) силовые тренировки дополнительно к регулярным тренировкам по дзюдо. Для определения влияния на спортивные результаты все спортсмены были оценены в отношении их выступления во время пяти турниров по дзюдо в течение трех месяцев после окончания силовых тренировок. Индивидуальные спортивные результаты дзюдоистов оценивались в соответствии с руководящими принципами немецкой системы анализа потенциала (PotAS). На первом турнире по дзюдо были выявлены достоверные (р < 0,05) различия в спортивных результатах в пользу дзюдоистов, которые использовали 4-недельные силовые тренировки. Все исследуемые спортсмены продемонстрировали одинаковые спортивные результаты во время второго и третьего турниров. Выявлены достоверные (р < 0,05) различия в спортивных результатах в пользу дзюдоистов, которые практиковали 6- или 8-недельные силовые тренировки во время четвертого и пятого турниров по дзюдо. Установлено, что краткосрочные (4-6 или 8 недель) силовые тренировки не будут одинаково эффективными для повышения уровня спортивных результатов элитных дзюдоистов-мужчин в течение трех месяцев после их применения. Окончательное решение на использование определенной (4-6 или 8 недель) силовой тренировки может быть принято в соответствии с медальными задачами дзюдоиста в течение соревновательного сезона: высокие спортивные результаты в ближайшем будущем (в течение месяца) или увеличение уровня спортивных результатов через один-два месяц

    Histological features of knee joint meniscus injuries of the professional athletes practicing various types of sports activities

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    A significant amount of the training loads increases the risk of injury during the athletic training for the athletes. The physicians note a significant increase of the knee joints injures of the athletes associated with the injuries of the meniscus. The article research of the authors is aimed at determining possible features of the histological structure of the injured meniscus of the knee joints of the athletes practicing different kinds of sports (game-oriented sports and martial arts). Therefore in this study, the biopsy materials were examined during the arthroscopic intervention. It was revealed that meniscus of the knee joints of the athletes practicing martial arts are more susceptible to structural histological changes at the level of the posterior horn. The prevalence of isogenic groups of chondrocytes with a minimal number of individual and hypertrophied chondrocytes is revealed. Histological features of the structure of damaged meniscus of the athletes practicing game-oriented sports are characterized by an increase in the number of the individual chondrocytes with a minimal amount of isogenic groups of the chondrocytes at the level of the anterior horn of the meniscus. The revealed histological features of the damaged meniscus of the professional athletes can be successfully used in the process of rehabilitation selecting the chondroprotective therapy and special exercises that help to strengthen the damaged parts of the ligament apparatus of the knee joints of the athletes

    Influence of sports asymmetry and ambidexterity of ground wrestling on the level of competitive performance of Greco-Roman style wrestlers

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    In our studies, the purpose of our research was to determine the level of dependence of the competitive results of Greco-Roman wrestlers with their ability to realize technique in the ground wrestling in different directions. Actually the participants of the research are the athletes (n = 160) with different sports qualifications from the beginners (B) to subelite (S) and elite athletes (High sports mastery (HSM)). Moreover, the athletes were divided into 2 groups: group of athletes with asymmetry (AG) (n=99) – the athletes conducting holds in the ground mainly in one direction and group of athletes with ambidexterity (AmG) (n=61) – the athletes conducting holds both the right and left sides. The study period is 2 years (2015–2016). By the way the competitive results of the athletes were assessed using the rating scale developed by the authors. On average, the number and quality of techniques of the ground wrestling was assessed by the method of competitive matches analyses. Besides the statistical analysis was performed using Student's t-test. Besides, it was revealed that the elementary education athletes (B) performing ground wrestling holds predominantly in one direction so their competitive results are reliable higher (P<0,01). It should be noted that an approximate equality of the competitive results of the subelite athletes (S) is recorded in the group of athletes (AG) and group of athletes (AmG). The level of competitive results of the elite athletes (HSM) is significantly (P<0,01) higher than the wrestlers of the group of athletes (AmG). Indeed, the results show that the ability to conduct holds successfully in the ground in different directions does not have a significant effect on sports results of the athletes at the initial stage of preparation. Fortunately, this ability allows the elite wrestlers to increase the level of sports results significantly

