12 research outputs found

    Experiencias virtuales, una herramienta para enseñar mecanica.

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    Apresentação oral em palestra semiplenaria do trabalho "Experiencias virtuales, una herramienta para enseñar mecanica"

    101mRh and 101fRh decay studies and 101Ru nuclear structure

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    Os decaimentos dos nuclídeos 101mRh e 101fRh foram estudados por espectroscopia gama, tanto em medidas de espectros simples quanta de espectros em coincidência. As fontes foram produzidas na reação 103Rh(,2n) 101m,fRh, com fótons provenientes de Bremsstrahlung de elétrons no Acelerador linear do IFUSP. Diversas transições gama anteriormente atribuídas aos decaimentos desses nuclídeos não foram confirmadas, num total de 6 transições, e mais duas que foram observadas este trabalho foram atribuídas ao decaimento do 102mRh. As transições gama observadas seguindo o decaimento do 101mRh tem as seguintes energias em keV, e intensidades relativas, respectivamente: 127,226(9), 0,79(2); 157,41(4), 0,280(5); 179,636(15), 0,660(15); 184,11(5), 0,193(3); 233,74(4), 0,2198(15); 238,27(4), 0,2505(17); 306,857(5), 100; 311,367(19), 0,0175(9); 417,86(5), 0,005(2); 545,117(7), 5,3(3). As transições gama observadas seguindo o decaimento do 101fRh tem as seguintes energias e intensidades relativas: 110,94(12), 0,06(2); 127,226(9), 93,2(9); 184,22(13), 0,081(14); 198,01(13), 100; 295,01(3), 0,815(24); 352,23(3), 16,20(15); 422,19(8) ,0,272(15). A intensidade da captura eletrônica do 101fRh para o estado fundamental do 101Ru foi estimada em 51(17) % a partir do acompanhamento do crescimento da intensidade dos gamas de 198 keV decorrente da alimentação do estado fundamental pela transição isométrica de 157 keV, durante os primeiros 10 dias após o fim da irradiação. Os esquemas de decaimento dos 101m,fRh resultantes deste trabalho exigem apenas seis níveis excitados do 101Ru para acomodar todas as transições gama observadas, ao contrário do estudo anterior que concluía pela necessidade de 11 níveis. A estrutura nuclear do 101Ru para baixas energias de excitação pode, em razão da simplificação do esquema de níveis decorrente deste trabalho, ser bem descrita qualitativamente num modelo de quase-partícula-fonon com acoplamento fraco. Uma descrição quantitativa através desse modelo no esquema de acoplamento intermediário, tem sucesso limitado às probabilidades de transição de quadruplo elétrico e aos fatores espectroscópicos, conduzindo a um espectro de energia muito diferente do experimental, embora com a densidade de níveis correta. A mistura de estados de três quase-partículas foi introduzida através da teoria de perturbação. Verifica-se que a introdução desses estados permite uma melhor interpretação do espectro de energia. Os cálculos com o modelo de uma quase-partícula-fonon foram estendidos aos isótopos ímpares do Ru com 95 A 105. Os poucos dados ex perimentais disponíveis de probabilidades de transição de quadrupolo elétrico e de fatores espectroscópicos são razoavelmente reproduzidos. Já o espectro de energia calculado só concorda razoavelmente com o experimental para o 95Ru. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que os isótopos ímpares do Ru podem ser descritos utilizando-se quase-partículas e fonons como modos elementares de excitação , sendo necessário incluir no modelo estados intrínsecos de três quase-partículas.The decays of 101mRh and 101fRh nuclides were studied by gamma-ray spectroscopy either or single or coincidence . spectra. The sources were obtained through the 103Rh(,2n) 101m,fRh reaction with the electron Bremsstrahlung beam of the Linear Accelerator of the IFUSP. Six transitions earlier attributed to the decays of these nuclides were not confirmed. Two other transitions that were observed in the present work were attributed to the 102mRh decay. The energies (keV) and the relative intensities for the observed gamma transitions following the 101mRh decay are respective1y: 127.226(9), 0.79(2); 157.41(4), 0.280(5); 179.636(15), 0.660(15); 184.11(5), 0.193(3); 233.74(4), 0.2198(15); 238.27(4), 0.2505(17); 306.857(5), 100; 311.367(19), 0.0175(9); 417.86(5) 0.005(2); 545.117(7), 5.3(3). The energies and the relative intensities of the gamma transitions observed for the 101fRh decay are the following: 110.94(12), 0.06(2); 127.226(9), 93.2(9); 184.22(13), 0.081(14); 198.01(3), 100; 295.01(3), 0.815(24); 325.23(3), 16.20(15); 422.19 (8), 0.272(15).The growth of the intensity of the 198 keV gammas due to the feeding of the ground state by the isomeric transition of 157 keV during the first ten days after the end of the irradiation allowed the measurement of the 101fRh electron capture intensity for the ground state of the 101Ru which was established as roughly 51(17)%. Previous work had shown that for the decay scheme of the 101m,fRh eleven excited levels of the 101Ru were needed to fit all observed gamma transitions. This work shows that only six excited levels are necessary. Due to the simplification of the level scheme obtained in this work, the nuclear structure of the 101Ru for low excitation energy can be described as a quasi-particle-phonon with weak coupling. Using this model in the intermediate coupling scheme, a quantitative description is successful in the calculation of electric quadrupole transition probabilities and spectroscopic factors. The calculated energy spectrum is very different from the experimental one although the level densities coincide. Through the perturbation theory, mixture with three quasi-particle states was introduced. The introduction of these states allows a better interpretation of the energy spectrum. For the other Ru isotopes the calculations using the one quasi-particle-phonon model were performed with 95 A I05. The small amount of experimental data available for electric quadrupole transition probabilities and spectroscopic factors agreed fairly well with the theoretical calculations. Nevertheless, the calculated energy spectrum agrees reasonably with the experimental one only for 95Ru. The theoretical results suggest that the odd-A Ru isotopes can be described using quasi-particle and phonons as elementary excitation modes, provided that the three quasi-particle intrinsic states are taken into account

