12 research outputs found

    Autonomia, nazionalità e appartenenza nel dibattito italiano su Fiume e lo Stato Libero

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    Nel lungo periodo che intercorse tra la fine della Gran- de Guerra e la formazione dello Stato Libero sorse e si sviluppò in Italia il mito di Fiume come città italiana. L’opinione pubblica e i protagonisti della scena politica italiana erano al tempo profondamente divisi su come affrontare il dopoguerra, in un clima quasi da guerra ci- vile. La Questione Adriatica fu uno dei tanti temi su cui misurare forti distanze politiche e ideologiche. Indipen- dentemente dalle differenze ideologiche si diffuse, tutta- via, un’idea condivisa di Fiume come centro urbano a ca- ratterizzazione nazionale fondamentalmente italiana. La Crisi di Fiume, dalla Conferenza di pace alla Dannunziade con la sedizione di parti dell’esercito, contribuì ad accen- dere gli animi e i toni polemici, che in parte si placarono con il Trattato di Rapallo, ma in parte continuarono a in- fiammarsi. In questo contesto, Fiume rimase un oggetto di interesse, mentre si discuteva anche dell’opportunità di concedere una legislazione speciale alle aree da an- nettere, che si scontrò con l’ordinamento e le pratiche tradizionali dello Stato italiano, con le diffuse propensioni centraliste, e con la crescita di sentimenti nazionalista. In questo intervento si cercherà di analizzare se e come furono discusse le tradizioni e propensioni autonome di Fiume e soprattutto la realizzazione di uno stato indipen- dente sul Confine orientale italiano. Si discuterà quindi come protagonisti della scena politica italiana, dai depu- tati e senatori, a giuristi, giornalisti e opinionisti, affronta- rono e discussero le idee e i problemi legati al progetto e alla sopravvivenza dello Stato libero di Fiume e in ge- nerale dei principi e idee di autonomia, indipendenza e nazionalità di una città ancora contesa

    Leo Weiczen Valiani and his Multilayered Identities: An Introduction

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    This volume “Leo Weiczen Valiani: Fiuman, European, Revolutionary, Historian”, appears as a special thematic issue of the West Croatian History Journal. In September 2015 the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Rijeka hosted the international conference “From Leo Weiczen to Leo Valiani”, to present the life and activities of this prominent European intellectual originally from Rijeka for the first time to a Croatian audience and in a Croatian institution. Born in Habsburg Hungarian “Fiume”, Valiani spent the World War I years as a schoolchild in Budapest, was raised in a German-speaking family and in the Italian-speaking environment of Rijeka’s turbulent postwar. In Rijeka he became an antifascist subversive, and in World War II a leader in the Italian resistance movement, and subsequently member of Italian Constitutional Assembly. As a prolific historian and newspapers commentator, he was also appointed Senator for life. Our aim is to discuss this multifaceted prominent intellectual as Fiuman, European, Revolutionary, and Historian

    Crime and Madness at the Opposite Shores of the Adriatic: Moral Insanity in Italian and Croatian psychiatric discourses

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    In the 19th century, fervid debates arose in the young psychiatric science about how to deal with and to scientifically categorize human behaviour which was perceived as dangerous to society, and as criminal. There were two concepts that stood out in these transnation- ally held discussions; namely moral insanity and later on, psychopathy. Following recent approaches in the cultural and social history of psychiatry, we understand moral insanity and psychopathy as social constructs, which are determined by the evolution in psychiatric knowledge, and also by laws, codes and social norms of particular historical timeframes. Our task is to discuss the evolution and adoption of these concepts in two linguistically different, but still historically profoundly entangled regions, namely in Italian and Croatian psychiatric discourses at the turn from the 19th to the 20th century. Our analysis of two of the most important medical and psychiatric journals of the time shows that psychiatric debates on antisocial and criminal behaviour were in numerous ways entangled and shaped by the way the two societies scientifically, legally, and institutionally struggled over the question of how to detect and control the mentally incapacitated criminal offender

    Crime and madness at the opposite shores of the Adriatic: moral insanity in Italian and Croatian psychiatric discourses

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    In the 19th century, fervid debates arose in the young psychiatric science about how to deal with and to scientifically categorize human behaviour which was perceived as dangerous to society, and as criminal. There were two concepts that stood out in these transnationally held discussions; namely moral insanity and later on, psychopathy. Following recent approaches in the cultural and social history of psychiatry, we understand moral insanity and psychopathy as social constructs, which are determined by the evolution in psychiatric knowledge, and also by laws, codes and social norms of particular historical timeframes. Our task is to discuss the evolution and adoption of these concepts in two linguistically different, but still historically profoundly entangled regions, namely in Italian and Croatian psychiatric discourses at the turn from the 19th to the 20th century. Our analysis of two of the most important medical and psychiatric journals of the time shows that psychiatric debates on antisocial and criminal behaviour were in numerous ways entangled and shaped by the way the two societies scientifically, legally, and institutionally struggled over the question of how to detect and control the mentally incapacitated criminal offender

    How future surgery will benefit from SARS-COV-2-related measures: a SPIGC survey conveying the perspective of Italian surgeons