    Специализированные занятия боксом, как средство укрепления здоровья студенток

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    Summary. Today, according to respected scientists, there is a picture of the systematic deterioration of physical health of students, especially girls, in spite of physical culture in universities. Need to search and introduction in educational process of new forms and technologies of training to correct this negative situation. According to the authors, the improvement in the health of young people should contribute to the holding of special sessions on selected student’s sports.Purposes. The purpose of this study was to examine the possibility of enhancing the health of female students at specialized boxing in the framework of the educational process in physical education at the University. Because boxing the girls are practically absent in the majority of universities, research will have a scientific novelty.Research methods. The studies used techniques of purposeful development of endurance novice boxers and increase the level of functional training of the organism of youth to exercise.Results. According to the results of the tests, the students specialization boxing demonstrated significantly (P<0.05) higher results for the response of the main hemodynamic parameters to physical stress, which suggests the goal of the experiment.Scope of results. These results indicate a high efficiency of specialized Boxing for students in strengthening their physical health, development of physical qualities and functional training. The authors recommend the use of these lessons in educational institutions of various types, with the aim of strengthening the health of modern youth.Состояние вопроса. Сегодня, по мнению авторитетных ученых, наблюдается картина планомерного ухудшения уровня физического здоровья студентов, особенно девушек, несмотря на занятия физической культурой в вузах. Необходим поиск и внедрение в учебный процесс новых форм и технологий проведения учебных занятий для исправления сложившейся негативной ситуации. По мнению авторов статьи, повышению уровня здоровья молодых людей должно способствовать проведение специализированных занятий по избранным студентами видам спорта.Цели. Целью исследований было выявить возможность укрепления уровня здоровья девушек-студенток на специализированных занятиях боксом в рамках учебного процесса по физическому воспитанию в вузе. Поскольку занятия боксом у девушек-студенток практически отсутствуют в большинстве вузов, то данные исследования будут обладать научной новизной.Методы исследования. В исследованиях использовались методики целенаправленного развития выносливости начинающих боксеров и повышения уровня функциональной подготовленности организма молодых людей к физическим нагрузкам.Результаты. По итогам тестовых испытаний, студентки специализации бокс продемонстрировали достоверно (Р<0,05) более высокие результаты реакции основных гемодинамических показателей организма на физическую нагрузку, что позволяет утверждать о достижении цели эксперимента.Заключение. Полученные авторами результаты свидетельствуют о высокой эффективности специализированных занятий боксом у студенток в вопросе укрепления их физического здоровья, развитии основных физических качеств и функциональной подготовленности. Авторы рекомендуют использовать подобные занятия в образовательных учреждениях различного типа, с целью укрепления здоровья современных молодых людей

    Training criteria of the sports specialty volunteers for the service support during winter sports competitions

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    We searched objective criteria to assess the quality of a       volunteer’s training for service support at       major sporting events. We considered the possibility of training       volunteers in sports specialties for service       support in winter sports competitions. We determined that the       volunteer search should be carried out among       students in higher schools. This social group has a significant       interest in sports, and they can be trained to       volunteer according to existing educational programs, and the       students can take in-service training during the       educational process. We determined that the organizers of the       competition assess the main criteria of volunteer’s       competence. These include practical experience with such       activities and foreign communicative competence (the       knowledge of foreign languages at a high level). Students       matching these criteria are significantly more       successful (p < 0.05), and they have a higher percentage of       approved applications for voluntary activity in winter       sports competitions (World Ski Orienteering Championships of       2017, Winter Student Games of 2019).       Meanwhile, we determined that the competition organizers do not       pay enough attention to the mental and       physical health status of future volunteers and do not consider       the level of a youth’s health as an important       criterion for assessing a student’s degree of training for       volunteer duty in the sports specialty

    Implementation of the inclusive learning model in the process of physical education of the students with physical disabilities

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.The article is devoted to solving the problems of realization of the model of inclusive education in the classes on physical education (PE) at the universities. Actually literature analysis has shown that the students who have significant limitations with their medical state face a lack of the quality physical education and they are in social isolation. In our studies, the feasibility of conducting PE lessons for the disabled students in conjunction with the relatively healthy students is justified. Moreover, it was revealed that PE lessons for these students which are based on an individual approach contribute to keeping young people’s health at the appropriate level. In any case during the study period, these students significantly increased their total time of the physical exercises before tiredness (Р<0,01). On average, the lesson time increased by 12±2,8 min. The indicators of pulse dynamics of the students doing their physical exercises with their medical state decreased from an average of 136±8 to 124±8 bpm. The parameters of the minute volume of the blood circulation of these students increased from 9,3±0.7 to 9,8±0.4 liters. Fortunately, the results allow us to conclude that the level of adaptation of the body of the students with disabilities and physical confinement with medical state to PE lessons is increasing. An increase in the social activity of the students with physical disabilities was observed. Besides during the period of research, the number of the students with disabilities and physical confinement with medical state who took an active part in social and sports events increased more than twofold at the university