190 research outputs found

    Environmental impact of timber frame walls

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    Timber frame walls are increasingly applied nowadays due to the stringent energy performance requirements of buildings. The aim of this study was to investigate the environmental impact of this type of construction. Therefore, a cradle to gate analysis was used. The study consists of three consecutive steps. First the impact of the constituting materials was studied. The results show e.g. that the environmental impact of LVL studs is significantly larger than that of SLS studs or I-joists. Based on these results on material level, in the second stage three timber frame walls were designed and evaluated. All walls had the same thermal performance. When comparing the results, it was noted that the environmental impact of the wall with the highest impact is three times larger than that of the wall with the lowest impact. Finally, the study also looked at the additional impact of tapes for guaranteeing the air tightness of timber frame constructions and at the impact of fasteners. It could be concluded that the impact of tapes is negligible when looking at the total impact of the wall (less than 1%). The fasteners on the other hand, lead to an increase in environmental impact with almost 20%

    Congenitally deaf children's care trajectories in the context of universal neonatal hearing screening: a qualitative study of the parental experiences

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    The objective of this study is to examine the early care trajectories of congenitally deaf children from a parental perspective, starting with universal neonatal hearing screenings. The analysis using a three-dimensional care trajectory concept is aimed at developing a basic typology of postscreening care trajectories. Children with severe/profound hearing loss, registered in the Flanders' (Belgium) universal neonatal hearing screening program, born between 1999 and 2001. Thematic content analysis of qualitative data collected retrospectively from participant's parents. Two basic types of care trajectories emerged; based on differences in care-use in the phase of further diagnosis and related parental experiences. Subtypes resulted from events related to cochlear implantation. Five trajectory phases were identified: screening, further diagnosis, care and technology, cochlear implantation, and reduction of care and were characterized by specific parental experiences such as confusion, disbelief, disappointment, and uncertainty. Those experiences relate to care professionals' acts and communication and the child's functional evolution. Early care interventions could benefit from coordinated transition between phases, parent support throughout the care trajectory, and a broad approach to deafness in professionals' communication

    HIV-positive men involvement in pregnancy care and infant feeding of HIV-positive mothers in rural Maputo Province, Mozambique

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    Introduction: Male involvement has been considered crucial to prevent passing HIV from mother to infant in sub-Saharan Africa. However, little is known about how HIV-positive Mozambican men and their female partners perceive and involve themselves in pregnancy and breastfeeding. This study analyses HIV-positive men’s role on compliance of medical advice recommended to prevent passing HIV from mother to infant. Material and method: A qualitative study was carried out consisting of in-depth interviews with HIV-positive men and women, focus group discussions, plus semi-structured interviews with nurses and community health workers. Results: HIV-positive men provided food and money for transport for their wives during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Some men encouraged their wives to attend antenatal care visits. However, most men did not accompany their wives to antenatal care, childbirth or postnatal visits due to work obligations and perceived stigmatisation in the community. Also, most men perceived a maternal clinic as a place for women. HIV-positive men supported adherence to antiretroviral therapy for their wives and infants, and they complied with prescriptions regarding antiretroviral therapy for themselves. Nonetheless, they did not often allow their wives to use contraception. Conclusion: Some HIV-positive men supported women to follow some medical advice to prevent transmitting HIV from mother to infant

    Perceptions and decision-making with regard to pregnancy among HIV positive women in rural Maputo Province, Mozambique : a qualitative study