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    COVID-19 negatively affected surgical activity, but the potential benefits resulting from adopted measures remain unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the change in surgical activity and potential benefit from COVID-19 measures in perspective of Italian surgeons on behalf of SPIGC. A nationwide online survey on surgical practice before, during, and after COVID-19 pandemic was conducted in March-April 2022 (NCT:05323851). Effects of COVID-19 hospital-related measures on surgical patients' management and personal professional development across surgical specialties were explored. Data on demographics, pre-operative/peri-operative/post-operative management, and professional development were collected. Outcomes were matched with the corresponding volume. Four hundred and seventy-three respondents were included in final analysis across 14 surgical specialties. Since SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, application of telematic consultations (4.1% vs. 21.6%; p < 0.0001) and diagnostic evaluations (16.4% vs. 42.2%; p < 0.0001) increased. Elective surgical activities significantly reduced and surgeons opted more frequently for conservative management with a possible indication for elective (26.3% vs. 35.7%; p < 0.0001) or urgent (20.4% vs. 38.5%; p < 0.0001) surgery. All new COVID-related measures are perceived to be maintained in the future. Surgeons' personal education online increased from 12.6% (pre-COVID) to 86.6% (post-COVID; p < 0.0001). Online educational activities are considered a beneficial effect from COVID pandemic (56.4%). COVID-19 had a great impact on surgical specialties, with significant reduction of operation volume. However, some forced changes turned out to be benefits. Isolation measures pushed the use of telemedicine and telemetric devices for outpatient practice and favored communication for educational purposes and surgeon-patient/family communication. From the Italian surgeons' perspective, COVID-related measures will continue to influence future surgical clinical practice

    Čitaonice, Sale di lettura i podijeljena istarska mreža kulturnih društava u kasnom habsburškom razdoblju

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    Zbornik Kastavštine, 21, Kastav, 2017., str. 137-150. Zbornik ima međunarodnu recenziju, grupn

    Il ritorno della guerra in Europa: crisi, conflitto e frammentazione Jugoslava

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    Il testo è una riflessione sul 1991 in Jugoslavia e sulla guerra e la frammentazione dello stato federale. Il saggio discute e spiega gli aspetti più rilevanti della crisi interna e internazionale, le divisioni nel paese e nelle élites politiche, quindi lo scoppio della guerra in Slovenia e in Croazia e le conseguenze di queste guerre

    Crowdsourcing historical information in a contested city: A Geo-live Platform to Spatialize Rijeka’s Overlapping Layers and Narratives, in Ana Plosnic Skaric (ed.), “Mapping urban changes / Mapiranje urbanih promjena”, Institute of Art History, Zagreb, 2017

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    As oral history has shown, we are all repositories of the past. Personal memories both of public and private places, fill in the gaps of more traditional histories drawn from archival materials, with all their limitations. In the context of the project "Cities and Regions in Transition after the Second World War," Brigitte Le Normand, Jon Corbett and Vanni D’Alessio have created an interactive map using the Geolive web platform, a participatory mapping tool that uses Google maps. Anyone wishing to share their memories and their collected first or second hand stories about localized events and places in Rijeka’s past and present, can log in and put a marker on the map, which can be navigated using a time-bar, layers and keywords. Markers can be written texts, pictures, audio and video files. The purpose of the map is to crowd-source the knowledge of Rijeka's transnational often-conflicting historical narratives, and of the overlapping layers of the city, in order to visualize intersections and interrelations in time and space. This article addresses the issue of Rijeka as a contested city and on how to study and analyze it using information from archival sources but also from this map. Rijeka is a city which has gone through many political transitions from the early 19th to the end of the 20th centuries, and whose buildings, monuments, schools, industries, and streets have repeatedly changed name, profile, identity and scope. In this article we analyze the histories of Rijeka and the different views on its past, and discuss the value of such web platform (which is available on line at http://rijekafiume.geolive.ca/themap) on which scholars have uploaded historical information and people have placed their experiences and views of the past

    Leo Weiczen Valiani: Fiuman, European, Revolutionary, Historian. Special Issue of the West Croatian History Journal (10).

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    In 2015 the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Rijeka hosted the international conference From Leo Weiczen to Leo Valiani. The aim of the conference was to present and discuss the work and life of an intellectual of European calibre, born and raised in Rijeka, where he started his antifascist activism. Weiczen/Valiani continued his revolutionary activism in the following years of internment and imprisonment in Italy, and as political émigré in France, Spain and Mexico. During World War II he became a prominent leader of the partisan movement in Italy, therefore a member of the Constituent Assembly of Italian Republic. Having abandoned his political career, he became a proficient historian and newspaper commentator. President Sandro Pertini proclaimed him senator for life of the Italian Republic. He was also honorary President of the Società di studi fiumani in Rome The idea of this conference dates 2014. The Departments of History and Italian Studies of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences shared the organization of this conference, wholeheartedly supported by two faculty managements. The City of Rijeka also promoted this event, which was inserted by the Italian Consulate in the manifestation Weeks of Italian Culture in Rijeka. The conference hosted an exhibition on Leo Valiani/Weiczen and his family imbedded in the Rijeka Jewish network with documentation from the State Archive in Rijeka. The curators of the exhibition were Ivan Jeličić and Lea Čeč, who were helped by the students of the “Liceo” (Rijeka’s Italian high school). The exhibition was open to the public after the conference in the hall of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. This special issue of the journal of the Department of History (the West Croatian History Journal) selected some of the papers of the conference, modified by authors into scholarly articles and peer reviewed before being accepted. In the second part of this publication you will find some additional works, including the catalogue of the exhibition, which will hep the reader to get a more comprehensive picture of the various aspects of the life and work of Leo Weiczen/Valiani, from his “fiuman” environment, to his experiences as European intellectual and revolutionary, and as respected historian of Austria- Hungary