52 research outputs found

    Acquiring field data and creating vibration tests

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    Today’s vibration testing standards are intended to simulate the field environments a product, device or package will experience in the real world. Products are tested for a wide range of reasons, from R&D, to production, to life testing. Understanding how a product will react to the real world and the end use environment is critical. It is common practice to collect field data from the end-use environment to verify the testing conditions have accounted for all the real-world conditions. This paper and presentation will discuss the variety of testing options available for the collected data. This includes playing back the recorded data on a shaker in real time, also referred to as long time-history playback. Other options discussed will be FFT transformation with average and peak-hold methods, the influence of kurtosis on the recorded data, and the proper use of the fatigue damage spectrum to generate a random PSD

    Video Self-Modeling, Reading Aloud, or Silent Reading: Effects of Strategies on Fluency

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    The purpose of this action research is to explore the most effective strategy for children to engage in during Read to Self to increase their fluency. Fluency is the ability to read with speed, accuracy, and expression; and is an important aspect of being a successful reader. In this study, three 2nd grade classes will engage in different Read to Self strategies. One class will be doing silent reading. Another class will be reading their books aloud to themselves. A third class will be using video self-modeling, which is recording themselves reading their books out loud on Chromebooks and watching the recording at the end of Read to Self time. This study will be a mixed method study. There will be a Curriculum Based Measure (CBM) pre-test and post-test, along with field notes, which will be analyzed for patterns and themes, that will be taken during the Read to Self time in the three classrooms


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    A number of factors including budget pressures, emphasis on environmentally sensitive agriculture, emphasis on finding agricultural export markets, and anti-agricultural program sentiment have fueled a climate for change in United States agricultural policy. Whether significant changes will occur depends on the political strength of agricultural interest groups and on the compromises which can be reached between them. Several notable achievements have been accomplished in recent domestic agricultural policy legislation. The 1995 farm bill will define the commodity and conservation programs for the next five years. In addition to domestic developments, there have been history-setting accomplishments in reducing barriers to international agricultural trade. The tri-partite North American Free Trade Agreement became effective January 1, 1994. The Uruguay Round Agreement of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was completed in late 1994 and will become effective in 1995.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Essay on Judicial Review

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    The existence of judicial review confronts scholars of political institutions, particularly scholars of law and judicial politics, with several important questions. Why do democracies like the U.S. allow courts staffed by unelected judges to have the final say on all constitutional questions? Why do elected political institutions—notably Congress and the president —refrain from using their institutions prerogatives to curb or constrain courts? Existing research on these questions can be categorized into two groups. Independence-based theories of judicial review argue that some mechanism constrains the other branches of government to respect judicial review. Majoritarian theories of judicial review argue that governments can desire courts to exercise judicial review in ways that advance the government’s policy goals. While previous research efforts have yielded much fruit, I build upon it in three important areas. First, scholars have yet to fully and directly consider the role of the Court’s ideological preferences when studying the relationship between judicial independence and judicial review, a task to which I devote my attention in chapter 2. In chapter 3, I argue that majoritarian theories need to take into account the separation of powers between branches of government. In chapter 4, I examine severability doctrine in order to derive and test new hypotheses based on both legal scholarship and positive political theory. I conclude in chapter 5 by summarizing the results of my research and noting future areas of inquiry

    Essay on Judicial Review

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    The existence of judicial review confronts scholars of political institutions, particularly scholars of law and judicial politics, with several important questions. Why do democracies like the U.S. allow courts staffed by unelected judges to have the final say on all constitutional questions? Why do elected political institutions—notably Congress and the president —refrain from using their institutions prerogatives to curb or constrain courts? Existing research on these questions can be categorized into two groups. Independence-based theories of judicial review argue that some mechanism constrains the other branches of government to respect judicial review. Majoritarian theories of judicial review argue that governments can desire courts to exercise judicial review in ways that advance the government’s policy goals. While previous research efforts have yielded much fruit, I build upon it in three important areas. First, scholars have yet to fully and directly consider the role of the Court’s ideological preferences when studying the relationship between judicial independence and judicial review, a task to which I devote my attention in chapter 2. In chapter 3, I argue that majoritarian theories need to take into account the separation of powers between branches of government. In chapter 4, I examine severability doctrine in order to derive and test new hypotheses based on both legal scholarship and positive political theory. I conclude in chapter 5 by summarizing the results of my research and noting future areas of inquiry

    Video Self-Modeling, Reading Aloud, or Silent Reading: Effects of Strategies on Fluency

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    The purpose of this action research is to explore the most effective strategy for children to engage in during Read to Self to increase their fluency. Fluency is the ability to read with speed, accuracy, and expression; and is an important aspect of being a successful reader. In this study, three 2nd grade classes will engage in different Read to Self strategies. One class will be doing silent reading. Another class will be reading their books aloud to themselves. A third class will be using video self-modeling, which is recording themselves reading their books out loud on Chromebooks and watching the recording at the end of Read to Self time. This study will be a mixed method study. There will be a Curriculum Based Measure (CBM) pre-test and post-test, along with field notes, which will be analyzed for patterns and themes, that will be taken during the Read to Self time in the three classrooms

    Detecting Channel Riparian Vegetation Response to BMP Implementation in Western South Dakota Ephemeral Streams Using Spot Imagery

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    Heavily grazed riparian areas are commonly subject to channel incision, a lower water table, and reduced vegetation. Riparian vegetation dissipates flow energy which is critical to maintaining stable channel geometry. Occurrences of prairie cord grass (Spartina pectinata) stands were used as evidence of improved riparian health during post best management practice (BMP) assessment within a watershed frequented by ephemeral gullies. Presence/absence of S. pectinata was recorded during 2010 assessments of ephemeral channels with drainage areas ranging from .54 to 692 hectares. Reach locations (n = 115) were delineated using 2010 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery resulting in 8-39 sample points per reach subsequently used to extract Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values from a series of Satellite Pour l\u27Observation de la Terre (SPOT) satellite imagery. Normalized NDVI values from 1,981 sample points were determined from pre (1987, 1994, and 1997) and post-BMP (2010) imagery. Mean normalized NDVI values calculated for each reach ranged from -1.33 to 3.16. ANOVA revealed no mean difference in normalized NDVI among S. pectinata classes for pre-BMP years (P = 0.85, 0.74, 0.82), respectively. However, in 2010 (post-BMP), S. pectinata sites had significantly higher normalized NDVI (1.23) compared to non-S. pectinata sites (0.89) (P = 0.01). Reappearance of S. pectinata due to changes in grazing regimes along with construction of off-stream watering sources was successfully detected remotely. Establishment of S. pectinata provides habitat heterogeneity and functions in reducing flow energy which is responsible for the current state of severely incised channels
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