16 research outputs found

    The role of industry in 'keeping the pot boiling' in the region of southern Hungary during the era of socialism

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    This paper introduces one of the sources of livelihood in the era of socialism focusing on the district of Southern Hungary. The main aspect of my research is analyzing a saga in connection with the relationship between the family and the industrial market. 1 scrutinize the world of everyday routine in the family-living in Hódmezővásárhely, in the south part of the country. According to recalls, two significant firms are shown in this thesis; one of them is callcd Elektrofém Factory, and the other is named as Minőségi (Qualitative) Shoe-Maker Corporation. The fields of industry I present here are - on one hand - electronic business, especially lamp-painting and - on the other scale of the spectrum - shoe-making line. The family is called Vanderstein, and I bring on the memories of my mother and of my father about the topic

    The rules of descerning food from the aspect of being kosher in the jewish world

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    This paper introduces one of the greatest challenges in Jewish religion in our running world nowadays. It is not easy to keep the rules of kosher dining, and my aim is to present what the expression "kosher' means, although, I also intend to show the foods that are forbidden to eat. the foods that are non-kosher. My goal is to introduce the following five pillars of the topic: 1) the kosher way of cuning down the animai; 2) to make the meat kosher: 3) the meaty and the milkyfoods; 4) kosher food in a non-kosher plate; 5) the way of making food to be kosher. If you go into a supermarket and buy a bar of chocolate or a bottle of w ine which has letter "K' or a stamp of a rabbi printed on the back of the bar or on the back of the bottle, you can be sure that the chocolate or the wine is kosher. It means that the quality of the food and the quality of the drink is checked and is found clean from the beginning of the manufacture and of the vinification until the end of them. 1 think that everybody heard about the so-called kosher plum pálinka. The basis of kosher traditions goes back to ancient times. As The Bible says: "Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk." (Exodus 23:19) The believer Jews, who follow the eating habits of the religion, do not simply feel happy about their dining traditions or do not exactly know that these customs make them healthy, but they accept the rules as God's commandments. In everyday speech we often use the word "kosher' for a person, for a situation or for a thing that is all right or perfect. This usage comes from the original meaning of the expression. The Hebrew word means clean and suitable. The explanation shows that the opposition of "kosher' is not perfect, not clean, not suitable and is not all right. The "non-kosher' expression is used for situations, for persons and for objects that have some problems in their work. When we read literary works of art. especially when we read Jewish literature, we get to know the realization of the fact that the theme of eating, the theme of kosher dining is in the centre of most of the novels or prose. I intend to show one of the masterpieces of Jewish American literature. My aim is to give a brief presentation of the novel of Chaim Potok. The Book of Lights, as the main character gets into the Korean War in the years of 1950s, and he eats according to the kosher rules even in the hard situations. Having a kosher establishment is like the basis of a house. However, the base is not the house in itself, and you cannot live on the root without the house. On the other hand, the home standing without firm bottoms, can fall down easily. The kosher routine is the ground for living day after day following the words of The Torah. the Five Books of Moses. But to be a religious Jew. it is not enough in itself, and living without keeping the rules of being kosher, leads Jewish people to the way of assimilation. However, assimilation is not the topic for today

    Losses of human beings

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    Losses are essential in every human being's life. My goal is to make an attempt to introduce the main aspects of loss. I think that losses occur by two modes: in our cultural surroundings and in our identity. Culture plays an important role in people's lives, culture that we are bom into. However, Otherness is a new field of investigating the individuals and of investigating the world at the same time. What is the end of losing culture? What is the end of losing Otherness? To reach the state of being a Subject is the unconscious desire of human beings' psyches. Every human being reaches a development in his thinking, and he becomes a Subject through his losses because these losses serve as profit at the same time.Losses are essential in every human being's life. My goal is to make an attempt to introduce the main aspects of loss. I think that losses occur by two modes: in our cultural surroundings and in our identity. Culture plays an important role in people's lives, culture that we are bom into. However, Otherness is a new field of investigating the individuals and of investigating the world at the same time. What is the end of losing culture? What is the end of losing Otherness? To reach the state of being a Subject is the unconscious desire of human beings' psyches. Every human being reaches a development in his thinking, and he becomes a Subject through his losses because these losses serve as profit at the same time

