16 research outputs found

    Oral Health in Dental Anthropology Findings from Krapina Neanderthal Until the Twentieth Century

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    Karijes, parodontne bolesti i okluzijske anomalije sa svojim komplikacijama tri su dominantna problema stomatoloÅ”ke prakse. Sva tri mogu se pratiti na lubanjama osoba koje su živjele u različitim razdobljima. U ovome istraživanju zabilježeni su nalazi na lubanjama krapinskoga neandertalca, zatim ljudi koji su živjeli u prvom, desetom i dvadesetom stoljeću. Lubanje krapinskoga neandertalca nalaze se u GeoloÅ”ko-paleontoloÅ”kom muzeju u Zagrebu. Lubanje ljudi iz prvog i desetog stoljeća su u Zemaljskom muzeju u Sarajevu, a lubanje dvadesetoga stoljeća u Institutu za anatomiju Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevu. Na fragmentima lubanja krapinskoga neandertalca nije moguće egzaktno odrediti okluziju, ali stanje zubi i alveolarne kosti moguće je objektivno procjeniti za nalaze karijesa i parodontne bolesti. Zbog toga su istraživanja u sve četiri skupine usmjerena na karijes i parodontne bolesti. Stanje alveolarne kosti kvantificirano je prema TCH-indeksu (Tooth-Cervical-Hight indeks). Interesantno je da na 281 zubu krapinskoga neandertalca nema ni jednoga karijesa, a postoje resorptivne promjene infraiintrakoÅ”tanih džepova alveole. Prema tome, parodontna bolest starija je od karijesa. Incidencija karijesa na lubanjama prvog, deset i dvadesetog stoljeća kontinuirano progredira prema dvadesetom stoljeću.Carious lesions, periodontal disease and occlusal anomalies together with their complications represent three predominant problems in dental practice. All these findings have been evaluated on the sculls of persons who lived in various periods of time. The aim of this study was to determine findings on the sculls of Krapina Neanderthal people and also on people from the first, tenth and twentieth century. The sculls of Krapina Neanderthal people are stored in the Croatian Natural History Museum in Zagreb. The sculls from the people of the first and tenth century are stored in the Provincial Museum in Sarajevo and sculls from the twentieth century are stored in the Institute for Anatomy in the School of Medicine in Sarajevo. On the parts of the sculls of Krapina Neanderthal people occlusion could not be determined, but the status of teeth and alveolar bone was objectively evaluated with regard to the carious lesions and periodontal disease. Therefore, all the measurements in every group out of the total four, was performed with regard to the carious lesions and periodontal disease. Alveolar bone status was determined according to the TCH (Tooth-Cervical-Height Index). On the 281 Krapina Neanderthal teeth no carious lesions were found whereas resorptive changes in the infra and intraalveolar pockets were noticed. Therefore, periodontal disease has been present for longer than caries. The prevalence of carious lesions continously progresses from the first, through tenth untill the twentieth century

    Salivary and Serous Values of Interleukin 6 and Basic Growth Factor of Fibroblasts in Patients with Planocellular Carcinoma

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    U literaturi postoje podatci o ulozi interleukina 6 (IL-6) i bazičnoga čimbenika rasta fibroblasta (bFGF) u bolesnika s oralnim karcinomima, ali nema podataka o salivarnom IL-6 i bFGF u tih bolesnika. Svrha ovoga ispitivanja bila je odrediti vrijednosti salivarnog i serumskog IL-6 i bFGF u 35 bolesnika s planocelularnim karcinomom usne Å”upljine, dobi od 40-73 godine, prosječne dobi 54 godine. Kontrolna se je skupina sastojala od 23 zdrava sudionika, u dobi od 25 godina. Dobiveni podatci analizirani su Mann-Whitney U testom i vrijednosti manje od 0,001 smatrale su se statistički znatnima. Serumske vrijednosti IL-6 i bFGF nisu se znatno razlikovale između ispitne i kontrolne skupine. PoviÅ”ene vrijednosti salivarnog IL-6 i bFGF ustanovljene su u oboljelih od planocelularnoga karcinoma u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom (p<0,001). Možemo zaključiti da poviÅ”ene vrijednosti salivarnog IL-6 i bFGF u oboljelih od planocelularnoga karcinoma potječu od lokalne proizvodnje.Data can be found in the literature on the roles of interleukin 6 (IL-6) and basic growth factor of fibroblasts (bFGF) in patients with oral carcinomas, although there are no data on salivary IL-6 and bFGF in such patients. The aim of this study was to determine the values of salivary and serum IL-6 and bFGF in 35 patients with planocellular carcinoma of the oral cavity, aged 40 - 73 years (mean age 54 years). A control group consisted of 23 healthy participants, aged 25 years. The data obtained were analysed by Mann-Whitney U test and values of less than 0.001 were considered statistically significant. Serum values IL-6 and bFGF did not significantly differ between the examined and the control group. Increased values of salivary IL-6 and bFGF were determined in the patients with planocellular carcinoma compared with the control group (p<0.001). We can conclude that the increased values of salivary IL-6 and bFGF in patients with planocellular carcinoma originated from local production

