3 research outputs found


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    Partnership between teacher and parents forms understanding about mutual communication and the benefits for learning process out of that. Teacher’s observations points to a different understanding on the collaboration with children as a successive process in setting and achieving learning goals. The aim of the article is to reveal how to turn the initiative to involve in preschool learning process expressed by family, into planned engagement in learning process. Daily activities planned by teacher turns parents into educators and involves whole family into initiative fostering project, which strengthens overall partnership between teacher, child and family


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    Successful learning process in pre-school requires collaboration between children, educators and parents, whose primary goal is individual understanding of each child to promote his academic performance and personal development as a whole. This paper shows a pre-scientific and theoretical background of self-directed learning in preschool, as well as developed and theoretically substantiated child initiative research method "New friend". Particular attention is given to the promotion of the child's initiative, which is crucial in the process of self-directed learning. The empirical study of children's initiatives shows analysis of collaboration with the parents. A qualitative study reveals pre-school children's initiative promotion opportunities in collaboration with parents, by using research method "New friend"

    Development of self-confidence in preschool of 4 - 5 years old children

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    Darba autors: Asja Vanaga Darba tēma: 4-5 gadu vecu bērnu pašapziņas veidošanās audzināšanas procesā pirmsskolā Darba veids: Maģistra darbs Studiju programma: Pedagoģijas maģistrs (pirmsskola) Darba zinātniskais vadītājs: prof.Dr.psych.Lūcija Rutka Maģistra darbā aprakstīta 4-5 gadu vecu bērnu personības attīstība un svarīgākās pašapziņas veidošanās iezīmes šajā vecumā. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt bērna pašapziņas attīstību sekmējošos faktorus, kā arī pirmsskolas un bērnu vecāku sadarbības nozīmi audzināšanas procesā. Darbs sastāv no divām nodaļām. Pirmās nodaļas mērķis ir izpētīt teorētisko literatūru par 4-5 gadu vecu bērnu fiziskās, kognitīvās un psihosociālās attīstības nozīmi pašapziņas un „Es” tēla attīstībā. Otrā nodaļā ir analizēti bērna pašapziņu veicinoši vingrinājumi, to efektivitāte, un pirmsskolas audzināšanas procesa ietekme uz bērna pašapziņas veidošanos. Atspoguļota pozitīva bērnu pašapziņas dinamika, veicot praktiskos vingrinājumus. Darbs kopumā izklāstīts 74 lappusēs, tajā iekļautas 6 tabulas un 21 attēls. Darbā izmantoti 36 literatūras avoti un pievienoti 8 pielikumi. Atslēgas vārdi: pašapziņa, vidējais pirmsskolas vecums, audzināšana.The author: Asja Vanaga The theme: Development of self-confidence in preschool of 4-5 years old children Kind of work: Master Studies: Pedagogy Master (preschool) Scientific leader: prof.Dr.psych.Lūcija Rutka Master's thesis describes the 4-5 year old children's personal development and self-esteem, the most important characteristics of this age. The goal is to explore the development of a child's self-esteem, as well as the importance of cooperation of preschool and parents in the educational process. The work consists of two chapters. The first chapter's objective is to explore the theoretical literature on the 4-5 year old children's physical, cognitive and psychosocial development of self-confidence and self-image. The second chapter examines the child's self-esteem-building exercises, their effectiveness, and preschool education in the process of impact on a child's self-esteem. Reflected in the positive dynamics of children's self-esteem through practical exercises. The work contains 74 pages, including 6 charts and 21 images. The work used 36 literature sources and added 8 annexes. Key words: self-confidence, the middle preschool age, education