77 research outputs found

    Drop Traffic in Microfluidic Ladder Networks with Fore-Aft Structural Asymmetry

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    We investigate the dynamics of pairs of drops in microfluidic ladder networks with slanted bypasses, which break the fore-aft structural symmetry. Our analytical results indicate that unlike symmetric ladder networks, structural asymmetry introduced by a single slanted bypass can be used to modulate the relative drop spacing, enabling them to contract, synchronize, expand, or even flip at the ladder exit. Our experiments confirm all these behaviors predicted by theory. Numerical analysis further shows that while ladder networks containing several identical bypasses are limited to nearly linear transformation of input delay between drops, mixed combination of bypasses can cause significant non-linear transformation enabling coding and decoding of input delays.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Hydrodynamic mobility of confined polymeric particles, vesicles, and cancer cells in a square microchannel

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    The transport of deformable objects, including polymer particles, vesicles, and cells, has been a subject of interest for several decades where the majority of experimental and theoretical studies have been focused on circular tubes. Due to advances in microfluidics, there is a need to study the transport of individual deformable particles in rectangular microchannels where corner flows can be important. In this study, we report measurements of hydrodynamic mobility of confined polymeric particles, vesicles, and cancer cells in a linear microchannel with a square cross-section. Our operating conditions are such that the mobility is measured as a function of geometric confinement over the range 0.3 < λ < 1.5 and at specified particle Reynolds numbers that are within 0.1 < Rep < 2.5. The experimental mobility data of each of these systems is compared with the circular-tube theory of Hestroni, Haber, and Wacholder [J. Fluid Mech. 41, 689–705 (1970)] with modifications made for a square cross-section. For polymeric particles, we find that the mobility data agrees well over a large confinement range with the theory but under predicts for vesicles. The mobility of vesicles is higher in a square channel than in a circular tube, and does not depend significantly on membrane mechanical properties. The mobility of cancer cells is in good agreement with the theory up to λ ≈ 0.8, after which it deviates. Comparison of the mobility data of the three systems reveals that cancer cells have higher mobility than rigid particles but lower than vesicles, suggesting that the cell membrane frictional properties are in between a solid-like interface and a fluid bilayer. We explain further the differences in the mobility of the three systems by considering their shape deformation and surface flow on the interface. The results of this study may find potential applications in drug delivery and biomedical diagnostics

    NemaFlex: a microfluidics-based technology for standardized measurement of muscular strength of C. elegans

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    Muscle strength is a functional measure of quality of life in humans. Declines in muscle strength are manifested in diseases as well as during inactivity, aging, and space travel. With conserved muscle biology, the simple genetic model C. elegans is a high throughput platform in which to identify molecular mechanisms causing muscle strength loss and to develop interventions based on diet, exercise, and drugs. In the clinic, standardized strength measures are essential to quantitate changes in patients; however, analogous standards have not been recapitulated in the C. elegans model since force generation fluctuates based on animal behavior and locomotion. Here, we report a microfluidics-based system for strength measurement that we call ‘NemaFlex’, based on pillar deflection as the nematode crawls through a forest of pillars. We have optimized the micropillar forest design and identified robust measurement conditions that yield a measure of strength that is independent of behavior and gait. Validation studies using a muscle contracting agent and mutants confirm that NemaFlex can reliably score muscular strength in C. elegans. Additionally, we report a scaling factor to account for animal size that is consistent with a biomechanics model and enables comparative strength studies of mutants. Taken together, our findings anchor NemaFlex for applications in genetic and drug screens, for defining molecular and cellular circuits of neuromuscular function, and for dissection of degenerative processes in disuse, aging, and disease

    Mitochondrial sulfide promotes life span and health span through distinct mechanisms in developing versus adult treated Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Living longer without simultaneously extending years spent in good health ("health span") is an increasing societal burden, demanding new therapeutic strategies. Hydrogen sulfide (H S) can correct disease-related mitochondrial metabolic deficiencies, and supraphysiological H S concentrations can pro health span. However, the efficacy and mechanisms of mitochondrion-targeted sulfide delivery molecules (mtH S) administered across the adult life course are unknown. Using a aging model, we compared untargeted H S (NaGYY4137, 100 µM and 100 nM) and mtH S (AP39, 100 nM) donor effects on life span, neuromuscular health span, and mitochondrial integrity. H S donors were administered from birth or in young/middle-aged animals (day 0, 2, or 4 postadulthood). RNAi pharmacogenetic interventions and transcriptomics/network analysis explored molecular events governing mtH S donor-mediated health span. Developmentally administered mtH S (100 nM) improved life/health span vs. equivalent untargeted H S doses. mtH S preserved aging mitochondrial structure, content (citrate synthase activity) and neuromuscular strength. Knockdown of H S metabolism enzymes and FoxO/ prevented the positive health span effects of mtH S, whereas DCAF11/ - Nrf2/ oxidative stress protection pathways were dispensable. Health span, but not life span, increased with all adult-onset mtH S treatments. Adult mtH S treatment also rejuvenated aging transcriptomes by minimizing expression declines of mitochondria and cytoskeletal components, and peroxisome metabolism hub components, under mechanistic control by the / transcription factor circuit. H S health span extension likely acts at the mitochondrial level, the mechanisms of which dissociate from life span across adult vs. developmental treatment timings. The small mtH S doses required for health span extension, combined with efficacy in adult animals, suggest mtH S is a potential healthy aging therapeutic
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