70 research outputs found

    Governing Cemeteries

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    This book compares state responses to Muslim and humanist burial needs in three European countries. Such accommodation is typically understood in terms of national models. Van den Breemer, however, shows that policy responses in fact follow distinctive types of logic between the various levels of governance, and that material solutions matter as well. While indeed large legal and discursive national differences between states remain, in praxis they do the same. In a departure from this major finding, the book outlines a methodologically more coherent research agenda for the comparative study of religion, secularism, society, and state

    Governing Cemeteries

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    This book compares state responses to Muslim and humanist burial needs in three European countries. Such accommodation is typically understood in terms of national models. Van den Breemer, however, shows that policy responses in fact follow distinctive types of logic between the various levels of governance, and that material solutions matter as well. While indeed large legal and discursive national differences between states remain, in praxis they do the same. In a departure from this major finding, the book outlines a methodologically more coherent research agenda for the comparative study of religion, secularism, society, and state

    Clinical and laboratory evaluation of immediate dentin sealing

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    Anthropological experiences in rural Senegal, 1986-2003

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    As an undergraduate in cultural anthropology at Leiden University in 1964, Hans van den Breemer was asked to participate in a research project on the most efficient distribut¡on of new water wells in rural Niger. This brought him unforgettable contact with Hausa people and to some extent also with Fula and Touareg. A second defining experience was his research, from 1972 * L974, on agr¡cultural innovation among the Aouan of lvory Coast. This resulted in his doctoral dissertation "Onze Aarde houdt niet van Rijst" (Our Earth does not like Rice). The third phase of his anthropological career began in 1986 with his role in organ¡zing and supervising the research trainings ¡n Senegal and The Gambia for cultural anthropology and development sociology studenE from Leiden University. This participation led to close contacts w¡th Mandinka people predominantly, but also with people of Diakhanke, Fula, Wolof, Soninke, Serer and other origins. This book focuses on the third and last phase of his professional career. The dual aim of his participation in the training - coaching students and doing research himself- is reflected in this book. Van den Breemer shares the training staff's ideas and his personal motivations and exper¡ences with regard to the superuision and coaching of young students embarking on the¡r first anthropological research in an unfamiliar culture. He also offers his personal reflections on rural society in Senegal, its structure, social processes and problems. In an account sure to engage anthropologists and non-anthropologists alike, Hans van den Breemer reveals the realities of anthropological fieldwork and the kinds of understandings it may lead to.Wetensch. publicati

    Clinical and laboratory evaluation of immediate dentin sealing

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    Nowadays in dentistry, partial crowns are made that can be well glued to dental tissue. These crowns are called partial crowns because only the old filling is replaced and as much healthy tooth tissue as possible will be retained. These crowns are made of glass ceramic (lithium disilicate) and are glued using 'Immediate Dentin Sealing' (IDS). This seal is applied immediately after removing the old filling material. This research focuses on the added value of this sealing in crowns on posterior molars. Crowns attached using IDS have a higher bond- and fracture strength compared with crowns that have not received IDS. It also appeared that patients who were treated for such a crown had no sensitivity after drilling, regardless of whether IDS had been used. Crowns that were fixed using IDS and a photo-polymerized filler material proved to have a high success and survival probability after 5 and 8 years

    Environmental policies and social reality in Senegal

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    ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Anthropologie et foresterie sociale : une exploration théorique

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    Abstract : After a short description of the origins and philosophy of social forestry (section one), the authors describe the contribution of cultural anthropology to this new interdisciplinary field in a two‑step approach. First, they analyze recent forestry literature and classify explicit anthropological questions. Foresters seem interested in some aspects of local society (section two) and in the role of governments (section three). This exercise reveals that anthropological knowledge is ..

    Towards local management of natural resources in Senegal

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    ASC – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde
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