179 research outputs found

    Updates in metabolomics tools and resources: 2014-2015

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    Data processing and interpretation represent the most challenging and time-consuming steps in high-throughput metabolomic experiments, regardless of the analytical platforms (MS or NMR spectroscopy based) used for data acquisition. Improved machinery in metabolomics generates increasingly complex datasets that create the need for more and better processing and analysis software and in silico approaches to understand the resulting data. However, a comprehensive source of information describing the utility of the most recently developed and released metabolomics resources—in the form of tools, software, and databases—is currently lacking. Thus, here we provide an overview of freely-available, and open-source, tools, algorithms, and frameworks to make both upcoming and established metabolomics researchers aware of the recent developments in an attempt to advance and facilitate data processing workflows in their metabolomics research. The major topics include tools and researches for data processing, data annotation, and data visualization in MS and NMR-based metabolomics. Most in this review described tools are dedicated to untargeted metabolomics workflows; however, some more specialist tools are described as well. All tools and resources described including their analytical and computational platform dependencies are summarized in an overview Table

    Ms2lda.org: web-based topic modelling for substructure discovery in mass spectrometry

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    Motivation: We recently published MS2LDA, a method for the decomposition of sets of molecular fragment data derived from large metabolomics experiments. To make the method more widely available to the community, here we present ms2lda.org, a web application that allows users to upload their data, run MS2LDA analyses and explore the results through interactive visualisations. Results: Ms2lda.org takes tandem mass spectrometry data in many standard formats and allows the user to infer the sets of fragment and neutral loss features that co-occur together (Mass2Motifs). As an alternative workflow, the user can also decompose a dataset onto predefined Mass2Motifs. This is accomplished through the web interface or programmatically from our web service

    In silico optimization of mass spectrometry fragmentation strategies in metabolomics

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    Liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is widely used in identifying small molecules in untargeted metabolomics. Various strategies exist to acquire MS/MS fragmentation spectra; however, the development of new acquisition strategies is hampered by the lack of simulators that let researchers prototype, compare, and optimize strategies before validations on real machines. We introduce Virtual Metabolomics Mass Spectrometer (ViMMS), a metabolomics LC-MS/MS simulator framework that allows for scan-level control of the MS2 acquisition process in silico. ViMMS can generate new LC-MS/MS data based on empirical data or virtually re-run a previous LC-MS/MS analysis using pre-existing data to allow the testing of different fragmentation strategies. To demonstrate its utility, we show how ViMMS can be used to optimize N for Top-N data-dependent acquisition (DDA) acquisition, giving results comparable to modifying N on the mass spectrometer. We expect that ViMMS will save method development time by allowing for offline evaluation of novel fragmentation strategies and optimization of the fragmentation strategy for a particular experiment

    Deciphering complex metabolite mixtures by unsupervised and supervised substructure discovery and semi-automated annotation from MS/MS spectra

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    Complex metabolite mixtures are challenging to unravel. Mass spectrometry (MS) is a widely used and sensitive technique to obtain structural information on complex mixtures. However, just knowing the molecular masses of the mixture’s constituents is almost always insufficient for confident assignment of the associated chemical structures. Structural information can be augmented through MS fragmentation experiments whereby detected metabolites are fragmented giving rise to MS/MS spectra. However, how can we maximize the structural information we gain from fragmentation spectra? We recently proposed a substructure-based strategy to enhance metabolite annotation for complex mixtures by considering metabolites as the sum of (bio)chemically relevant moieties that we can detect through mass spectrometry fragmentation approaches. Our MS2LDA tool allows us to discover - unsupervised - groups of mass fragments and/or neutral losses termed Mass2Motifs that often correspond to substructures. After manual annotation, these Mass2Motifs can be used in subsequent MS2LDA analyses of new datasets, thereby providing structural annotations for many molecules that are not present in spectral databases. Here, we describe how additional strategies, taking advantage of i) combinatorial in-silico matching of experimental mass features to substructures of candidate molecules, and ii) automated machine learning classification of molecules, can facilitate semi-automated annotation of substructures. We show how our approach accelerates the Mass2Motif annotation process and therefore broadens the chemical space spanned by characterized motifs. Our machine learning model used to classify fragmentation spectra learns the relationships between fragment spectra and chemical features. Classification prediction on these features can be aggregated for all molecules that contribute to a particular Mass2Motif and guide Mass2Motif annotations. To make annotated Mass2Motifs available to the community, we also present motifDB: an open database of Mass2Motifs that can be browsed and accessed programmatically through an Application Programming Interface (API). MotifDB is integrated within ms2lda.org, allowing users to efficiently search for characterized motifs in their own experiments. We expect that with an increasing number of Mass2Motif annotations available through a growing database we can more quickly gain insight in the constituents of complex mixtures. That will allow prioritization towards novel or unexpected chemistries and faster recognition of known biochemical building blocks

