309 research outputs found

    Sistematización de una experiencia pedagógica de educación primaria en una institución educativa del Municipio de la Celia/Risaralda, Colombia

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    Con la realización de esta investigación de tipo cualitativo se busca la sistematización de la experiencia de un docente del grado segundo de una Institución Educativa del municipio de La Celia Risaralda,con la implementación de una unidad didáctica “¿Como generar conciencia ambiental a partir de las experiencias vividas hasta el momento con los silos de café? diseñada mediante la metodología del programa Pequeños científicos, desarrollando así la competencia científica en los estudiantes promoviendo la indagación y la argumentación de problemáticas asociadas a su entorno. Esta metodología permite la integración y participación de los estudiantes en su proceso de aprendizaje

    CO2, CH4, and CO with CRDS technique at the Izaña Global GAW station: instrumental tests, developments and first measurement results

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    Comunicación presentada en: 19th WMO/IAEA Meeting on Carbon Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases, and Related Measurement Techniques (GGMT-2017) celebrado del 27 al 31 de agosto de 2017 en Dübendorf, Suiza

    Atmospheric CO2, CH4, and CO with CRDS technique at the Izaña Global GAW station: instrumental tests, developments and first measurement results [Discussion paper]

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    In 2015, a CO2/CH4/CO CRDS was installed at the Izaña station (Tenerife). We present the acceptance tests and the processing of raw data applied through novel numerical codes. The ambient measurements performed, and their comparison with other continuous in situ measurements are shown. We determine: a slight CO2 correction that takes into account changes in the inlet pressure/flow rate; the H2O correction for CO in a novel way; and the origin of the CRDS-flow inlet pressure and H2O dependences.The acquisition of the instrument was largely financed by European ERDF funds through the Spanish R+D infrastructure project AEDM15-BE-3319 of the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad

    Atmospheric CO2, CH4, and CO with the CRDS technique at the Izaña Global GAW station: instrumental tests, developments, and first measurement results

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    At the end of 2015, a CO2/CH4/CO cavity ring-down spectrometer (CRDS) was installed at the Izaña Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) station (Tenerife, Spain) to improve the Izaña Greenhouse Gases GAW Measurement Programme, and to guarantee the renewal of the instrumentation and the long-term maintenance of this program. We present the results of the CRDS acceptance tests, the raw data processing scheme applied, and the response functions used. Also, the calibration results, the implemented water vapor correction, the target gas injection statistics, the ambient measurements performed from December 2015 to July 2017, and their comparison with other continuous in situ measurements are described. The agreement with other in situ continuous measurements is good most of the time for CO2 and CH4, but for CO it is just outside the GAW 2 ppb objective. It seems the disagreement is not produced by significant drifts in the CRDS CO World Meteorological Organization (WMO) tertiary standards. The more relevant contributions of the present article are (1) determination of linear relationships between flow rate, CRDS inlet pressure, and CRDS outlet valve aperture; (2) determination of a slight CO2 correction that takes into account changes in the inlet pressure/flow rate (as well as its stability over the years), and attributing it to the existence of a small spatial inhomogeneity in the pressure field inside the CRDS cavity due to the gas dynamics; (3) drift rate determination for the pressure and temperature sensors located inside the CRDS cavity from the CO2 and CH4 response function drift trends; (4) the determination of the H2O correction for CO has been performed using raw spectral peak data instead of the raw CO provided by the CRDS and using a running mean to smooth random noise in a long water-droplet test (12 h) before performing the least square fit; and (5) the existence of a small H2O dependence in the CRDS flow and of a small spatial inhomogeneity in the temperature field inside the CRDS cavity are pointed out and their origin discussed.The acquisition of the instrument was largely financed by European ERDF funds through Spanish R+D infrastructure project AEDM15-BE-3319 of the Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad

    Izaña global GAW station greenhouse-gas measurement programme. Novelties and developments during October 2011 – May 2013

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    Comunicación presentada en: 17th WMO/IAEA Meeting on Carbon Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases, and Related Tracer Measurement Techniques celebrada del 10 al 14 de junio de 2013 en Beijing, China

    GGMT-2015 Izaña station update: instrumental and processing software developments, scale updates, aircraft campaign, and plumbing design for CRDS

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    Comunicación presentada en: 18th WMO/IAEA Meeting on Carbon Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases, and Related Measurement Techniques (GGMT) celebrada del 13 al 17 de septiembre de 2015 en California y recogida en el GAW report nº 229 de la Organización Meteorológica Mundial

    Multi-view hierarchical Variational AutoEncoders with Factor Analysis latent space

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    Real-world databases are complex, they usually present redundancy and shared correlations between heterogeneous and multiple representations of the same data. Thus, exploiting and disentangling shared information between views is critical. For this purpose, recent studies often fuse all views into a shared nonlinear complex latent space but they lose the interpretability. To overcome this limitation, here we propose a novel method to combine multiple Variational AutoEncoders (VAE) architectures with a Factor Analysis latent space (FA-VAE). Concretely, we use a VAE to learn a private representation of each heterogeneous view in a continuous latent space. Then, we model the shared latent space by projecting every private variable to a low-dimensional latent space using a linear projection matrix. Thus, we create an interpretable hierarchical dependency between private and shared information. This way, the novel model is able to simultaneously: (i) learn from multiple heterogeneous views, (ii) obtain an interpretable hierarchical shared space, and, (iii) perform transfer learning between generative models.Comment: 20 pages main work, 2 pages supplementary, 14 figure

    GGMT-2015 Izaña station update: instrumental and processing software developments, scale updates, aircraft campaign, and plumbing design for CRDS [Póster]

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    Póster presentado en: 18th WMO/IAEA Meeting on Carbon Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases, and Related Measurement Techniques (GGMT) celebrada del 13 al 17 de septiembre de 2015 en California

    A statistical approach to quantify uncertainty in carbon monoxide measurements at the Izaña global GAW station: 2008–2011

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    Atmospheric CO in situ measurements are carried out at the Izaña (Tenerife) global GAW (Global Atmosphere Watch Programme of the World Meteorological Organization – WMO) mountain station using a Reduction Gas Analyser (RGA). In situ measurements at Izaña are representative of the subtropical Northeast Atlantic free troposphere, especially during nighttime. We present the measurement system configuration, the response function, the calibration scheme, the data processing, the Izaña 2008–2011 CO nocturnal time series, and the mean diurnal cycle by months

    Incidencia de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID), como canal de financiamiento hacia las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales radicadas en Nicaragua

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    Nicaragua en el año 2018 fue objeto de un golpe de Estado Fallido que fue orquestado y financiado directamente por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos, a través de una de sus principales agencia de financiamiento como lo es USAID, dicha organización desde el año 2007 tras el triunfo del Partido Frente Sandinista se encargó de desarrollar diferentes planes y estrategias de desestabilización a través de todos estos años, con el objetivo de sentar las bases de una “insurrección” que se encargase de crear caos e histeria colectiva en la sociedad nicaragüense. Este proceso de desestabilización principalmente fue dirigido directamente a jóvenes universitarios que fueron entrenados en programas de “promoción de la democracia” los cuales eran financiados por USAID, dirigido a Organizaciones No Gubernamentales como el Instituto de Estudios Estratégicos y Políticas Públicas (IEEPP). Los resultados de esta investigación revelan el rol e incidencia de la USAID como fuente de financiamiento a estas Organizaciones No Gubernamentales (ONG) radicadas en Nicaragua. Palabras Claves: USAID, Organizaciones No Gubernamentales, Estados Unidos, Financiamiento, IEEPP, Golpe de Estado Fallido