626 research outputs found

    Flirting Style and Sexual Orientation

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    The present study examined the association between flirting style and sexual orientation. Previous research on flirting has emphasized the importance of evolutionary factors. Given the focus of the present study, gender-role theory, which tends to emphasize the importance of cultural and social factors, may offer a better explanation for any differences that might be found. The present study sought to explore the relative importance of these two theories. Surprisingly, the relationship between these variables has not been previously studied. Participants (271 heterosexual and 177 nonheterosexual) completed an online survey. Perhaps the most interesting finding was a significant interaction between flirting style and sexual orientation. In general, heterosexual and nonheterosexual participants differed in the extent to which they identified with the five flirting styles. For example, heterosexual participants scored higher on the traditional style than nonheterosexual participants. These findings might suggest ways that people can flirt more effectively


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    In managed northern hardwood forests, successful forest regeneration can depend on the application of silvicultural methods tailored to stand-specific recruitment limitations. The objective of this research is to develop a deeper understanding of the factors that interfere with tree regeneration at three long-term, well-replicated experimental canopy gap studies in the upper Great Lakes region, USA. Chapter 2 examines regeneration at a hemlock canopy gap study 18 years post-harvest that included deer exclosures and a gradient of gap sizes. Chapter 3 investigates the spatial patterns of low-density regeneration along gradients of gap size and different levels of legacy-tree retention at two canopy gap studies, 15 and 24 years post-harvest. Our findings indicate that deer exclusion in larger gap sizes may promote the recruitment of browse sensitive species, such as yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britton) and eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis L.), into the tallest layers of the regeneration response (Chapter 2). Furthermore, spatial patterns of low-density regeneration did not follow resource gradients at the gap level and legacy-tree retention appeared to moderate the extent of low-density regeneration (Chapter 3). Collectively, these studies suggest that reducing herbivory and retaining legacy-trees where appropriate may help secure a timely and species-rich regeneration response

    Zoospore encystment in Phytophthora infestans (Mont) De Bary

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    Windows and Generalized Drinfeld Kernels

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    We develop a generalization of a construction of Drinfeld, first inspired by the Qconstruction of Ballard, Diemer, and Favero. We use this construction to provide kernels for Grassmann flops over an arbitrary field of characteristic zero. In the case of Grassmann flops this generalization recovers the kernel for a Fourier-Mukai functor on the derived category of the associated global quotient stack studied by Buchweitz, Leuschke, and Van den Bergh. We show an idempotent property for this kernel, which after restriction, induces a derived equivalence over any twisted form of a Grassmann flop

    Quantitative Reasoning in the Numbers: A Qualitative Study of Trends in Higher Education Mathematics Curriculum

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    Mathematics occupies a dynamic place in general education curriculum. The subject once served primarily as a language to explain the natural world and more recently adopted more usefulness-centered value in research and society. Changes in K-12 curriculum standards over the last two decades have again reoriented the subject toward quantitative reasoning (QR) acquisition, responding to demands by employers for greater facility with quantitative information and recommendations by researchers with regard to learning acquisition and transfer in mathematics. After defining components of QR, this study examined mathematics curriculum at highly ranked liberal arts colleges and universities across a ten-year period to determine whether higher education institutions have responded to experts’ calls and incoming students’ shifting preparation. An analysis of course catalog documents revealed positive trends in at least some areas of QR education and raised implications for practice within general education and for future research in mathematics curriculum

    The examination of the implementation of blended learning instruction on the teaching and learning environment in two west Michigan school districts

