Povezanost proteina nm23 i ketapsina D sa kliničkim i patološkim značajkama oralnog karcinoma pločastih stanica


The most important prognostic factor in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes. Study group comprised of 107 patients with OSCC and control group comprised of 77 specimens of unchanged oral mucosa. The purpose of this study was to determine the immunohistochemical expression of cathepsin D and nm23 protein in OSCC and to compare it to the other clinical and histological features and to the occurrence of regional metastases, in order to assess their prognostic value. In contrast to normal epithelium a diff use expression of cathepsin D and nm23 protein in OSCC has been found. By comparing the expression of cathepsin D and nm23 protein in tumor cells and in tumor stroma and the type of reaction to the pT, the degree of diff erentiation, mode of invasion and tumor stroma the following has been found: a signifi cant connection between nm23 protein in tumor cells with the degree of diff erentiation, nm23 protein with the characteristics of the tumor stroma and mode of invasion and cathepsin D with the degree of tumor diff erentiation. The results of this research highlight the important role of tumor stroma in metastatic potential of OSCC.Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je imunohistokemijski utvrditi izraženost proteina nm23 i katepsina D u oralnim pločastim karcinomima, usporediti ju s patohistološkim nalazima, pojavom područnih presadnica i procijeniti njihovu vrijednost u prognozi bolesti. Ispitivano je 107 tkivnih uzoraka bolesne i 77 zdrave ustne sluznice. Uočena je pojačana difuzna izraženost proteina nm23 i katepsina D u bolesnom tkivu. Usporedbom proteina nm23 i katepsina D u tumorskim stanicama i tumorskoj stromi, te tipa reakcije s pT, stupnjem diferencijacije, načinom invazije i izraženošću tumorske strome, nađena je znakovita povezanost izraženosti proteina nm23 u tumorskim stanicama sa stupnjem diferencijacije, proteina nm23s izraženošću tumorske strome i načinom invazije, te katepsina D sa stupnjem diferencijacije tumora. Najvažniji prognostički pokazatelj u oralnim pločastim karcinomima su metastaze u područnim limfnim čvorovima. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju važnost tumorske strome za metastatski potencijal ostnog ustnog pločastog karcinoma

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