    101mRh and 101fRh decay studies and 101Ru nuclear structure

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    Os decaimentos dos nuclídeos 101mRh e 101fRh foram estudados por espectroscopia gama, tanto em medidas de espectros simples quanta de espectros em coincidência. As fontes foram produzidas na reação 103Rh(,2n) 101m,fRh, com fótons provenientes de Bremsstrahlung de elétrons no Acelerador linear do IFUSP. Diversas transições gama anteriormente atribuídas aos decaimentos desses nuclídeos não foram confirmadas, num total de 6 transições, e mais duas que foram observadas este trabalho foram atribuídas ao decaimento do 102mRh. As transições gama observadas seguindo o decaimento do 101mRh tem as seguintes energias em keV, e intensidades relativas, respectivamente: 127,226(9), 0,79(2); 157,41(4), 0,280(5); 179,636(15), 0,660(15); 184,11(5), 0,193(3); 233,74(4), 0,2198(15); 238,27(4), 0,2505(17); 306,857(5), 100; 311,367(19), 0,0175(9); 417,86(5), 0,005(2); 545,117(7), 5,3(3). As transições gama observadas seguindo o decaimento do 101fRh tem as seguintes energias e intensidades relativas: 110,94(12), 0,06(2); 127,226(9), 93,2(9); 184,22(13), 0,081(14); 198,01(13), 100; 295,01(3), 0,815(24); 352,23(3), 16,20(15); 422,19(8) ,0,272(15). A intensidade da captura eletrônica do 101fRh para o estado fundamental do 101Ru foi estimada em 51(17) % a partir do acompanhamento do crescimento da intensidade dos gamas de 198 keV decorrente da alimentação do estado fundamental pela transição isométrica de 157 keV, durante os primeiros 10 dias após o fim da irradiação. Os esquemas de decaimento dos 101m,fRh resultantes deste trabalho exigem apenas seis níveis excitados do 101Ru para acomodar todas as transições gama observadas, ao contrário do estudo anterior que concluía pela necessidade de 11 níveis. A estrutura nuclear do 101Ru para baixas energias de excitação pode, em razão da simplificação do esquema de níveis decorrente deste trabalho, ser bem descrita qualitativamente num modelo de quase-partícula-fonon com acoplamento fraco. Uma descrição quantitativa através desse modelo no esquema de acoplamento intermediário, tem sucesso limitado às probabilidades de transição de quadruplo elétrico e aos fatores espectroscópicos, conduzindo a um espectro de energia muito diferente do experimental, embora com a densidade de níveis correta. A mistura de estados de três quase-partículas foi introduzida através da teoria de perturbação. Verifica-se que a introdução desses estados permite uma melhor interpretação do espectro de energia. Os cálculos com o modelo de uma quase-partícula-fonon foram estendidos aos isótopos ímpares do Ru com 95 A 105. Os poucos dados ex perimentais disponíveis de probabilidades de transição de quadrupolo elétrico e de fatores espectroscópicos são razoavelmente reproduzidos. Já o espectro de energia calculado só concorda razoavelmente com o experimental para o 95Ru. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que os isótopos ímpares do Ru podem ser descritos utilizando-se quase-partículas e fonons como modos elementares de excitação , sendo necessário incluir no modelo estados intrínsecos de três quase-partículas.The decays of 101mRh and 101fRh nuclides were studied by gamma-ray spectroscopy either or single or coincidence . spectra. The sources were obtained through the 103Rh(,2n) 101m,fRh reaction with the electron Bremsstrahlung beam of the Linear Accelerator of the IFUSP. Six transitions earlier attributed to the decays of these nuclides were not confirmed. Two other transitions that were observed in the present work were attributed to the 102mRh decay. The energies (keV) and the relative intensities for the observed gamma transitions following the 101mRh decay are respective1y: 127.226(9), 0.79(2); 157.41(4), 0.280(5); 179.636(15), 0.660(15); 184.11(5), 0.193(3); 233.74(4), 0.2198(15); 238.27(4), 0.2505(17); 306.857(5), 100; 311.367(19), 0.0175(9); 417.86(5) 0.005(2); 545.117(7), 5.3(3). The energies and the relative intensities of the gamma transitions observed for the 101fRh decay are the following: 110.94(12), 0.06(2); 127.226(9), 93.2(9); 184.22(13), 0.081(14); 198.01(3), 100; 295.01(3), 0.815(24); 325.23(3), 16.20(15); 422.19 (8), 0.272(15).The growth of the intensity of the 198 keV gammas due to the feeding of the ground state by the isomeric transition of 157 keV during the first ten days after the end of the irradiation allowed the measurement of the 101fRh electron capture intensity for the ground state of the 101Ru which was established as roughly 51(17)%. Previous work had shown that for the decay scheme of the 101m,fRh eleven excited levels of the 101Ru were needed to fit all observed gamma transitions. This work shows that only six excited levels are necessary. Due to the simplification of the level scheme obtained in this work, the nuclear structure of the 101Ru for low excitation energy can be described as a quasi-particle-phonon with weak coupling. Using this model in the intermediate coupling scheme, a quantitative description is successful in the calculation of electric quadrupole transition probabilities and spectroscopic factors. The calculated energy spectrum is very different from the experimental one although the level densities coincide. Through the perturbation theory, mixture with three quasi-particle states was introduced. The introduction of these states allows a better interpretation of the energy spectrum. For the other Ru isotopes the calculations using the one quasi-particle-phonon model were performed with 95 A I05. The small amount of experimental data available for electric quadrupole transition probabilities and spectroscopic factors agreed fairly well with the theoretical calculations. Nevertheless, the calculated energy spectrum agrees reasonably with the experimental one only for 95Ru. The theoretical results suggest that the odd-A Ru isotopes can be described using quasi-particle and phonons as elementary excitation modes, provided that the three quasi-particle intrinsic states are taken into account

