798 research outputs found

    The marine linefish resources of Moçambique (status, development and future research)

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    Marine line-fishing is seen to be of major importance to the social well-being and economy of many coastal people of Mozambique. Aspects of the artisanal and semi-industrial fisheries of Mozambique are described and a recent significant increase in effort is noted. Landings are seen to comprise a high proportion of vulnerable, endemic species, several of which are shared with neighbouring South Africa. Trends in CPUE, sex ratios and yield per recruit suggest that future landings may decline if conservative management is not introduced. Strategies for data collection and biological research on key species are proposed

    Die godsdiensgegewe in twee romans van Berta Smit

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    Die verskyningsdatum van haar debuutwerk, Die vrou en die bees gee aan Berta Smit ’n plek tussen die Sestigers. In werklikheid het haar werke egter raakpunte met die sogenaamde Ouer prosa sowel as met die Nuwer prosa. Soos die meeste prosawerke voor Sestig gaan haar romans uit van ’n vaste norm, naamlik die Christelike

    Effects of intranasal insulin application on the hypothalamic BOLD response to glucose ingestion

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    Abstract The hypothalamus is a crucial structure in the brain that responds to metabolic cues and regulates energy homeostasis. Patients with type 2 diabetes demonstrate a lack of hypothalamic neuronal response after glucose ingestion, which is suggested to be an underlying cause of the disease. In this study, we assessed whether intranasal insulin can be used to enhance neuronal hypothalamic responses to glucose ingestion. In a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled 4-double cross-over experiment, hypothalamic activation was measured in young non- diabetic subjects by determining blood-oxygen-level dependent MRI signals over 30 minutes before and after ingestion of 75 g glucose dissolved in 300 ml water, under intranasal insulin or placebo condition. Glucose ingestion under placebo condition lead to an average 1.4% hypothalamic BOLD decrease, under insulin condition the average response to glucose was a 2.2% decrease. Administration of water did not affect the hypothalamic BOLD responses. Intranasal insulin did not change circulating glucose and insulin levels. Still, circulating glucose levels showed a significant dampening effect on the BOLD response and insulin levels a significant strengthening effect. Our data provide proof of concept for future experiments testing the potential of intranasal application of insulin to ameliorate defective homeostatic control in patients with type 2 diabetes

    Klinische bruikbaarheid van categoriegebonden woordproductie voor het onderscheiden van dementie en normale cognitieve veroudering

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    Met behulp van multiple regressieanalyse op gegevens van de Maastricht Aging Study (MAAS; N=1.825; leeftijdsbereik 24-81 jaar) zijn normen berekend voor een veelgebruikte semantische fluencytest (dieren en beroepen opnoemen). Het aantal genoemde dieren, beroepen en de somscore van dieren en beroepen samen bleek sterk afhankelijk van demografische variabelen, zoals leeftijd en opleiding. Het regressiemodel is toegepast op de gegevens van 1.063 psychogeriatrische patiënten, onder wie 890 met alzheimerdementie of vasculaire dementie. Bij gelijke specificiteit was de sensitiviteit voor het onderscheid tussen dementie en normale cognitieve veroudering het hoogst voor het aantal genoemde dieren. Vijftig patiënten persevereerden over taken (zij noemden tijdens afname van de beroepenfluencytaak spontaan weer een of meer ‘dieren’). Dit verschijnsel kwam met 11,3% vaker voor bij parkinsondementie en de frontale variant van frontotemporale dementie dan bij alzheimerdementie (4,6%) en vasculaire dementie (5,3%). Persevereren over taken correleerde negatief met prestaties op een woordgeheugentaak, de EMCT (Expanded Mental Control Test), de BDS (Behavioral Dyscontrol Scale) en de meandertekening als een test voor verminderde responsinhibitie. In een multivariate logistische regressieanalyse correleerde alleen de meandertekening significant met persevereren over taken

    Acute hypoglycemia impairs executive cognitive function in adults with and without type 1 diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE: Acute hypoglycemia impairs cognitive function in several domains. Executive cognitive function governs organization of thoughts, prioritization of tasks, and time management. This study examined the effect of acute hypoglycemia on executive function in adults with and without diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Thirty-two adults with and without type 1 diabetes with no vascular complications or impaired awareness of hypoglycemia were studied. Two hyperinsulinemic glucose clamps were performed at least 2 weeks apart in a single-blind, counterbalanced order, maintaining blood glucose at 4.5 mmol/L (euglycemia) or 2.5 mmol/L (hypoglycemia). Executive functions were assessed with a validated test suite (Delis-Kaplan Executive Function). A general linear model (repeated-measures ANOVA) was used. Glycemic condition (euglycemia or hypoglycemia) was the within-participant factor. Between-participant factors were order of session (euglycemia-hypoglycemia or hypoglycemia-euglycemia), test battery used, and diabetes status (with or without diabetes). RESULTS: Compared with euglycemia, executive functions (with one exception) were significantly impaired during hypoglycemia; lower test scores were recorded with more time required for completion. Large Cohen d values (>0.8) suggest that hypoglycemia induces decrements in aspects of executive function with large effect sizes. In some tests, the performance of participants with diabetes was more impaired than those without diabetes. CONCLUSIONS: Executive cognitive function, which is necessary to carry out many everyday activities, is impaired during hypoglycemia in adults with and without type 1 diabetes. This important aspect of cognition has not received previous systematic study with respect to hypoglycemia. The effect size is large in terms of both accuracy and speed

