The rules of descerning food from the aspect of being kosher in the jewish world


This paper introduces one of the greatest challenges in Jewish religion in our running world nowadays. It is not easy to keep the rules of kosher dining, and my aim is to present what the expression "kosher' means, although, I also intend to show the foods that are forbidden to eat. the foods that are non-kosher. My goal is to introduce the following five pillars of the topic: 1) the kosher way of cuning down the animai; 2) to make the meat kosher: 3) the meaty and the milkyfoods; 4) kosher food in a non-kosher plate; 5) the way of making food to be kosher. If you go into a supermarket and buy a bar of chocolate or a bottle of w ine which has letter "K' or a stamp of a rabbi printed on the back of the bar or on the back of the bottle, you can be sure that the chocolate or the wine is kosher. It means that the quality of the food and the quality of the drink is checked and is found clean from the beginning of the manufacture and of the vinification until the end of them. 1 think that everybody heard about the so-called kosher plum pálinka. The basis of kosher traditions goes back to ancient times. As The Bible says: "Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk." (Exodus 23:19) The believer Jews, who follow the eating habits of the religion, do not simply feel happy about their dining traditions or do not exactly know that these customs make them healthy, but they accept the rules as God's commandments. In everyday speech we often use the word "kosher' for a person, for a situation or for a thing that is all right or perfect. This usage comes from the original meaning of the expression. The Hebrew word means clean and suitable. The explanation shows that the opposition of "kosher' is not perfect, not clean, not suitable and is not all right. The "non-kosher' expression is used for situations, for persons and for objects that have some problems in their work. When we read literary works of art. especially when we read Jewish literature, we get to know the realization of the fact that the theme of eating, the theme of kosher dining is in the centre of most of the novels or prose. I intend to show one of the masterpieces of Jewish American literature. My aim is to give a brief presentation of the novel of Chaim Potok. The Book of Lights, as the main character gets into the Korean War in the years of 1950s, and he eats according to the kosher rules even in the hard situations. Having a kosher establishment is like the basis of a house. However, the base is not the house in itself, and you cannot live on the root without the house. On the other hand, the home standing without firm bottoms, can fall down easily. The kosher routine is the ground for living day after day following the words of The Torah. the Five Books of Moses. But to be a religious Jew. it is not enough in itself, and living without keeping the rules of being kosher, leads Jewish people to the way of assimilation. However, assimilation is not the topic for today

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