    The aspects of tradition and modernity in Chaim Potok's novel, in The Chosen

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    Tradition and modernity are two expressions living together and living in conflict with each other, as well. Every human being has to face the choice between these elements because people are born into a world full of traditions of their families, however, they live in communities confronting new challenges. Next to real life, the topic of the duel between tradition and modernity appears in literature, too. I introduce Chaim Potok’s novel, The Chosen from the point of view of the main characters’ struggle. Danny and Reuven live in Jewish families according to strict rules, and they watch the outside universe with curious eyes hoping that both of them are able to stand the proof

    Students' responses to teacher's requests in 'CraftEng'

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    In our running world, Teaching English as a Foreign Language for beginners is a crucial point of education. To motivate young learners is essential in life-long-leaming so it is important to find the best way of introducing foreign languages for children. The teachers have a number of methods and approaches in their hands to choose from in order to produce as many effective language users as possible. During the lessons - next to questions -, teachers use commands and requests to get the students to respond and to react to them. What is more, creative activities and games are popular among students. Schools work by different tactics to invite more and more learners to acquire second language in their institutions. 'CraftEng' is one of the new trends.In our running world, Teaching English as a Foreign Language for beginners is a crucial point of education. To motivate young learners is essential in life-long-leaming so it is important to find the best way of introducing foreign languages for children. The teachers have a number of methods and approaches in their hands to choose from in order to produce as many effective language users as possible. During the lessons - next to questions -, teachers use commands and requests to get the students to respond and to react to them. What is more, creative activities and games are popular among students. Schools work by different tactics to invite more and more learners to acquire second language in their institutions. 'CraftEng' is one of the new trends

    Students' responses to teacher's requests in 'CraftEng'

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    In our running world, Teaching English as a Foreign Language for beginners is a crucial point of education. To motivate young learners is essential in life-long-leaming so it is important to find the best way of introducing foreign languages for children. The teachers have a number of methods and approaches in their hands to choose from in order to produce as many effective language users as possible. During the lessons - next to questions -, teachers use commands and requests to get the students to respond and to react to them. What is more, creative activities and games are popular among students. Schools work by different tactics to invite more and more learners to acquire second language in their institutions. 'CraftEng' is one of the new trends.In our running world, Teaching English as a Foreign Language for beginners is a crucial point of education. To motivate young learners is essential in life-long-leaming so it is important to find the best way of introducing foreign languages for children. The teachers have a number of methods and approaches in their hands to choose from in order to produce as many effective language users as possible. During the lessons - next to questions -, teachers use commands and requests to get the students to respond and to react to them. What is more, creative activities and games are popular among students. Schools work by different tactics to invite more and more learners to acquire second language in their institutions. 'CraftEng' is one of the new trends

    A Jónás-komplexus elmélet: avagy a bibliai Jónás könyve elemzése pszichológiai szempontok alapján

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    This paper introduces one of the aspects concerning the Book of Jonah in the Bible. The book can be interpreted in a number of ways. My aim is to show how Dr. Abraham Maslow makes an analysis on the main character of the story. Jonah's personality changes in the story. He faces some adventures which result in losses and profits at the same time. My aim is to present a new wave in the field of psychology. It is called the Jonah Complex. This trend originates from the 1960s, and the basis of the theory is the subject of Jonah. Everybody in the world has a part of Jonah in himself or herself but probably we do not recognize the symptoms in ourselves

    A Jónás-komplexus elmélet : avagy a bibliai Jónás könyve elemzése pszichológiai szempontok alapján

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    This paper introduces one of the aspects concerning the Book of Jonah in the Bible. The book can be interpreted in a number of ways. My aim is to show how Dr. Abraham Maslow makes an analysis on the main character of the story. Jonah's personality changes in the story. He faces some adventures which result in losses and profits at the same time. My aim is to present a new wave in the field of psychology. It is called the Jonah Complex. This trend originates from the 1960s, and the basis of the theory is the subject of Jonah. Everybody in the world has a part of Jonah in himself or herself but probably we do not recognize the symptoms in ourselves

    'CraftEng' és az angol nyelv oktatása

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    Recent years - especially from the time of joining to the European Union - in the edu-cational system of Hungary, teaching foreign languages has a very important role. Among foreign languages, English is at the top position. This fact is in close relation to the situa-tion of the diplomats' official language since it is English, too. Teaching English as a For-eign Language for beginners is a crucial point in the different regions of our country. Kin-dergartens and schools - supported by the local government or the church, either being private - find out a number of modes to invite more and more children into their institu-tions. One of the ideas is teaching foreign languages for young learners as early as possi-ble. To motivate young students is essential in life-long-learning so it is important to find the best way of introducing foreign languages for children. For teaching English and for staying in the race of the educational market, 'CraftEng' is a new product