    Oralne komplikacije zračenja glave i vrata

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    Almost all patients (90-100%) who have undergone radiation treatment (RT) of head and neck region develop at least one oral complication. Oral complications of head and neck RT can be acute and chronic. Acute complications occur during RT and include oral mucositis, dry mouth and taste sensation disorder. Chronic complications occur several weeks, months or years after RT cessation, and include radiation caries, osteoradionecrosis and trismus.Gotovo svi pacijenti (90-100%) koji su podvrgnuti terapijskom zračenju u području glave i vrata razviju neku od komplikacija u usnoj Å”upljini. Oralne komplikacije terapijskog zračenja glave i vrata mogu biti akutne i kronične. Akutne komplikacije nastaju tijekom zračenja i u njih ubrajamo oralni mukozitis, suhoću usta i poremećaj okusne osjetljivosti. Kronične komplikacije nastaju nekoliko tjedana, mjeseci ili godina po zavrÅ”etku zračenja, i podrazumijevaju radijacijski karijes, osteoradionekrozu i trizmus

    Učinkovitost liječenja niskoenergetskim laserom u sindromu pekućih usta ā€“ probno istraživanje

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    The aim of this clinical study was to compare low-level laser therapy (LLLT) switched on and switched off in the treatment of burning mouth syndrome (BMS). BMS is a debilitating condition for patients and highly demanding for physicians, characterized by burning symptoms in the oral cavity. Despite extensive research, so far only cognitive behavioral therapy and clonazepam have been proven successful for its treatment in randomized controlled trials. Forty-four patients with BMS were randomly assigned to the study laser group (LLLT) or the sham laser group. LLLT was performed with the GaAlAs laser (830 nm) used in non-contact mode on the site in the mouth where burning symptoms were present; study patients received 10 sessions (10 days). Each participant fi lled out the visual analog scale (VAS) and oral health impact on the quality of life scale (OHIP-CRO 14) before and after either therapy protocol. Th ere were no signifi cant diff erences between the groups before and after LLLT (switched on and off ) in the quality of life (OHIP CRO 14 scores) (p>0.05). There was signifi cant decrease in pain symptoms (VAS) in both LLLT switched on and LLLT switched off groups (p0,05). Utvrđeno je značajno smanjenje simptoma boli (VAS) u objema skupinama liječenim laserom (upaljen i ugaÅ”en) (p<0,05). Upaljen i ugaÅ”en laser je doveo do smanjenja simptoma boli u bolesnika s SPU, doduÅ”e, niti jedan način liječenja laserom (upaljen ili ugaÅ”en) nije doveo do poboljÅ”anja rezultata utjecaja oralnog zdravlja na kvalitetu života

    Povezanost proteina nm23 i ketapsina D sa kliničkim i patoloŔkim značajkama oralnog karcinoma pločastih stanica

