287 research outputs found

    A Funky-Formal Fashion Collection: Struggling for a Creative Concept in HUGO BOSS

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    In this case study, we follow a group of five young talented fashion designers in HUGO BOSS charged with creating a new concept for the brand BOSS Orange. The concept is to be neither formal nor funky but, precisely, funky-formal. Based on ethnographic fieldwork among these designers, the case describes in detail how the initial idea of a funky-formal fashion collection gradually grows into a more concrete creative concept for such a collection. In particular, it shows how the designers struggle to get to know the HUGO BOSS brands, to become truly inspired, to generate a compelling concept and,  finally, to make a decision between competing concepts. These processes involve not just the talented designers but also, and not least, the Creative Director of BOSS Orange, making it evident how creativity in fashion is by no means an individual idiosyncrasy but rather a social phenomenon

    Cost Accounting in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

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    First-Mover Advantage: Fordele og ulemper ved at være først

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    First-Mover Advantages (pionerfordele) bliver ofte taget for givet, men kan de reelt udnyttes, hvilke mekanismer forstærker dem, og hvor er faldgruberne ved at være først? Opbygningen af et marked er ressourcekrævende – og ofte for ressourcekrævende for iværksættere. For en iværksætter kan det bevidste valg om, hvornår i forløbet en mulighed skal realiseres, derfor være afgørende for udfaldet. Succes kan komme både ved at være først på markedet men lige såvel ved at afvente markedets udvikling. For at afhjælpe forståelsen af denne dynamik gennemgår denne artikel principperne bag konceptet First-Mover Advantage for at give et svar på netop disse spørgsmål, og dermed skabe en referenceramme for iværksættere

    A digital, spatial, geological model of the Miocene in Jylland, Denmark

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    A major hydrogeological programme has been carried out to map the Miocene succession in central and southern Jylland (Fig. 1). The Miocene deposits comprise several aquifers with potential drinking water resources and have been investigated by drilling and acquisition of seismic data integrated with sedimentology and biostratigraphy. Scharling et al. (2009) described a 3D hydrogeological model that covers part of the onshore Danish Miocene deposits. The model was based on a sequence-stratigraphic approach and led to a better understanding of the geological architecture of the aquifers than traditional lithofacies models. Hence it was decided to establish a digital, spatial, geological model covering the entire onshore Miocene succession (Kristensen et al. 2010)


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    Abstracts in englis

    Possessed by the Zeitgeist: Inspiration and Prophecy in the Business of Fashion

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    The ability to foretell the future―and, as such, to conquer and determine it―is an essential preoccupation of contemporary business, which supposedly distinguishes the winners from the losers. The business of fashion is perhaps the case in point, being inherently concerned with continually staking out new paths into the future. In this article, I explore how fashion designers deal with this imperative through processes of seeking inspiration, constituting a distinctive “technology of prefiguration” by which the designers come to enter a prophetic condition. Rooted in an animistic mode of being, this attests to a shamanic practice, which entails the designers becoming possessed by a zeitgeist and, hence, turning into prophetic agents with particular visions of the future. The world of fashion is, in this sense, populated by entities and processes not commonly associated with modern business, in that animistic tendencies, jumping things, spiritual beings and shamanic efforts enable the designers to attain otherwise unattainable prophetic viewpoints. Underlying this argument is a more general ambition to open up our conception of business, as I suggest that business anthropologists may do well to uphold a profound naïveté in their methodology, which may essentially challenge and revise our assessment of modern capitalism

    Data er en gave, man skammer sig over at give: Om udvekslingssystemer, sundhedsdata og diabetes i USA

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    Denne artikel beskæftiger sig med, hvordan sundhedsdata kan forstås som en gave, der udveksles i et komplekst system. Det udforskes specifikt, hvordan blodsukkerdata for patienter med type 2 diabetes kan begribes som et vindue ind til en skamfuld ‘backstage behaviour’, når de udveksles mellem patient og behandler. Og videre, hvordan denne udveksling rækker længere end til de specifikke data og bliver medskaber af sociale relationer, som er helt essentielle for patienternes succes med deres behandling – eller mangel på samme

    Reappraisal is an effective emotion regulation strategy in children with Tourette syndrome and ADHD.

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    Difficulties in emotion regulation (ER) have been associated with several psychiatric disorders, emphasizing a need for a greater understanding of the concept and its associations with disruptive behavior. We aimed to study the ER strategy of cognitive reappraisal with an experimental test to increase our knowledge of emotional processes in child psychopathology. In the present study, we examined emotional reactivity and cognitive reappraisal with a computer task in 160 medication-naïve children aged 8-12 comprising four groups: Fifty-eight children with Tourette syndrome (TS), 26 children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 19 children with TS and ADHD, and 57 typically developing controls. The use of cognitive reappraisal reduced negative affect across all participants and the ability to reappraise was positively correlated with age, whereas reactivity was not. Overall, groups did not differ in reactivity or regulation success. Looking at specific differences within groups, however, only the ADHD group did not significantly decrease negative affect when reappraising. Finally, the use of strategies considered to be efficacious was correlated with regulation success, whereas the use of a less adaptive strategy related to suppression was associated with reactivity, but not regulation of emotions. The study was limited by small, clinical contrast groups and a lack of blinding to diagnostic status in the coding of verbal strategies employed during the task. Cognitive reappraisal appears to be a beneficial ER strategy for children regardless of diagnostic status. Our findings indicate that children can learn and employ an adaptive ER strategy when instructed in the technique, even in the presence of attention problems, which is highly relevant to therapeutic approaches to dysregulated behavior