5 research outputs found

    Corporate identity in wood processing and furniture manufacturing in the Republic of Croatia

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    Identitet poduzeća mnogi su autori definirali na različite načine i njegove jedinstvene definicije nema, ali to su svakako povijest, okruženje, dosadaÅ”nji razvoj i prepoznatljivost poduzeća. U ovom radu istraživali smo poimanje identiteta poduzeća unutar poduzeća za preradu drva i proizvodnju namjeÅ”taja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Istraživanje je provedeno uz pomoć anketnog upitnika, koji je sadržavao opće informacije o poduzeću i deset pitanja vezanih za poimanje identiteta poduzeća. Anketirano je 210 poduzeća za preradu drva i proizvodnju namjeÅ”taja, od kojih je na anketu odgovorilo njih 43 (20,47 %), a u razmatranje je uzeto njih 35 (16,67 %). Dobiveni su podaci statistički analizirani i uspoređeni primjenom X2-testa. Rezultati pokazuju da se definiranje pojma identiteta poduzeća u preradi drva i proizvodnji namjeÅ”taja u nas najčeŔće poistovjećuje s vizualnom prezentacijom poduzeća, njegovim imidžem te prepoznatljivoŔću i različitoŔću na tržiÅ”tu. Istodobno, najveći broj ispitanika smatra da identitet poduzeća u najvećoj mjeri čine dizajn poduzeća, vanjska komunikacija poduzeća i njegova filozofija.Corporate identity was defined differently by different authors and its unique definition was not established, but it is most certainly the soul of each enterprise that is based on history, environment, previous development and recognition on the market. This paper deals with the perception of corporate identity in wood processing and furniture manufacturing companies in the Republic of Croatia. Research was conducted as a survey using questionnaires containing general information about the enterprise and 10 questions regarding the perception of corporate identity. 210 enterprises for wood processing and furniture manufacturing were surveyed and 43 (20.47 %) of them answered to all the questions, of which 35 (16.67 %) were taken into consideration. The given data were analyzed statistically using X2-test. The results showed that corporate identity in Croatian wood processing and furniture manufacturing companies was mostly defined by and identified with the companyā€™s visual presentation, image and recognizability and differentiation in the market. At the same time, most surveyees thought that corporate identity is mostly made of the companyā€™s design, companyā€™s external communication and its philosophy