242 research outputs found

    Tuberculosis screening and follow-up of asylum seekers in Norway: a cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>About 80% of new tuberculosis cases in Norway occur among immigrants from high incidence countries. On arrival to the country all asylum seekers are screened with Mantoux test and chest x-ray aimed to identify cases of active tuberculosis and, in the case of latent tuberculosis, to offer follow-up or prophylactic treatment.</p> <p>We assessed a national programme for screening, treatment and follow-up of tuberculosis infection and disease in a cohort of asylum seekers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Asylum seekers ≥ 18 years who arrived at the National Reception Centre from January 2005 to June 2006, were included as the total cohort. Those with a Mantoux test ≥ 6 mm or positive x-ray findings were included in a study group for follow-up.</p> <p>Data were collected from public health authorities in the municipality to where the asylum seekers had moved, and from hospital based internists in case they had been referred to specialist care.</p> <p>Individual subjects included in the study group were matched with the Norwegian National Tuberculosis Register which receive reports of everybody diagnosed with active tuberculosis, or who had started treatment for latent tuberculosis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The total cohort included 4643 adult asylum seekers and 97.5% had a valid Mantoux test. At least one inclusion criterion was fulfilled by 2237 persons. By end 2007 municipal public health authorities had assessed 758 (34%) of them. Altogether 328 persons had been seen by an internist. Of 314 individuals with positive x-rays, 194 (62%) had seen an internist, while 86 of 568 with Mantoux ≥ 15, but negative x-rays (16%) were also seen by an internist. By December 31<sup>st </sup>2006, 23 patients were diagnosed with tuberculosis (prevalence 1028/100 000) and another 11 were treated for latent infection.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The coverage of screening was satisfactory, but fewer subjects than could have been expected from the national guidelines were followed up in the community and referred to an internist. To improve follow-up of screening results, a simplification of organisation and guidelines, introduction of quality assurance systems, and better coordination between authorities and between different levels of health care are all required.</p

    Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and thioredoxin are differentially expressed along the reproductive tract of the ewe during the oestrous cycle and after ovariectomy

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    Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and thioredoxin are regulated by gonadal steroids in the female reproductive tract of many species. Oestradiol regulates IGF-I and thioredoxin mRNA levels in the reproductive tract of prepubertal lambs. The physiological status (different endocrine environment) may affect the sensitivity of the reproductive tract to oestradiol and progesterone. We studied the effects of different endocrine milieus (late-follicular and luteal phases of the oestrous cycle, and ovariectomy before or after puberty) on the expression of IGF-I, thioredoxin, oestrogen receptor α (ERα) and progesterone receptor (PR) in sheep. The mRNA levels were determined by a solution hybridisation technique. In the uterus the levels of ERα, PR and thioredoxin mRNA were higher in the late-follicular phase group than in the other three groups, and IGF-I mRNA was high during both the late-follicular and the luteal phases. In the cervix only PR mRNA was significantly higher in the ewes in the late-follicular phase than in the other groups. In the oviducts the levels of thioredoxin and ERα mRNA were highest in the ovariectomised adult ewes, and thioredoxin mRNA was higher than the levels found in the ewes in the late-follicular phase. The IGF-I mRNA levels in the oviduct did not differ between any of the groups. The transcripts of IGF-I, thioredoxin, ERα and PR, varied according to the physiological status and also along the female reproductive tract, suggesting that the regulation of the mRNA levels of these factors by the steroid environment is tissue specific. Koncentrationen av insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) och thioredoxin regleras hos många arter i honors reproduktionsorgan av könssteroider. Sålunda reglerar östradiol IGF-I och thioredoxin mRNA i reproduktionsorganen hos prepubertala lamm. Djurets fysiologiska status (dvs den endokrina miljön) kan påverka känsligheten hos reproduktionsorganen för östradiol och progesteron. Vi studerade effekterna av olika endokrina miljöer (sen follikelfas och lutealfas i östruscykeln, samt ovariektomi före och efter puberteten) på uttrycket av IGF-I, thioredoxin, östrogenreceptor α (ERα) och progesteronreceptorn (PR) hos får. Lösningshybridisering användes för att bestämma mRNA nivåerna. I livmodern var mRNA koncentrationen för ERα, PR och thioredoxin högre i sen follikelfas än i de andra tre grupperna och IGF-I mRNA nivån var hög både under sen follikelfas och i lutealfas. PR mRNA i cervix var signifikant högre hos tackorna under sen follikelfas än i de andra grupperna. I äggledarna var mRNA nivåerna av thioredoxin och ERα högst i de djur som ovariektomerats som vuxna, och thioredoxin mRNA var högre än hos tackorna under sen follikelfas. Det förelåg ingen skillnad vad gäller IGF-I mRNA nivåerna i äggledaren mellan någon av grupperna. IGF-I, thioredoxin, ERα och PR mRNA nivåerna varierade beroende på fysiologisk status och morfologisk lokalisation i reproduktionsorganen. Detta tyder på att steroidhormonernas reglering av dessa faktorers mRNA uttryck också är vävnadsspecifik

    Phase II trial of oral S-1 combined with gemcitabine in metastatic pancreatic cancer