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    Background: In preventing the transfer of HIV to their children, the Ministry of Health in Mozambique recommends all couples follow medical advice prior to a pregnancy. However, little is known about how such women experience pregnancy, nor the values they adhere to when making childbearing decisions. This qualitative study explores perceptions and decision-making processes regarding pregnancy among HIV positive women in rural Maputo Province. Methods: In-depth interviews and five focus group discussions with fifty-nine women who had recently become mothers were carried out. In addition, six semi-structured interviews were held with maternity and child health nurses. The ethnographic methods employed here were guided by Bourdieu's practice theory. Results: The study indicated that women often perceived pregnancy as a test of fertility and identity. It was not only viewed as a rite of passage from childhood to womanhood, but also as a duty for married women to have children. Most women did not follow recommended medical advice prior to gestation. This was primarily due to perceptions that decision-making about pregnancy was regarded as a private issue not requiring consultation with a healthcare provider. Additionally, stigmatisation of women living with HIV, lack of knowledge about the need to consult a healthcare provider prior to pregnancy, and unintended pregnancy due to inadequate use of contraceptive were crucial factors. Conclusion: Women's experiences and decisions regarding pregnancy are more influenced by social and cultural norms than medical advice. Therefore, education concerning sexual and reproductive health in relation to HIV/AIDS and childbearing is recommended. In particular, we recommend maternal and child healthcare nurses need to be sensitive to women's perceptions and the cultural context of maternity when providing information about sexual and reproductive health

    Non-standard employment and mortality in Belgian workers: a census-based investigation

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    Objectives: Evidence is growing that non-standard employment is associated with adverse health. However, little is known about the relationship between different non-standard employment arrangements and subsequent all-cause and cause-specific mortality. Using population-wide data, the present study investigated this link. Methods: Data was derived from the 2001 Belgian census and a 13-year-long follow-up. The analyses comprised 1 454 033 healthy and disability-free employees aged 30–59 years at baseline. Cox regressions were fitted to analyze the mortality risks of those in non-standard employment forms (temporary agency, seasonal, fixed-term, causal work and employment program) compared to permanent employees. Results: Several groups of workers in non-standard employment arrangements in 2001 exhibited a higher mortality risk relative to permanent employees during the follow-up after adjusting for socio-economic and work-related factors. This was especially the case among men. The relative mortality disadvantage was particularly elevated for male temporary agency workers. External causes of death played an important role in this association. Conclusions: A mortality gradient between the core and outer periphery of the Belgian labor market has been observed. This study also shows that the excess risk of death, previously attributed to non-permanent employment as a whole, hides inequalities between specific forms of non-standard work (eg, temporary agency, seasonal, fixed-term employment)

    Driving the Future: The Relation between Driving and Prospective Memory in Adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Difficulties with autonomy impact several quality-of-life outcomes in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Driving is an important step towards gaining autonomy by allowing the development and maintenance of work- and social-related contacts. Nonetheless, people with ASD depend highly on friends and family for their transportation needs. Due to the complexity of the driving task, specific ASD characteristics might interfere negatively with driving. The driving task consists of several subtasks, running in parallel. This requires the ability to switch in a smooth manner (e.g., shifting, steering, changing lanes, and keeping traffic rules into account). An additional difficulty concerns sudden changes in the traffic environment (e.g., traffic density, weather conditions). Therefore, driving is a complex goal-directed task that places high demands on perceptual, cognitive, and motor processes. The little research that exists suggests that people with ASD experience difficulties more specifically in complex driving situations, requiring multi-tasking and inducing increased cognitive load. Applied to autonomy, in order to maintain work and social contacts, it is not only necessary to handle the vehicle, but also to navigate through rural, urban, and highway traffic environments while concurrently remembering appointments and obeying a schedule. People with ASD however experience difficulties with coordinating and sequencing activities, and with planning ahead. Following this, prospective memory (PM) might interfere negatively with driving. PM is the ability to remember to carry out intended actions in the future while being engaged in other ongoing activities. Two subtypes of PM are event-based PM (EBPM) and time-based PM (TBPM). The former refers to the execution of intentions at certain events (i.e., prospective cues), the latter refers to the execution of intentions at certain times. This driving simulator study aims to investigate PM (i.e., EBPM and TBPM) as an underlying mechanism of driving in adults with ASD. To this end, a pc-based ‘virtual reality (VR) city task’ was translated to a driving simulator environment. The influence of several cognitive abilities (e.g., working memory, planning), from which the importance is indicated in previous literature, is also investigated. Data collection is ongoing and will be finished in December. The analyses are planned in January

