7 research outputs found
Technoscience and the modernization of freshwater fisheries assessment and management
Inland fisheries assessment and management are challenging given the inherent com-
plexity of working in diverse habitats (e.g., rivers, lakes, wetlands) that are dynamic
on organisms that are often cryptic and where fishers are often highly mobile. Yet,
technoscience is offering new tools that have the potential to reimagine how inland
fisheries are assessed and managed. So-called ‘‘technoscience’’ refers to instances in
which science and technology unfurl together, offering novel ways of spurring and
achieving meaningful change. This paper considers the role of technoscience and its
potential for modernizing the assessment and management of inland fisheries. It first
explores technoscience and its potential benefits, followed by presentation of a series
of synopses that explore the application (both successes and challenges) of new tech-
nologies such as environmental DNA (eDNA), genomics, electronic tags, drones, phone
apps, iEcology, and artificial intelligence to assessment and management. The paper
also considers the challenges and barriers that exist in adopting new technologies. The
paper concludes with a provocative assessment of the potential of technoscience to
reform and modernize inland fisheries assessment and management. Although these
tools are increasingly being embraced, there is a lack of platforms for aggregating these
data streams and providing managers with actionable information in a timely manner.
The ideas presented here should serve as a catalyst for beginning to work collectively
and collaboratively towards fisheries assessment and management systems that harness
the power of technology and serve to modernize inland fisheries management. Such
transformation is urgently needed given the dynamic nature of environmental change,
the evolving threat matrix facing inland waters, and the complex behavior of fishers.
Quite simply, a dynamic world demands dynamic fisheries management; technoscience
has made that within reach.publishedVersio
Probability of acoustic transmitter detections by receiver lines in Lake Huron: Results of multi-year field tests and simulations
Background: Advances in acoustic telemetry technology have led to an improved understanding of the spatial ecology of many freshwater and marine fish species. Understanding the performance of acoustic receivers is necessary to distinguish between tagged fish that may have been present but not detected and from those fish that were absent from the area. In this study, two stationary acoustic transmitters were deployed 250 m apart within each of four acoustic receiver lines each containing at least 10 receivers (i.e., eight acoustic transmitters) located in Saginaw Bay and central Lake Huron for nearly 2 years to determine whether the probability of detecting an acoustic transmission varied as a function of time (i.e., season), location, and distance between acoustic transmitter and receiver. Distances between acoustic transmitters and receivers ranged f
On the Electroimmobilization of Fishes for Research and Practice: Opportunities, Challenges, and Research Needs
As a result of growing demand for immediate-release sedatives in fisheries research, electroimmobilization has been receiving increasing attention due to its superior induction and recovery times and practicality, particularly under field conditions. However, a review of electroimmobilization and its role in fisheries science has not been previously conducted. Here we describe and differentiate the various forms of electroimmobilization and attempt to standardize relevant terminology. We review the known efficacy of electroimmobilization of fish and summarize the current available knowledge on this topic while identifying major knowledge gaps. Although more information is needed to determine optimal forms and settings for different species, life history stages, and environmental variables, electroimmobilization is a useful tool for fish handling that equals or surpasses the capabilities of chemical sedatives without exacerbating (and sometimes reducing) the negative consequences associated with chemical sedatives and fish
Telemetry reveals limited exchange of walleye between Lake Erie and Lake Huron: Movement of two populations through the Huron-Erie corridor
Immigration and emigration of individuals among populations influence population dynamics and are important considerations for managing exploited populations. Lake Huron and Lake Erie walleye (Sander vitreus) populations are managed separately although the interconnecting Huron-Erie Corridor provides an unimpeded passageway. Acoustic telemetry was used to estimate inter-lake exchange and movement within St. Clair River and Detroit River. Of 492 adult walleyes tagged and released during 2011 and 2012, one fish from Tittabawassee River (Lake Huron; 1 of 259, 0.39%) and one individual from Maumee River (Lake Erie; 1 of 233, 0.43%) exchanged lakes during 2011–2014. However, both fish returned to the lake where tagged prior to the next spawning season. The one walleye from Maumee River that moved to Lake Huron made repeated round-trips between Lake Erie and Lake Huron during three consecutive years. Of twelve f
Does behavioural thermoregulation underlie seasonal movements in lake erie walleye?
Thermoregulation is presumed to be a widespread determinant of behaviour in fishes, but has not often been investigated as a mechanism shaping long-distance migrations. We used acoustic telemetry and animal-borne thermal loggers to test the hypothesis that seasonal migration in adult walleye (Sander vitreus) in Lake Erie is size-and (or) sex-specific and related to behavioural thermoregulation. Female walleye migrated out of the warm, shallow western basin earlier than did males and were 1.8 times more likely to be detected on acoustic receivers in the deeper and cooler eastern basin. The few fish that remained in the western basin were restricted to a smaller range of higher temperatures (≥20 °C) than those that migrated to the central and eastern basins (~16-21°C). However, temperature records from walleye in the central basin were nearly indistinguishable from those in the eastern basin, suggesting thermal preferences alone could not explain migration to the eastern basin. As such, our effort to understand the mechanisms that cause migratory behaviours has generated mixed evidence on the role of temperature and that factors like foraging opportunities may have synergistic roles in the migration
Temperature regimes, growth, and food consumption for female and male adult walleye in lake huron and lake erie: A bioenergetics analysis
Bioenergetics modeling was used to assess the relative importance of food availability and water temperature in determining walleye (Sander vitreus) growth. Temperature regimes experienced by both female and male adult walleye in three basins of Lake Huron and in Lake Erie were determined by use of surgically implanted temperature loggers and acoustic telemetry. Temperatures experienced by walleye were higher in Lake Erie than in Lake Huron. Walleye from Lake Erie grew at nearly double the rate of walleye from Lake Huron, and mass at age for adult females averaged about 50% greater than that for adult males in both lakes. Food consumption rate for an average adult walleye in Lake Erie was nearly twice as high as that in Lake Huron. Interbasin and interlake variability in temperature regimes accounted for a moderate degree of variability in walleye growth. We concluded that the driver for faster growth in Lake Erie compared with Lake Huron was higher food availability in Lake Erie compared with Lake Huron. The sex difference in temperature regimes explained 15% of the sex difference in Lake Erie walleye growth
Conducting and interpreting fish telemetry studies: considerations for researchers and resource managers
Telemetry is an increasingly common tool for studying the ecology of wild fish, with great potential to provide valuable information for management and conservation. For researchers to conduct a robust telemetry study, many essential considerations exist related to selecting the appropriate tag type, fish capture and tagging methods, tracking protocol, data processin