2 research outputs found

    Serum concentration of L-selectin in people suffering from fibromyalgia

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    Posljednjih nekoliko godina teži se otkrivanju potencijalnoga specifičnoga analita čija bi koncentracija bila promijenjena, snižena ili povećana, u serumu ili drugim tjelesnim tekućinama u oboljelih od fibromialgije, odnosno koji bi mogao biti uvršten kao jedan od dijagnostičkih kriterija bolesti ili bi pak njegova koncentracija korelirala s progresijom fibromialgije i imala utjecaj na odabir terapije. U etiološkoj je podlozi fibromialgije kronični upalni proces u kojem ulogu imaju mnoge molekule, uključujući i L-selektin. U ovome je istraživanju ispitano je li promijenjena serumska koncentracija L-selektina u osoba s fibromialgijom. Korištenjem komercijalno dostupnog test kompleta izmjerene su serumske koncentracije L-selektina u bolesnika s fibromialgijom (34 ispitanika) i zdravih dobrovoljaca (31 ispitanik) . Utvrđeno je da je serumska koncentracija L-selektina statistički značajno snižena u bolesnika oboljelih od fibromialgije u odnosu na zdrave dobrovoljce. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja poslužiti će kao osnova daljnjeg ispitivanja koncentracija navedenog analita na većem uzorku s ciljem procjene njegova dijagnostičkog značenja budući da za fibromialgiju nisu utvrđeni pouzdani biokemijski pokazatelji. Osim toga rezultati ovog istraživanja mogu biti poticajni za propitivanje novih terapijskih mogućnosti.Past few years, many research incline in discover potential analyte, which concentration would be increased or decreased in serum or other body fluids in people suffering from fibromyalgia. Potential analyte would have a role as a part of diagnostic criteria, therapy or his concentration would have correlate with progression of fibromyalgia. Chronic inflammatory process is in etiology of fibromyalgia, in which many molecules have part, including L-selectin. Using commercially available ELISA test serum concentration of L-selectin have been measured. It has been found that there is difference in serum concentration of L-selectin between the people suffering from fibromyalgia and healthy volunteers. Results of this research could be the basis for further research of this analyte, with intention of evaluating their diagnostic application

    Verification of automated latex-enhanced particle immunoturbidimetric D-Dimer assays on different analytical platforms and comparability of test results

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    Introduction: The aim of the study was the analytical verification of automated latex-enhanced particle immunoturbidimetric (LPIA) D-Dimer assay INNOVANCE D-dimer on Sysmex CS-5100 and Atellica COAG 360 analysers, and HemosIL D-dimer HS500 on ACL TOP 550, as well as the comparison with the enzyme-linked immunofluorescent assay (ELFA) on the miniVidas analyser. Materials and methods: Verification included assessment of within-run and between-run precision, bias, measurement uncertainty (MU), verification of the cut-off, method comparison between all assessed assays, and the reference commercial ELFA VIDAS D-Dimer Exclusion II. Results: Within-run coefficients of variations (CVs) ranged from 1.6% (Atellica COAG 360) to 7.9% (ACL TOP 550), while between-run CVs ranged from 1.7% (Sysmex CS-5100) to 6.9% (Atellica COAG 360). Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients were > 0.99 between LPIAs and ≥ 0.93 when comparing ELFA with LPIA. Passing-Bablok regression analysis yielded constant and proportional difference for comparison of ACL TOP 550 with both Sysmex CS-5100 and Atellica COAG360, and for miniVidas with Atellica COAG360. Small proportional difference was found between miniVidas and both Sysmex CS-5100 and ACL TOP 550. Calculated MUs using D-dimer HS 500 calibrator were 12.6% (Sysmex CS-5100) and 15.6% (Atellica COAG 360), while with INNOVANCE D-dimer calibrator 12.0% (Sysmex CS-5100), 10.0% (Atellica COAG 360) and 28.1% (ACL TOP 550). Excellent agreement of results was obtained, with occasional discrepancies near the cut-off. The cut-off (0.5 mg/L FEU) was confirmed. Conclusions: The obtained results prove satisfactory analytical performance of LPIAs, their high comparability and almost equal discriminatory characteristics, suggesting them as a valid alternative to ELFA