1,789 research outputs found

    Growth of mercuric iodide (HgI2) for nuclear radiation detectors

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    Mercuric iodide is a material used for the fabrication of the sensing element in solid state X-ray and gamma ray detecting instruments. The operation of the devices is determined to a large degree by the density of structural defects in the single crystalline material used in the sensing element. Since there were strong indications that the quality of the material was degraded by the effects of gravity during the growth process, a research and engineering program was initiated to grow one or more crystals of mercuric iodide in the reduced gravity environment of space. A special furnace assembly was designed which could be accommodated in a Spacelab rack, and at the same time made it possible to use the same growth procedures and controls used when growing a crystal on the ground. The space crystal, after the flight, was subjected to the same evaluation methods used for earth-grown crystals, so that comparisons could be made

    The age of 47Tuc from self-consistent isochrone fits to colour-magnitude diagrams and the eclipsing member V69

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    Our aim is to derive a self-consistent age, distance and composition for the globular cluster 47 47\,Tucanae (47 47\,Tuc; NGC104). First, we reevaluate the reddening towards the cluster resulting in a nominal E(B−V)=0.03±0.01E(B-V)=0.03\pm0.01 as the best estimate. The TeffT_{\rm eff} of the components of the eclipsing binary member V69 is found to be 5900±725900\pm72 K from both photometric and spectroscopic evidence. This yields a true distance modulus (m−M)0=13.21±0.06(m-M)_0=13.21\pm0.06(random)±0.03 \pm0.03 (systematic) to 47 47\,Tuc when combined with existing measurements of V69 radii and luminosity ratio. We then present a new completely self-consistent isochrone fitting method to ground based and HST\textit{HST} cluster colour-magnitude diagrams and the eclipsing binary member V69. The analysis suggests that the composition of V69, and by extension one of the populations of 47 47\,Tuc, is given by [Fe/H]∼−0.70\sim-0.70, [O/Fe]∼+0.60\sim+0.60, and Y∼0.250Y\sim0.250 on the solar abundance scale of Asplund, Grevesse & Sauval. However, this depends on the accuracy of the model TeffT_{\rm eff} scale which is 50-75 K cooler than our best estimate but within measurement uncertainties. Our best estimate of the age of 47 47\,Tuc is 11.8 Gyr, with firm (3σ3 \sigma) lower and upper limits of 10.4 and 13.4 Gyr, respectively, in satisfactory agreement with the age derived from the white dwarf cooling sequence if our determination of the distance modulus is adopted.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Age and helium content of the open cluster NGC 6791 from multiple eclipsing binary members. I. Measurements, methods, and first results

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    Earlier measurements of the masses and radii of the detached eclipsing binary V20 in the open cluster NGC 6791 were accurate enough to demonstrate that there are significant differences between current stellar models. Here we improve on those results and add measurements of two additional detached eclipsing binaries, the cluster members V18 and V80. The enlarged sample sets much tighter constraints on the properties of stellar models than has hitherto been possible, thereby improving both the accuracy and precision of the cluster age. We employed (i) high-resolution UVES spectroscopy of V18, V20 and V80 to determine their spectroscopic effective temperatures, [Fe/H] values, and spectroscopic orbital elements, and (ii) time-series photometry from the Nordic Optical Telescope to obtain the photometric elements. The masses and radii of the V18 and V20 components are found to high accuracy, with errors on the masses in the range 0.27-0.36% and errors on the radii in the range 0.61-0.92%. V80 is found to be magnetically active, and more observations are needed to determine its parameters accurately. The metallicity of NGC 6791 is measured from disentangled spectra of the binaries and a few single stars to be [Fe/H]= +0.29 \pm 0.03 (random) \pm 0.07 (systematic). The cluster reddening and apparent distance modulus are found to be E(B - V) = 0.160 \pm 0.025 and (m - M)V = 13.51 \pm 0.06 . A first model comparison shows that we can constrain the helium content of the NGC 6791 stars, and thus reach a more accurate age than previously possible. It may be possible to constrain additional parameters, in particular the C, N, and O abundances. This will be investigated in paper II.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The ‘lonely raver’: music livestreams during COVID-19 as a hotline to collective consciousness?

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    This paper offers an explorative analysis of the online social practices of livestreamed concerts as one of the most popular cultural outlets during the COVID-19 imposed ‘lockdown’ in Europe. Ritual theory is used to investigate the potential of these virtual concerts in generating a collective consciousness, and the related feelings of social solidarity and resilience, specifically important in times of physical isolation. Through a thematic content analysis of the comments (n = 1501) posted during livestreamed techno concerts in the Netherlands, we find that both old and new ritual actions are used to form online communities. While these ritual activities mark participation and remind members of a previous collective feeling, the omission of visceral elements of a physical audience hampers the establishment of a renewed sense of social solidarity
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