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    Blended learning instruction is emerging as one of the most promising instructional practices in educational settings. Blended learning instruction combines two learning environments: traditional face-to-face instruction and online instruction. Most research concerning blended instruction has been conducted at the postsecondary level. This study was conducted at the high school level and examined the implementation of blended instruction in a high school setting. It explored and considered the perspective of teachers and students as they experienced the blended environment for the first time. The study was conducted at two comprehensive high schools in West Michigan. The study collected qualitative data by using multiple data points. The data came from focused interviews with teachers, teacher narrative writing statements, student surveys, online course interaction, direct observation, and the grade distribution of students enrolled in the blended courses. The data were collected over two trimesters during the 2009-2010 academic school year. The results of this study indicated several important findings that should be considered while implementing the blended instructional model at the high school level. Results showed that it was critical for each high school to have a vision and purpose for adopting the blended approach. This had important implications for the type of blending each school would adopt and practice. Interaction between students and teachers was different than students experienced in the traditional face-to-face classroom setting. Teachers were able to provide more individualized instruction, and students felt that their peers should have an opportunity to learn in a blended setting. Yet it was critical that teachers were adequately prepared for the rigors of teaching that were different in the blended setting. Significant time and training were needed prior to implementation of blended instruction. Results also indicated that teachers needed support after initial training to reflect and deal with the different working conditions they faced in the blended classroom setting. While blended instruction has the potential to fundamentally redraw the instructional setting of future high school classrooms, it remains critically important that blended teachers’ instructional strategies and lesson designs are the foundation for engaging students in meaningful and relevant learning experiences

    Job Tasks Performed by Career Preparation System Administrators in One Midwestern State: Implications for Leadership Development

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    There is a need to prepare new leaders in Career and Technical Education due to retirements and because the job demands have changed over the years. In order to verify the curriculum for leadership development programs, a study was conducted to measure the importance and frequency of job tasks performed by Career Preparation System administrators in the state of Michigan. A mailed survey based on a previous Developing a Curriculum (DACUM) study generated a 72% response rate. The analysis illustrates the job priorities and time commitments of these leaders. Significant differences were observed in the perceptions among administrators from various types of organizations. A relationship between the frequency and importance of job tasks was also revealed. The results of the study support the need for structured leadership development programs for Career and Technical Education administrators

    Faculty, Staff and Student Reactions to a University Smoking Policy: Perceptions for Change

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions held by faculty, staff, and students regarding the smoking policy at a medium-sized, master’s granting institution in the Midwestern United States. Findings from the study indicate that the majority of faculty, staff, and students support a change in the school’s current smoking policy. Recommendations for further research are provided

    Teaching Health Education Through the Development of Student Centered Video Assignment

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the ways in which a student centered video assignment enhanced student learning about developing and teaching a health education plan designed to address a complex public health problem. The objectives of the assignment included (1) to explore a complex public health problem, (2) practice developing a corresponding health education plan, and (3) develop and fully execute a multimedia video to deliver high impact health education and or promotion to a diverse audience. The assignment referred to as the student centered video assignment was developed and piloted at Grand Valley State University and included students participating in a 200 level undergraduate introductory public health course. Students working in groups of 3, worked through the project in multiple phases with corresponding elements: problem identification, problem solving, plan development and the creation of the video, which included four primary elements: Dig Deeper, Think, Discuss, and Watch. Upon completion of the video, students were asked to voluntarily complete a 10-question survey about the benefits of learning through a video creation assignment. A total of 15 students completed the survey with the majority either strongly agreeing or agreeing that the video assignment enhanced learning. Survey results suggest that the assignment is beneficial and favored over other assignment types. Additionally, students reported that the project was beneficial in learning the concepts and competencies associated with public health education. Finally, students indicated that the creation of videos as a means to explore and apply course concepts was favored as an assignment format in future coursework. Instructor assessment of learning outcomes occurred through ongoing grading of and feedback on the project elements. The findings reveal that students enjoyed the opportunity to engage in real world problem solving, gained insight, perspective and scope through group discussion and collaboration, and felt that they learned new skills in created the video

    Use of Lightboard Video Technology to Address Medical Dosimetry Concepts: Field Notes

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    Focusing on Lightboard video technology to create online videos as a resource for Medical Dosimetry students, this field note shares perspectives and student voices on Lightboard videos that can be useful in understanding the concepts pertaining to Medical Dosimetry such as brachytherapy equations. Through the study, the instructors wanted to know students’ perceptions of how video use increased their interest and understanding of brachytherapy equations. A SurveyMonkey questionnaire collected responses from eight students and revealed that these students perceived the use of Lightboard videos provided a solid learning platform to master the concept of brachytherapy prior to performing the homework. Based on survey data, it appears the videos engaged the students and enabled them to understand the brachytherapy concepts easily which generated student confidence when answering brachytherapy questions. Students also indicated that they felt prepared for the exercise and that the Lightboard videos provided an engaging learning environment
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