    Insourcen, outsourcen of backsourcen? Het geval van de Brusselse gewestelijke administratie

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    Sinds de jaren 1980 zijn bedrijven en openbare besturen geneigd zich op hun kernactiviteiten te focussen en taken als IT, beveiliging, catering en schoonmaak uit te besteden. De jongste jaren zien we echter een omkering van deze tendens in vele organisaties, die sommige van deze activiteiten opnieuw intern gaan uitvoeren. Een proces dat we “backsourcing” noemen. Het doel van dit artikel is om te onderzoeken in welke mate activiteiten werden uitbesteed in de Brusselse gewestelijke besturen, wat de impact daarvan is op de betrokken medewerkers en organisaties en hoe de belanghebbenden staan tegenover een eventuele backsourcing van laaggekwalificeerde banen. In het kader van een multidisciplinair project van BSI voor Talent.Brussels hebben onze bevindingen aangetoond dat beslissingen over in- en outsourcing complex en multidimensionaal zijn en dat ze niet enkel gebaseerd mogen zijn op kostenoverwegingen.Since the 1980s, there has been a trend for businesses and public administrations to focus on their core activities, outsourcing tasks such as IT, security, catering and cleaning services. However, in recent years, many organisations have been reversing the trend by insourcing, or “backsourcing”, some of these activities. The aim of this article is to study the extent to which activities have been outsourced in the Brussels regional administrations, its impact on workers and organisations involved, and the attitudes of stakeholders towards a possible re-internalisation of low-skilled jobs. Based on a multidisciplinary BSI project for Talent.Brussels, our findings show that decisions about outsourcing and insourcing are complex and multidimensional, and that they should not be based solely on monetary cost considerations. Since the 1980s, there has been a trend for businesses and public administrations to focus on their core activities, outsourcing tasks such as IT, security, catering and cleaning services. However, in recent years, many organisations have been reversing the trend by insourcing, or “backsourcing”, some of these activities. The aim of this article is to study the extent to which activities have been outsourced in the Brussels regional administrations, its impact on workers and organisations involved, and the attitudes of stakeholders towards a possible re-internalisation of low-skilled jobs. Based on a multidisciplinary BSI project for Talent.Brussels, our findings show that decisions about outsourcing and insourcing are complex and multidimensional, and that they should not be based solely on monetary cost considerations.À partir des annĂ©es 1980, les entreprises et les administrations publiques ont eu tendance Ă  externaliser des tĂąches, notamment les services informatiques, de sĂ©curitĂ©, de restauration et de nettoyage, afin de se concentrer sur leurs activitĂ©s principales. Cependant, ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, de nombreuses organisations ont inversĂ© cette tendance en internalisant ou rĂ©internalisant (« backsourcing ») certaines des tĂąches en question. Le prĂ©sent article vise Ă  examiner le degrĂ© d’externalisation des activitĂ©s dans les administrations rĂ©gionales bruxelloises, l’incidence du phĂ©nomĂšne sur les travailleurs et les organismes concernĂ©s, ainsi que le regard portĂ© par les parties prenantes sur l’éventualitĂ© d’une rĂ©internalisation d’emplois peu qualifiĂ©s. Nos constatations, qui s’appuient sur un projet pluridisciplinaire menĂ© par le BSI pour talent.brussels, font apparaĂźtre que les dĂ©cisions en matiĂšre d’externalisation et d’internalisation sont complexes et multidimensionnelles, et ne devraient pas se fonder uniquement sur des considĂ©rations pĂ©cuniaires

    Externalisation, internalisation ou rĂ©internalisation ? Le cas de l’administration rĂ©gionale bruxelloise