    Decay chain differential equations: Solution through matrix algebra

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    A matricial method to solve the decay chain differential equations system is presented. The quantity of each nuclide in the chain at a time t may be evaluated by analytical expressions obtained in a simple way using recurrence relations. This method may be applied to problems of radioactive buildup and decay and can be easily implemented computationally. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.CNP

    Measurement of thermal neutron cross section and resonance integral for the (165)Ho(n, gamma)(166g)Ho reaction

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    The ground state thermal neutron cross section and the resonance integral for the (165)Ho(n, gamma)(166)Ho reaction in thermal and 1/E regions, respectively, of a thermal reactor neutron spectrum have been measured experimentally by activation technique. The reaction product, (166)Ho in the ground state, is gaining considerable importance as a therapeutic radionuclide and precisely measured data of the reaction are of significance from the fundamental point of view as well as for application. In this work, the spectrographically pure holmium oxide (Ho(2)O(3)) powder samples were irradiated with and without cadmium covers at the IEA-RI reactor (IPEN, Sao Paulo), Brazil. The deviation of the neutron spectrum shape from 1/E law was measured by co-irradiating Co, Zn, Zr and Au activation detectors with thermal and epithermal neutrons followed by regression and iterative procedures. The magnitudes of the discrepancies that can occur in measurements made with the ideal 1/E law considerations in the epithermal range were studied. The measured thermal neutron cross section at the Maxwellian averaged thermal energy of 0.0253 eV is 59.0 +/- 2.1 b and for the resonance integral 657 +/- 36b. The results are measured with good precision and indicated a consistency trend to resolve the discrepant status of the literature data. The results are compared with the values in main libraries such as ENDF/B-VII, JEF-2.2 and JENDL-3.2, and with other measurements in the literature.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas, Brazil)FAPESP (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do estadode Sao Paulo. Brazil)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Higher Education Commission (HEC), PakistanHigher Education Commission (HEC), PakistanPAEC (the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Pakistan)PAEC (the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Pakistan

    Statistical analysis of the Doppler broadening coincidence spectrum of electron-positron annihilation radiation in silicon

