14 research outputs found

    The neural representation of mental beliefs held by two agents

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    Neuroimaging research has demonstrated that mentalizing about false beliefs held by other people recruits the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ). However, earlier work was limited to a single agent that held a false belief. We investigated the effect of two agents that held similar or mixed false and/or true beliefs. Participants saw animated stories with two smurfs holding true or false beliefs (Story phase). At the end of each trial, they were requested to take the perspective of the self or one of the smurfs (Question phase). We predicted that an increasing number of smurfs holding a false belief would increase activation in the TPJ when participants have to report the belief of the smurf, because the incongruent belief should have a stronger influence if it is held by two compared with one agent. This prediction was confirmed as activation in the TPJ during the Story and Question phase increased when more smurfs held a false belief. Taking the perspective of the self led to stronger activation of the TPJ in the two conditions that involved a true belief and weakest activation in the condition of two false beliefs. These data suggest that activation in TPJ depends on the perspective participants take, and that the number of agents holding a false belief influences activation in the TPJ only when taking the agent's perspective

    EUREKA regional users tests for the pilot EU-FarmBook

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    ZIP archive containing background info, script and questions used by EUREKA partners who conducted the user-test interviews in the 4 EU macroregions, plus their reports (the results) in an Excel file

    EUREKA WP2 codes used for QCA of regional interview text

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    The EUREKA Work Package 2 partners co-created the coding framework that they used to analyse the regional interviews using a Qualitative Comparative Analysis metho

    Dissociation of a trait and a valence representation in the mPFC

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    A previous functional MRI adaptation study on trait inference indicated that a trait code is located in the ventral medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), but could not rule out that this adaptation effect is due to the trait's underlying valence. To address this issue, we presented sentences describing positive and negative valences of either a human trait or object characteristic, and manipulated whether the human trait or object characteristic was repeated or not, either with the same or opposite valance. In two trait conditions, a behavioral trait-implying sentence was preceded by a prime sentence that implied the same or the opposite trait. The results confirmed the earlier finding of robust trait adaptation from prime to target in the vmPFC, and also found adaptation in the precuneus and right mid-occipital cortex. In contrast, no valence adaptation was found in two novel object conditions, in which the target sentence again implied a positive or negative trait, but was preceded by a prime sentence that described an object with the same or the opposite valence. Together with the previous study, this indicates that a specific trait code, but not a generalized valence code, is represented in the vmPFC

    Context-dependent modulation of cognitive control involves different temporal profiles of fronto-parietal activity

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    To efficiently deal with quickly changing task demands, we often need to organize our behaviour on different time scales. For example, to ignore irrelevant and select relevant information, cognitive control might be applied in reactive (short time scale) or proactive (long time scale) mode. These two control modes play a pivotal role in cognitive-neuroscientific theorizing but the temporal dissociation of the underlying neural mechanisms is not well established empirically. In this fMRI study, a cognitive control task was administered in contexts with mainly congruent (MC) and mainly incongruent (MI) trials to induce reactive and proactive control, respectively. Based on behavioural profiles, we expected cognitive control in the MC context to be characterized by transient activity (measured on-trial) in task-relevant areas. In the MI context, cognitive control was expected to be reflected in sustained activity (measured in the intertrial interval) in similar or different areas. Results show that in the MC context, on-trial transient activity (incongruent - congruent trials) was increased in fronto-parietal areas, compared to the MI context. These areas included dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and intraparietal sulcus (IPS). In the MI context, sustained activity in similar fronto-parietal areas during the intertrial interval was increased, compared to the MC context. These results illuminate how context-dependent reactive and proactive control subtend the same brain areas but operate on different time scales