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    The most important prognostic factor in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes. Study group comprised of 107 patients with OSCC and control group comprised of 77 specimens of unchanged oral mucosa. The purpose of this study was to determine the immunohistochemical expression of cathepsin D and nm23 protein in OSCC and to compare it to the other clinical and histological features and to the occurrence of regional metastases, in order to assess their prognostic value. In contrast to normal epithelium a diff use expression of cathepsin D and nm23 protein in OSCC has been found. By comparing the expression of cathepsin D and nm23 protein in tumor cells and in tumor stroma and the type of reaction to the pT, the degree of diff erentiation, mode of invasion and tumor stroma the following has been found: a signifi cant connection between nm23 protein in tumor cells with the degree of diff erentiation, nm23 protein with the characteristics of the tumor stroma and mode of invasion and cathepsin D with the degree of tumor diff erentiation. The results of this research highlight the important role of tumor stroma in metastatic potential of OSCC.Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je imunohistokemijski utvrditi izraženost proteina nm23 i katepsina D u oralnim pločastim karcinomima, usporediti ju s patohistoloÅ”kim nalazima, pojavom područnih presadnica i procijeniti njihovu vrijednost u prognozi bolesti. Ispitivano je 107 tkivnih uzoraka bolesne i 77 zdrave ustne sluznice. Uočena je pojačana difuzna izraženost proteina nm23 i katepsina D u bolesnom tkivu. Usporedbom proteina nm23 i katepsina D u tumorskim stanicama i tumorskoj stromi, te tipa reakcije s pT, stupnjem diferencijacije, načinom invazije i izraženoŔću tumorske strome, nađena je znakovita povezanost izraženosti proteina nm23 u tumorskim stanicama sa stupnjem diferencijacije, proteina nm23s izraženoŔću tumorske strome i načinom invazije, te katepsina D sa stupnjem diferencijacije tumora. Najvažniji prognostički pokazatelj u oralnim pločastim karcinomima su metastaze u područnim limfnim čvorovima. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju važnost tumorske strome za metastatski potencijal ostnog ustnog pločastog karcinoma

    Lijekovima izazvane oralne ulceracije: prikaz slučaja

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    A 70-year-old patient was admitted to the Department of Oral Medicine for multiple oral ulcerations on the left buccal mucosa, around 0.5 cm in diameter, as well as on the gingiva. Otherwise, the patient suffered from chronic lymphocytic leukemia, hypogammaglobulinemia, chronic renal insufficiency, with complete afunction of the right kidney, asthma, hypertension, gastritis and prostate hyperplasia. Differential diagnosis of oral ulcerations included drug induced oral ulcerations, paraneoplastic pemphigus, viral ulcerations (cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex viruses), fungal ulcerations (candidiasis, aspergillosis, histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis) and bacterial ulcerations, as well as neutropenic ulcers. One of the possible explanations was that the lesions were due to the use of drugs, the more so as oral lesions evolved when the doses of allopurinol and chlorambucil were increased, and subsided when the doses of both drugs were decreased. However, we could not establish for sure whether the lesions were due to allopurinol or chlorambucil. According to literature data, allopurinol is one of the most frequent drugs known to induce skin adverse reactions, therefore we assumed that it was the culprit drug. Unfortunately, several weeks later the patient died from sepsis, pneumonia with respiratory insufficiency and multiorgan failure.Bolesnik u dobi od 70 godina upućen je na Zavod za oralnu medicinu zbog nekoliko oralnih ulceracija na lijevoj obraznoj sluznici veličine oko pola centimetra u promjeru te na gingivi. Inače je bolovao od kronične limfocitne leukemije, hipogamaglobulinemije, kronične bubrežne insufi cijencije s potpunom afunkcijom desnog bubrega, astme, hipertenzije, gastritisa i hiperplazije prostate. Diferencijalna dijagnoza oralnih ulceracija uključivala je oralne ulceracije uslijed uzimanja lijekova, paraneoplastični pemfi gus, virusne ulceracije (citomegalovirus, herpes simpleks viruse), gljivične ulceracije (kandidijaza, aspergiloza, histoplazmoza, kriptokokoza), bakterijske ulceracije te neutropenične ulceracije. Jedno od mogućih objaÅ”njenja je bilo da su lezije vjerojatno nastale uslijed uzimanja lijekova, jer su se pojavile kada se doza alopurinola i klorambucila povećala, a počele su nestajati kada se doza tih lijekova smanjila. Ipak, nismo sigurni koji je od ova dva lijeka doveo do nastanka lezija, jer je nažalost nekoliko tjedana poslije bolesnik izdahnuo uslijed sepse, pneumonije i respiracijske insuficijencije te viÅ”eorganskog zatajenja

    Povezanost proteina nm23 i ketapsina D sa kliničkim i patoloŔkim značajkama oralnog karcinoma pločastih stanica

