318 research outputs found

    Subsurface chlorophyll maximum and hydrodynamics of the water column

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    The vertical distributions of chlorophyll a (in vivo fluorescence) and hydrodynamic properties were monitored in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada) from 6 to 10 August 1983, using an automatic yo-yo profiling system and a chain of 4 current meters. Spectral analyses of temperature and in vivo fluorescence series showed that dominant frequencies were associated with internal waves (∼16 h inertial frequency). A subsurface chlorophyll maximum was continuously observed in the lower part of the 20 m thick photic layer, at a depth corresponding with maximum vertical stability of the water column, just above the nutricline.The depth of maximum phytoplankton production, at least on sunny days, corresponded to that of the subsurface chlorophyll maximum and of the maximum in vertical stability. This close association persisted despite strong horizontal advection and vertical movements caused by internal waves. Photosynthetic adjustment did occur in the water column: higher vertical stability at depth favored shade adaptation of the phytoplankton in the layer of maximum stability, as compared to the more light-adapted cells of the upper well-mixed layer. At our sampling station, vertical turbulent diffusion seemed to be high enough to replenish nutrients in the photic layer, so that they never became completely exhausted, even in surface waters. Therefore, the observed subsurface chlorophyll maximum not only resulted from environmental conditions more favorable for phytoplankton accumulation and growth, but it also involved active photosynthetic responses of phytoplankton

    Salt water intrusion modeling in the Flemish coastal plain based on a hydrogeological database

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    The Flemish Environment Agency (VMM) is responsible for providing recommendations related to the withdrawal of groundwater in the phreatic aquifer of the Flemish Coastal Plain. To assess the impact of this withdrawal on the freshwater heads and on the distribution of fresh and salt water in the aquifer, the agency uses a 3D density dependent groundwater flow model MOCDENS3D (Lebbe & Oude Essink 1999). Although a large number of hydrogeological data were already collected and stored in a database of the agency, the draw up of the input file for this model was very time consuming. Therefore, an interface was needed between the model and the hydrogeological database to reduce the time for the set up of the needed input files

    Canine Ependymoma: Diagnostic Criteria and Common Pitfalls

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    Reports of canine ependymoma are generally restricted to single case reports with tumor incidence estimated at 2% to 3% of primary central nervous system (CNS) tumors. While most commonly reported in the lateral ventricle, tumors can occur anywhere in the ventricular system and in extraventricular locations. Rosettes and pseudorosettes are a common histologic feature; however, these features can be mimicked by other CNS neoplasms. Thirty-seven potential ependymoma cases were identified in a retrospective database search of 8 institutions, and a histologic review of all cases was conducted. Of 37 cases, 22 candidate cases were further subjected to a consensus histologic and immunohistochemical review, and only 5 of 37 (13.5%) were conclusively identified as ependymoma. The neuroanatomic locations were the lateral ventricle (3/5), third ventricle (1/5), and mesencephalic aqueduct (1/5). Subtypes were papillary (4/5) and tanycytic (1/5). Histologic features included rosettes (5/5), pseudorosettes (5/5), ependymal canals (2/5), tanycytic differentiation (1/5), blepharoplasts (1/5), ciliated cells (1/5), and high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio (5/5). Immunolabeling for GFAP (4/4) and CKAE1/3 (3/4) was found in pseudorosettes, rosettes, and scattered individual neoplastic cells. Diffuse but variably intense cytoplasmic S100 immunolabeling was detected in 3 of 4 cases. Olig2 intranuclear immunolabeling was observed in less than 1% of the neoplastic cells (3/3). Tumors that had pseudorosettes and mimicked ependymoma included oligodendroglioma, choroid plexus tumor, pituitary corticotroph adenoma, papillary meningioma, and suprasellar germ cell tumor. These findings indicate that canine ependymoma is an extremely rare neoplasm with histomorphologic features that overlap with other primary CNS neoplasms

    Patient Preferences for Lung Cancer Treatment: A Qualitative Study Protocol Among Advanced Lung Cancer Patients

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    Introduction: Lung cancer is the deadliest and most prevalent cancer worldwide. Lung cancer treatments have different characteristics and are associated with a range of benefits and side effects for patients. Such differences may raise uncertainty among drug developers, regulators, payers, and clinicians regarding the value of these treatment effects to patients. The value of conducting patient preference studies (using qualitative and/or quantitative methods) for benefits and side effects of different treatment options has been recognized by healthcare stakeholders, such as drug developers, regulators, health technology assessment bodies, and clinicians. However, evidence-based guidelines on how and when to conduct and use these studies in drug decision-making are lacking. As part of the Innovative Medicines Initiative PREFER project, we developed a protocol for a qualitative study that aims to understand which treatment characteristics are most important to lung cancer patients and to develop attributes and levels for inclusion in a subsequent quantitative preference survey. Methods: The study protocol specifies a four-phased approach: (i) a scoping literature review of published literature, (ii) four focus group discussions with stage III and IV Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer patients, (iii) two nominal group discussions with stage III and IV Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer patients, and (iv) multi-stakeholder discussions involving clinicians and preference experts. Discussion: This protocol outlines methodological and practical steps as to how qualitative research can be applied to identify and develop attributes and levels for inclusion in patient preference studies aiming to inform decisions across the drug life cycle. The results of this study are intended to inform a subsequent quantitative preference survey that assesses patient trade-offs regarding lung cancer treatment options. This protocol may assist researchers, drug developers, and decision-makers in designing qualitative studies to understand which treatment aspects are most valued by patients in drug development, regulation, and reimbursement

    Patient Preferences for Lung Cancer Treatments: A Study Protocol for a Preference Survey Using Discrete Choice Experiment and Swing Weighting

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    Background: Advanced treatment options for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) consist of immunotherapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of both. Decisions surrounding NSCLC can be considered as preference-sensitive because multiple treatments exist that vary in terms of mode of administration, treatment schedules, and benefit–risk profiles. As part of the IMI PREFER project, we developed a protocol for an online preference survey for NSCLC patients exploring differences in preferences according to patient characteristics (preference heterogeneity). Moreover, this study will evaluate and compare the use of two different preference elicitation methods, the discrete choice experiment (DCE) and the swing weighting (SW) task. Finally, the study explores how demographic (i.e., age, gender, and educational level) and clinical (i.e., cancer stage and line of treatment) information, health literacy, health locus of control, and quality of life may influence or explain patient preferences and the usefulness of a digital interactive tool in providing information on preference elicitation tasks according to patients. Methods: An online survey will be implemented with the aim to recruit 510 NSCLC patients in Belgium and Italy. Participants will be randomized 50:50 to first receive either the DCE or the SW. The survey will also collect information on participants' disease-related status, health locus of control, health literacy, quality of life, and perception of the educational tool. Discussion: This protocol outlines methodological and practical steps to quantitatively elicit and study patient preferences for NSCLC treatment alternatives. Results from this study will increase the understanding of which treatment aspects are most valued by NSCLC patients to inform decision-making in drug development, regulatory approval, and reimbursement. Methodologically, the comparison between the DCE and the SW task will be valuable to gain information on how these preference methods perform against each other in eliciting patient preferences. Overall, this protocol may assist researchers, drug developers, and decision-makers in designing quantitative patient preferences into decision-making along the medical product life cycle
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