3 research outputs found
Avalia??o da modula??o na neurotransmiss?o colin?rgica como resposta aos efeitos causados pela exposi??o ao agrot?xico endosulfan utilizando zebrafish (Danio rerio) como organismo modelo
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-27Endosulfan is a broad spectrum organochlorine pesticide that is still widely used in many developing countries. Following application endosulfan can get to watercourses through surface runoff from agricultural fields and disturb the nontarget aquatic animals including freshwater fish species. Given that the activity of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is one of the most recurrently used biomarkers of exposure to pesticides and there are controversial results concerning the effects of endosulfan exposure and AChE activity in fish, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of endosulfan in brain AChE activity and its gene expression pattern using adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) as an animal model. Moreover, we have analyzed the effects of endosulfan exposure in different parameters of zebrafish swimming activity and in long-term memory formation. After 96 hours of exposition, fish in the 2.4 μg endosulfan/L group presented a significant decrease in AChE activity (9.44 ? 1.038 μmol SCh.h-1.mg protein-1; p = 0.0205) when compared to the control group (15.87 ? 1.768 μmol SCh.h-1.mg protein-1; p = 0.0205). The downregulation of brain AChE activity is not directly related with the transcriptional control as demonstrated by the RT-qPCR analysis. Our results reinforce AChE activity inhibition as a pathway of endosulfan-induced toxicity in brain of fish species. In addition, exposure to 2.4 μg endosulfan/L during 96 hours impaired all exploratory parameters evaluated: decreased line crossings (273.7 ? 28.12 number of line crossings compared to the control group 344.6 ? 21.30, p=0.0483), traveled distance (23.44 ? 2.127 meters compared to the control group 29.39 ? 1.585, p=0.0281), mean speed (0.03 ? 0.003 meters/seconds compared to the control group 0.04 ? 0.002, p=0.0275) and body turn angle (69,940 ? 4,871 absolute turn angle compared to the control group 88,010 ? 4,560 p=0.0114). These results suggest that endosulfan exposure significantly impairs animals' exploratory performance, and potentially compromises their ecological and interspecific interaction. Our results also showed that the same endusulfan exposure did not compromise animals' performance in the inhibitory avoidance apparatus. These findings provide further evidence of the deleterious effects of endosulfan exposure in the nervous system.Endosulfan ? um pesticida organoclorado de amplo espectro ainda utilizado largamente em muitos pa?ses subdesenvolvidos. As aplica??es repetidas de endosulfan podem se incorporar aos cursos de ?gua por meio da lixivia??o dos solos das planta??es e atingir animais aqu?ticos, incluindo esp?cies de peixes. Dado que a atividade da enzima acetilcolinesterase (AChE) ? um dos biomarcadores de exposi??o aos pesticidas mais utilizados de forma recorrente e h? resultados controversos envolvendo os efeitos da exposi??o ao endosulfan e a atividade da AChE em peixes , o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do endosulfan na atividade da AChE cerebral e seu padr?o de express?o g?nica utilizando zebrafish adulto (Danio rerio) como modelo experimental. Al?m disso, n?s analisamos os efeitos da exposi??o ao endosulfan em diferentes par?metros de locomo??o do zebrafish e na forma??o da mem?ria de longo prazo. Ap?s 96h de exposi??o, os peixes do tempo com 2,4 μg/L de endosulfam apresentaram um decr?scimo significante na atividade da AChE (9.44 ? 1.038 μmol SCh.h-1.mg prote?na-1; p = 0.0205) quando comparados com o grupo controle (15.87 ? 1.768 μmol SCh.h-1.mg prote?na-1; p = 0.0205). A regula??o inibit?ria da atividade da AChE cerebral n?o est? diretamente relacionada com o controle transcricional como demostrado pela an?lise de RT-qPCR. Nossos resultados refor?am a inibi??o da atividade da AChE como via da toxicidade induzida pelo endosulfan em c?rebro de de peixe. Al?m disso, a exposi??o de 2,4 μg/L do endosulfan durante 96h prejudicou todos os par?metros explorat?rios avaliados: linhas cruzadas (273.7 ? 28.12 n?mero de linhas cruzadas em compara??o com o grupo controle: 344.6 ? 21.30, p=0.0483), dist?ncia viajada (23.44 ? 2.127 metros comparados com o grupo controle 29.39 ? 1.585, p=0.0281), velocidade m?dia (0.03 ? 0.003 metros/segundos comparados com o grupo controle 0.04 ? 0.002, p=0.0275) e mudan?as de ?ngulo (69,940 ? 4,871 mudan?as de ?ngulo absolutas comparadas com o grupo controle 88,010 ? 4,560 p=0.0114). Esses resultados sugerem que a exposi??o ao endosulfan prejudica significativamente a performance explorat?ria dos animais e, potencialmente, compromete suas intera??es interespec?ficas e ecol?gicas. Nossos resultados tamb?m demonstraram que a mesma exposi??o ao endosulfan n?o compromete a performance dos animais no aparato de esquiva inibit?ria. Esses achados fornecem evid?ncias adicionais de efeitos delet?rios da exposi??o ao endosulfan no sistema nervoso
Cognitive rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury
Abstract Annually, some 500,000 people are hospitalized with brain lesions acquired after traumatic brain injury (TBI) in Brazil. Between 75,000 and 100,000 individuals die within hours of the event and 70,000 to 90,000 evolve to irreversible loss of some neurological function. The principal causes of TBI include motor vehicle accidents (50%), falls (21%), assaults and robberies (12%) and accidents during leisure activities (10%). Within this context, cognitive rehabilitation, a clinical area encompassing interdisciplinary action aimed at recovery as well as compensation of cognitive functions altered as a result of cerebral injury, is extremely important for these individuals. Therefore, the aim of this study was to review the basic concepts related to TBI, including mechanisms of injury, severity levels of TBI, the most common findings in moderate and severe TBI survivors, and the most frequent cognitive impairments following TBI, and also to discuss the strategies used to handle patients post-TBI. The study results yielded relevant information on a structured cognitive rehabilitation service, representing an alternative for patients and families afflicted by TBI, enabling the generation of multiple research protocols