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    We conducted a phase II trial of gemcitabine with S-1, oral fluorouracil (5-FU) prodrug tegafur combined with two modulators, 5-chloro-2, 4-dihydroxypyridine and potassium oxonate, to evaluate the activity and toxicity of such a combination in metastatic pancreatic cancer (MPC) patients. Patients who had pathologically proven pancreatic cancer with metastatic lesions were eligible candidates for entry into the study. S-1 was given orally (30 mg m−2) b.i.d. for 14 consecutive days and gemcitabine (1000 mg m−2) was given on days 8 and 15. The cycle was repeated every 21 days. We enrolled 33 MPC patients. The median number of cycles was eight (range 1–20). Grade 3–4 toxicities were leucopenia (33%), neutropenia (55%), anaemia (9%), thrombocytopenia (15%), anorexia (6%), fever (9%), and interstitial pneumonia (6%). Objective responses were obtained in 16 patients (one complete response and 15 partial responses; response rate, 48%; 95% confidence interval (CI), 33–65). Median survival and 1-year survival rate were 12.5 months (95% CI, 5.9–19.1) and 54% (95% CI, 36–72), respectively. Combination chemotherapy with GEM and S-1 was well tolerated and yielded a significantly high response rate

    The role of entry screening in case finding of tuberculosis among asylum seekers in Norway

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most new cases of active tuberculosis in Norway are presently caused by imported strains and not transmission within the country. Screening for tuberculosis with a Mantoux test of everybody and a chest X-ray of those above 15 years of age is compulsory on arrival for asylum seekers.</p> <p>We aimed to assess the effectiveness of entry screening of a cohort of asylum seekers. Cases detected by screening were compared with cases detected later. Further we have characterized cases with active tuberculosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>All asylum seekers who arrived at the National Reception Centre between January 2005 - June 2006 with an abnormal chest X-ray or a Mantoux test ≥ 6 mm were included in the study and followed through the health care system. They were matched with the National Tuberculosis Register by the end of May 2008.</p> <p>Cases reported within two months after arrival were defined as being detected by screening.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of 4643 eligible asylum seekers, 2237 were included in the study. Altogether 2077 persons had a Mantoux ≥ 6 mm and 314 had an abnormal chest X-ray. Of 28 cases with tuberculosis, 15 were detected by screening, and 13 at 4-27 months after arrival. Abnormal X-rays on arrival were more prevalent among those detected by screening. Female gender and Somalian origin increased the risk for active TB.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In spite of an imperfect follow-up of screening results, a reasonable number of TB cases was identified by the programme, with a predominance of pulmonary TB.</p

    EORTC Early Clinical Studies Group early phase II trial of S-1 in patients with advanced or metastatic colorectal cancer

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    Cancer of the colon and rectum is one of the most frequent malignancies both in the US and Europe. Standard palliative therapy is based on 5-fluorouracil/folinic acid combinations, with or without oxaliplatin or irinotecan, given intravenously. Oral medication has the advantage of greater patient convenience and acceptance and potential cost savings. S-1 is a new oral fluorinated pyrimidine derivative. In a nonrandomized phase II study, patients with advanced/metastatic colorectal cancer were treated with S-1 at 40 mg m-2 b.i.d. for 28 consecutive days, repeated every 5 weeks, but by amendment the dose was reduced to 35 mg m-2 during the study because of a higher than expected number of severe adverse drug reactions. In total 47 patients with colorectal cancer were included. In the 37 evaluable patients there were nine partial responses (24%), 17 stable diseases (46%) and 11 patients had progressive disease (30%). Diarrhoea occurred frequently and was often severe: in the 40 and 35 mg m-2 group, respectively, 38 and 35% of the patients experienced grade 3-4 diarrhoea. The other toxicities were limited and manageable. S-1 is active in advanced colorectal cancer, but in order to establish a safer dose the drug should be subject to further investigations

    A phase I study of bendamustine hydrochloride administered day 1+2 every 3 weeks in patients with solid tumours

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    The aim of the study was to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD), the dose limiting toxicity (DLT), and the pharmacokinetic profile (Pk) of bendamustine (BM) on a day 1 and 2 every 3 weeks schedule and to recommend a safe phase II dose for further testing. Patients with solid tumours beyond standard therapy were eligible. A 30-min intravenous infusion of BM was administered d1+d2 q 3 weeks. The starting dose was 120 mg m−2 per day and dose increments of 20 mg m−2 were used. Plasma and urine samples were analysed using validated high-performance liquid chromatography/fluorescence assays. Fifteen patients were enrolled. They received a median of two cycles (range 1–8). The MTD was reached at the fourth dose level. Thrombocytopaenia (grade 4) was dose limiting in two of three patients at 180 mg m−2. One patient also experienced febrile neutropaenia. Lymphocytopaenia (grade 4) was present in every patient. Nonhaematologic toxicity including cardiac toxicity was not dose limiting with this schedule. Mean plasma Pk values of BM were tmax 35 min, t1/2 49.1 min, Vd 18.3 l m−2, and clearance 265 ml min−1 m−2. The mean total amount of BM and its metabolites recovered in the first micturition was 8.3% (range 2.7–26%). The MTD of BM in the present dose schedule was 180 mg m−2 on day 1+2. Thrombocytopaenia was dose limiting. The recommended dose for future phase II trials with this schedule is 160 mg m−2 per day