    Pharmacological Modulation of Dopamine Receptor D2-Mediated Transmission Alters the Metabolic Phenotype of Diet Induced Obese and Diet Resistant C57Bl6 Mice

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    High fat feeding induces a variety of obese and lean phenotypes in inbred rodents. Compared to Diet Resistant (DR) rodents, Diet Induced Obese (DIO) rodents are insulin resistant and have a reduced dopamine receptor D2 (DRD2) mediated tone. We hypothesized that this differing dopaminergic tone contributes to the distinct metabolic profiles of these animals. C57Bl6 mice were classified as DIO or DR based on their weight gain during 10 weeks of high fat feeding. Subsequently DIO mice were treated with the DRD2 agonist bromocriptine and DR mice with the DRD2 antagonist haloperidol for 2 weeks. Compared to DR mice, the bodyweight of DIO mice was higher and their insulin sensitivity decreased. Haloperidol treatment reduced the voluntary activity and energy expenditure of DR mice and induced insulin resistance in these mice. Conversely, bromocriptine treatment tended to reduce bodyweight and voluntary activity, and reinforce insulin action in DIO mice. These results show that DRD2 activation partly redirects high fat diet induced metabolic anomalies in obesity-prone mice. Conversely, blocking DRD2 induces an adverse metabolic profile in mice that are inherently resistant to the deleterious effects of high fat food. This suggests that dopaminergic neurotransmission is involved in the control of metabolic phenotype

    Autonomous decision-making against induced seismicity in deep fluid injections

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    The rise in the frequency of anthropogenic earthquakes due to deep fluid injections is posing serious economic, societal, and legal challenges to geo-energy and waste-disposal projects. We propose an actuarial approach to mitigate this risk, first by defining an autonomous decision-making process based on an adaptive traffic light system (ATLS) to stop risky injections, and second by quantifying a "cost of public safety" based on the probability of an injection-well being abandoned. The ATLS underlying statistical model is first confirmed to be representative of injection-induced seismicity, with examples taken from past reservoir stimulation experiments (mostly from Enhanced Geothermal Systems, EGS). Then the decision strategy is formalized: Being integrable, the model yields a closed-form ATLS solution that maps a risk-based safety standard or norm to an earthquake magnitude not to exceed during stimulation. Finally, the EGS levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) is reformulated in terms of null expectation, with the cost of abandoned injection-well implemented. We find that the price increase to mitigate the increased seismic risk in populated areas can counterbalance the heat credit. However this "public safety cost" disappears if buildings are based on earthquake-resistant designs or if a more relaxed risk safety standard or norm is chosen.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, conference (International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics, 26-28 September 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland

    Combined osimertinib, dabrafenib and trametinib treatment for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients with an osimertinib-induced BRAF V600E mutation

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    INTRODUCTION: Previous studies have reported an acquiredBRAF V600E mutation as a potential resistance mechanism to osimertinib treatment in advanced NSCLC patients with an activating mutation in EGFR. However, the therapeutic effect of combining dabrafenib and trametinib with osimertinib remains unclear. Here we report treatment efficacy in two cases with acquired BRAF V600E mutations. METHODS: Two patients with anEGFR exon 19 deletion and a T790 M mutation, both treated with osimertinib, acquired a BRAF V600E mutation at disease progression. Following the recommendation of the molecular tumor board, a concurrent combination of dabrafenib and trametinib plus osimertinib was administered. RESULTS: Because of toxicity, one patient ultimately received a reduced dose of dabrafenib and trametinib combined with a normal dose of osimertinib. Clinical response in this patient lasted for 13.4 months. Re-biopsy upon tumor progression revealed loss ofBRAF V600E and emergence of EGFR C797S. The other patient, treated with full doses of the combined therapy, had progression with metastases in lung and brain one month after starting therapy. CONCLUSION: BRAF V600E may be a resistance mechanism induced by osimertinib in EGFR-mutated advanced NSCLC. Combined treatment using dabrafenib/trametinib concurrently with osimertinib needs to be explored for osimertinib-induced BRAF V600E mutation