6 research outputs found

    Sustained attention training reduces spatial bias in Parkinson’s disease: a pilot case series

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    Individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) commonly demonstrate lateralized spatial biases, which affect daily functioning. Those with PD with initial motor symptoms on the left body side (LPD) have reduced leftward attention, whereas PD with initial motor symptoms on the right side (RPD) may display reduced rightward attention. We investigated whether a sustained attention training program could help reduce these spatial biases. Four non-demented individuals with PD (2 LPD, 2 RPD) performed a visual search task before and after 1 month of computer training. Before training, all participants showed a significant spatial bias and after training, all participants’ spatial bias was eliminated.Published versio

    Visual hemispatial neglect, re-assessed

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    Increased computer use in clinical settings offers an opportunity to develop new neuropsychological tests that exploit the control computers have over stimulus dimensions and timing. However, before adopting new tools, empirical validation is necessary. In the current study, our aims were twofold: to describe a computerized adaptive procedure with broad potential for neuropsychological investigations, and to demonstrate its implementation in testing for visual hemispatial neglect. Visual search results from adaptive psychophysical procedures are reported from 12 healthy individuals and 23 individuals with unilateral brain injury. Healthy individuals reveal spatially symmetric performance on adaptive search measures. In patients, psychophysical outcomes (as well as those from standard paper-and-pencil search tasks) reveal visual hemispatial neglect. Consistent with previous empirical studies of hemispatial neglect, lateralized impairments in adaptive conjunction search are greater than in adaptive feature search tasks. Furthermore, those with right hemisphere damage show greater lateralized deficits in conjunction search than do those with left hemisphere damage. We argue that adaptive tests, which automatically adjust to each individual's performance level, are efficient methods for both clinical evaluations and neuropsychological investigations and have the potential to detect subtle deficits even in chronic stages, when flagrant clinical signs have frequently resolved

    Spatial distortions in localization and midline estimation in hemianopia and normal vision.

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    Studies have shown that individuals with hemianopia tend to bisect a line toward their blind, contralesional visual field, termed the hemianopic line bisection error (HLBE). One theory proposes that the HLBE is a perceptual distortion resulting from expansion of the central region of visual space. If true, perceptual expansions of the central regions in the intact hemifield should also be present and observable across different tasks. We tested this hypothesis using a peripheral localization task to assess localization and midpoint estimation along the horizontal axis of the visual field. In this task, participants judged the location of a target dot presented inside a Goldmann perimeter relative to their perceived visual field boundary. In Experiment 1, we tested neurologically healthy participants on the peripheral localization task as well as a novel midpoint assessment task in which participants reported their perceived midpoint along the horizontal axis of their left and right visual fields. The results revealed consistency in individual biases across the two tasks. We then used the peripheral localization task to test whether two patients with hemianopia showed a selective expansion of central visual space. For these patients, three axes were tested: the spared temporal horizontal axis and the upper and lower vertical axes. The results support the notion that the HLBE is due to expansion of perceived space along the spared temporal axis. Together, the results of both experiments validate the use of these novel paradigms for exploring perceptual asymmetries in both healthy individuals and patients with visual field loss