    Topic modeling for untargeted substructure exploration in metabolomics

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    The potential of untargeted metabolomics to answer important questions across the life sciences is hindered due to a paucity of computational tools that enable extraction of key biochemically relevant information. Available tools focus on using mass spectrometry fragmentation spectra to identify molecules whose behavior suggests they are relevant to the system under study. Unfortunately, fragmentation spectra cannot identify molecules in isolation, but require authentic standards or databases of known fragmented molecules. Fragmentation spectra are, however, replete with information pertaining to the biochemical processes present; much of which is currently neglected. Here we present an analytical workflow that exploits all fragmentation data from a given experiment to extract biochemically-relevant features in an unsupervised manner. We demonstrate that an algorithm originally utilized for text-mining, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, can be adapted to handle metabolomics datasets. Our approach extracts biochemically-relevant molecular substructures (‘Mass2Motifs’) from spectra as sets of co-occurring molecular fragments and neutral losses. The analysis allows us to isolate molecular substructures, whose presence allows molecules to be grouped based on shared substructures regardless of classical spectral similarity. These substructures in turn support putative de novo structural annotation of molecules. Combining this spectral connectivity to orthogonal correlations (e.g. common abundance changes under system perturbation) significantly enhances our ability to provide mechanistic explanations for biological behavior

    Mass spectral molecular networking to profile the metabolome of biostimulant bacillus strains

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    Beneficial soil microbes like plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) significantly contribute to plant growth and development through various mechanisms activated by plant-PGPR interactions. However, a complete understanding of the biochemistry of the PGPR and microbial intraspecific interactions within the consortia is still enigmatic. Such complexities constrain the design and use of PGPR formulations for sustainable agriculture. Therefore, we report the application of mass spectrometry (MS)-based untargeted metabolomics and molecular networking (MN) to interrogate and profile the intracellular chemical space of PGPR Bacillus strains: B. laterosporus, B. amyloliquefaciens, B. licheniformis 1001, and B. licheniformis M017 and their consortium. The results revealed differential and diverse chemistries in the four Bacillus strains when grown separately, and also differing from when grown as a consortium. MolNetEnhancer networks revealed 11 differential molecular families that are comprised of lipids and lipid-like molecules, benzenoids, nucleotide-like molecules, and organic acids and derivatives. Consortium and B. amyloliquefaciens metabolite profiles were characterized by the high abundance of surfactins, whereas B. licheniformis strains were characterized by the unique presence of lichenysins. Thus, this work, applying metabolome mining tools, maps the microbial chemical space of isolates and their consortium, thus providing valuable insights into molecular information of microbial systems. Such fundamental knowledge is essential for the innovative design and use of PGPR-based biostimulants

    Ranking metabolite sets by their activity levels

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    Related metabolites can be grouped into sets in many ways, e.g., by their participation in series of chemical reactions (forming metabolic pathways), or based on fragmentation spectral similarities or shared chemical substructures. Understanding how such metabolite sets change in relation to experimental factors can be incredibly useful in the interpretation and understanding of complex metabolomics data sets. However, many of the available tools that are used to perform this analysis are not entirely suitable for the analysis of untargeted metabolomics measurements. Here, we present PALS (Pathway Activity Level Scoring), a Python library, command line tool, and Web application that performs the ranking of significantly changing metabolite sets over different experimental conditions. The main algorithm in PALS is based on the pathway level analysis of gene expression (PLAGE) factorisation method and is denoted as mPLAGE (PLAGE for metabolomics). As an example of an application, PALS is used to analyse metabolites grouped as metabolic pathways and by shared tandem mass spectrometry fragmentation patterns. A comparison of mPLAGE with two other commonly used methods (overrepresentation analysis (ORA) and gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA)) is also given and reveals that mPLAGE is more robust to missing features and noisy data than the alternatives. As further examples, PALS is also applied to human African trypanosomiasis, Rhamnaceae, and American Gut Project data. In addition, normalisation can have a significant impact on pathway analysis results, and PALS offers a framework to further investigate this. PALS is freely available from our project Web site

    Linking genomics and metabolomics to chart specialized metabolic diversity

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    Microbial and plant specialized metabolites constitute an immense chemical diversity, and play key roles in mediating ecological interactions between organisms. Also referred to as natural products, they have been widely applied in medicine, agriculture, cosmetic and food industries. Traditionally, the main discovery strategies have centered around the use of activity-guided fractionation of metabolite extracts. Increasingly, omics data is being used to complement this, as it has the potential to reduce rediscovery rates, guide experimental work towards the most promising metabolites, and identify enzymatic pathways that enable their biosynthetic production. In recent years, genomic and metabolomic analyses of specialized metabolic diversity have been scaled up to study thousands of samples simultaneously. Here, we survey data analysis technologies that facilitate the effective exploration of large genomic and metabolomic datasets, and discuss various emerging strategies to integrate these two types of omics data in order to further accelerate discovery

    Automatic metabolite annotation in complex LC-MS(n ≥ 2) data using MAGMa

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    Poster presented at the Analytical Tools for Cutting-edge Metabolomics meeting in London, 30 April 201
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