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    The most important prognostic factor in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes. Study group comprised of 107 patients with OSCC and control group comprised of 77 specimens of unchanged oral mucosa. The purpose of this study was to determine the immunohistochemical expression of cathepsin D and nm23 protein in OSCC and to compare it to the other clinical and histological features and to the occurrence of regional metastases, in order to assess their prognostic value. In contrast to normal epithelium a diff use expression of cathepsin D and nm23 protein in OSCC has been found. By comparing the expression of cathepsin D and nm23 protein in tumor cells and in tumor stroma and the type of reaction to the pT, the degree of diff erentiation, mode of invasion and tumor stroma the following has been found: a signifi cant connection between nm23 protein in tumor cells with the degree of diff erentiation, nm23 protein with the characteristics of the tumor stroma and mode of invasion and cathepsin D with the degree of tumor diff erentiation. The results of this research highlight the important role of tumor stroma in metastatic potential of OSCC.Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je imunohistokemijski utvrditi izraženost proteina nm23 i katepsina D u oralnim pločastim karcinomima, usporediti ju s patohistoloÅ”kim nalazima, pojavom područnih presadnica i procijeniti njihovu vrijednost u prognozi bolesti. Ispitivano je 107 tkivnih uzoraka bolesne i 77 zdrave ustne sluznice. Uočena je pojačana difuzna izraženost proteina nm23 i katepsina D u bolesnom tkivu. Usporedbom proteina nm23 i katepsina D u tumorskim stanicama i tumorskoj stromi, te tipa reakcije s pT, stupnjem diferencijacije, načinom invazije i izraženoŔću tumorske strome, nađena je znakovita povezanost izraženosti proteina nm23 u tumorskim stanicama sa stupnjem diferencijacije, proteina nm23s izraženoŔću tumorske strome i načinom invazije, te katepsina D sa stupnjem diferencijacije tumora. Najvažniji prognostički pokazatelj u oralnim pločastim karcinomima su metastaze u područnim limfnim čvorovima. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju važnost tumorske strome za metastatski potencijal ostnog ustnog pločastog karcinoma

    Salivary Peroxidase Levels in Patients With Oral Lichen Planus

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    Oralni lihen planus (OLP) je kronična upalna bolest kojoj etiologija joÅ” nije identificirana, ali je karakterizirana s imunoreaktivnoŔću koj je usmjerena protiv bazalnih keratinocita i koja je posredovana s T-limfocitima. U zdravih osoba salivarna peroksidaza zajedno s drugim salivarnim antimikrobnim enzimima održava ekoloÅ”ku ravnotežu u usnoj Å”upljini. Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je odrediti vrijednosti salivarne peroksidaze u bolesnika s OLP-om. U 30 bolesnika s OLP-om određene su vrijednosti salivarne peroksidaze u ukupnoj nestimuliranoj slini, a tako i u 28 kontrolnih ispitanika. Svaki je ispitanik izbacivao skupljenu slinu u kalibrirane epruvete tijekom pet minuta u vremenu od 8-11 ujutro. Uzorci sline zatim su centrifugirani na 800 okretaja tijekom deset minuta i supernatanti su smrznuti na -70Ā°C sve do početka raŔčlambe. Vrijednosti salivarne peroksidaze određene su po metodi Putter i Beckera. Statistička je raŔčalmba napravljena uz upotrebu Studentova t-testa i p-vrijednost manja od 0,05 smatrala se statistički znatnom. Nije bilo znatnih razlika između bolesnika s OLP-om i kontrolne skupine s obzirom na količinu izlučene sline i s obzirom na vrijednosti salivarne peroksidaze. Možemo zaključiti da vrijednosti salivarne peroksidaze u bolesnika s OLP-om nemaju utjecaj na promjene koje se vide u usnoj Å”upljini tih bolesnika.Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory disease whose etiology has not yet been identified. It is characterizied by immunoreactivity directed against basal keratinocytes and mediated by T-lymphocytes. In health, salivary peroxidase together with other salivary antimicrobial enzymes maintains the ecological balance in the oral cavity. The aim of this study was to evaluate salivary peroxidase levels in patients with OLP. In 30 patients with OLP, salivary peroxidase levels in whole unstimulated saliva were determined and compared to 28 healthy controls. Each participant collected saliva using the simple method of spitting while sitting unstimulated whole saliva into calibrated tubes during five minutes between 8-11 A.M. Salivary samples were then centrifuged on 800 turns during ten minutes and supernatans were frozen at -70Ā°C until analysis. Salivary peroxidase levels were determined according to Putter and Becker. Statistical analysis was performed using Student t-tes and p-values below 0.05 were considered statistically significant. No significant differnces between patients with OLP and controls in salivary flow rate, as well as in salivary peroxidase levels were found. We can conclude that salivary peroxidase levels in patients with OLP did not have an impact on changes seen in the oral cavity of these patients