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    À partir des annĂ©es 1980, les entreprises et les administrations publiques ont eu tendance Ă  externaliser des tĂąches, notamment les services informatiques, de sĂ©curitĂ©, de restauration et de nettoyage, afin de se concentrer sur leurs activitĂ©s principales. Cependant, ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, de nombreuses organisations ont inversĂ© cette tendance en internalisant ou rĂ©internalisant (« backsourcing ») certaines des tĂąches en question. Le prĂ©sent article vise Ă  examiner le degrĂ© d’externalisation des activitĂ©s dans les administrations rĂ©gionales bruxelloises, l’incidence du phĂ©nomĂšne sur les travailleurs et les organismes concernĂ©s, ainsi que le regard portĂ© par les parties prenantes sur l’éventualitĂ© d’une rĂ©internalisation d’emplois peu qualifiĂ©s. Nos constatations, qui s’appuient sur un projet pluridisciplinaire menĂ© par le BSI pour talent.brussels, font apparaĂźtre que les dĂ©cisions en matiĂšre d’externalisation et d’internalisation sont complexes et multidimensionnelles, et ne devraient pas se fonder uniquement sur des considĂ©rations pĂ©cuniaires.Sinds de jaren 1980 zijn bedrijven en openbare besturen geneigd zich op hun kernactiviteiten te focussen en taken als IT, beveiliging, catering en schoonmaak uit te besteden. De jongste jaren zien we echter een omkering van deze tendens in vele organisaties, die sommige van deze activiteiten opnieuw intern gaan uitvoeren. Een proces dat we “backsourcing” noemen. Het doel van dit artikel is om te onderzoeken in welke mate activiteiten werden uitbesteed in de Brusselse gewestelijke besturen, wat de impact daarvan is op de betrokken medewerkers en organisaties en hoe de belanghebbenden staan tegenover een eventuele backsourcing van laaggekwalificeerde banen. In het kader van een multidisciplinair project van BSI voor Talent.Brussels hebben onze bevindingen aangetoond dat beslissingen over in- en outsourcing complex en multidimensionaal zijn en dat ze niet enkel gebaseerd mogen zijn op kostenoverwegingen.Since the 1980s, there has been a trend for businesses and public administrations to focus on their core activities, outsourcing tasks such as IT, security, catering and cleaning services. However, in recent years, many organisations have been reversing the trend by insourcing, or “backsourcing”, some of these activities. The aim of this article is to study the extent to which activities have been outsourced in the Brussels regional administrations, its impact on workers and organisations involved, and the attitudes of stakeholders towards a possible re-internalisation of low-skilled jobs. Based on a multidisciplinary BSI project for Talent.Brussels, our findings show that decisions about outsourcing and insourcing are complex and multidimensional, and that they should not be based solely on monetary cost considerations

    Synergistic interaction effect between job control and social support at work on general psychological distress

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    Purpose Little is known about the interaction between job control and social support at work on common mental disorders. To examine whether there is a synergistic interaction effect between job control and social support at work on general psychological distress and whether it differs by the level of job demands. Methods About 1,940 male and female workers from the Malmo Shoulder and Neck Study were chosen for this cross-sectional study. Job control, social support at work, and job demands were measured by the Swedish version of the Job Content Questionnaire, and general psychological distress was assessed by the General Health Questionnaire. Results A significant excessive risk increase for general psychological distress was observed when workers had both low job control and low social support at work in both men and women. The synergistic effect was stronger in women, when job demands were low (Rothman's synergy index was 2.16 vs. 1.51 when job demands were high). However, in male workers, while a strong synergistic effect between job control and social support at work was found when job demands were low (synergy index was 9.25), there was an antagonistic effect when job demands were high (synergy index was 0.52). Conclusions There was a synergistic interaction effect between job control and social support at work on general psychological distress, but the synergistic effect or its effect size differed by the level of job demands and gender. An atomic, additive approach to the risk assessment of the psychosocial work characteristics on common mental disorders could be misleading or lead to a risk underestimation