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    We report a statistical analysis of Doppler broadening coincidence data of electron-positron annihilation radiation in silicon using a (22)Na source. The Doppler broadening coincidence spectrum was fit using a model function that included positron annihilation at rest with 1s, 2s, 2p, and valence band electrons. In-flight positron annihilation was also fit. The response functions of the detectors accounted for backscattering, combinations of Compton effects, pileup, ballistic deficit, and pulse-shaping problems. The procedure allows the quantitative determination of positron annihilation with core and valence electron intensities as well as their standard deviations directly from the experimental spectrum. The results obtained for the core and valence band electron annihilation intensities were 2.56(9)% and 97.44(9)%, respectively. These intensities are consistent with published experimental data treated by conventional analysis methods. This new procedure has the advantage of allowing one to distinguish additional effects from those associated with the detection system response function. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Brazilian agencies FAPESPCNPqConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)CAPE

    Triple- and quadruple-escape peaks in HPGe detectors: Experimental observation and Monte Carlo simulation

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    The triple- and quadruple-escape peaks of 6.128 MeV photons from the (19)F(p,alpha gamma)(16)O nuclear reaction were observed in an HPGe detector. The experimental peak areas, measured in spectra projected with a restriction function that allows quantitative comparison of data from different multiplicities, are in reasonably good agreement with those predicted by Monte Carlo simulations done with the general-purpose radiation-transport code PENELOPE. The behaviour of the escape intensities was simulated for some gamma-ray energies and detector dimensions; the results obtained can be extended to other energies using an empirical function and statistical properties related to the phenomenon. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovacionMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovacion[PHB2007-0059-TA]Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion[FPA2006-12066]Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovacionFEDERFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel SuperiorCoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior[CAPES-DGU 176/08]Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN)Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN

    Observation of double electron-positron pair production by gamma rays reexamined

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    An experiment was conducted to observe triple- and quadruple-escape peaks, at a photon energy equal to 6.128 MeV, in the spectra recorded with a high-purity Ge detector working in coincidence with six bismuth germanate detectors. The peak intensities may be explained having recourse to only the bremsstrahlung cascade process of consecutive electron-positron pair creation; i.e., the contribution of simultaneous double pair formation (and other cascade effects) is much smaller. The experimental peak areas are in reasonably good agreement with those predicted by Monte Carlo simulations done with the general-purpose radiation-tran sport code PENELOPE.Ministerio de Educacion[PHB2007-0059-TA]Ministerio de Educacion[FPA2006-12066]CQordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior[CAPES-DGU 176/08]Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclea

    Optical transition radiation used in the diagnostic of low energy and low current electron beams in particle accelerators

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    Optical transition radiation (OTR) plays an important role in beam diagnostics for high energy particle accelerators. Its linear intensity with beam current is a great advantage as compared to fluorescent screens, which are subject to saturation. Moreover, the measurement of the angular distribution of the emitted radiation enables the determination of many beam parameters in a single observation point. However, few works deals with the application of OTR to monitor low energy beams. In this work we describe the design of an OTR based beam monitor used to measure the transverse beam charge distribution of the 1.9-MeV electron beam of the linac injector of the IFUSP microtron using a standard vision machine camera. The average beam current in pulsed operation mode is of the order of tens of nano-Amps. Low energy and low beam current make OTR observation difficult. To improve sensitivity, the beam incidence angle on the target was chosen to maximize the photon flux in the camera field-of-view. Measurements that assess OTR observation (linearity with beam current, polarization, and spectrum shape) are presented, as well as a typical 1.9-MeV electron beam charge distribution obtained from OTR. Some aspects of emittance measurement using this device are also discussed. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4748519]FAPESPFAPESPCNPqCNPqCAPESCAPE

    K-41(n, gamma)K-42 thermal and resonance integral cross section measurements

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    We measured the K-41 thermal neutron absorption and resonance integral cross sections after the irradiation of KNO3 samples near the core of the IEA-R1 IPEN pool-type research reactor. Bare and cadmium-covered targets were irradiated in pairs with Au-Al alloy flux-monitors. The residual activities were measured by gamma-ray spectroscopy with a HPGe detector, with special care to avoid the K-42 decay beta(-) emission effects on the spectra. The gamma-ray self-absorption was corrected with the help of MCNP simulations. We applied the Westcott formalism in the average neutron flux determination and calculated the depression coefficients for thermal and epithermal neutrons due to the sample thickness with analytical approximations. We obtained 1.57(4) and 1.02(4) b, for thermal and resonance integral cross sections, respectively, with correlation coefficient equal to 0.39.CAPES (Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior, Brazil)Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES), BrazilFAPESP (Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP), BrazilCNPq (Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento)Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (CNPq