3,814 research outputs found

    Linearized cloudpoint curve correlation for ternary systems consisting of one polymer, one solvent and one non-solvent

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    A linear correlation function is found for cloudpoint composition curves of ternary systems consisting of one polymer, one solvent and one non-solvent. The conditions for validity of this correlation function appear to be that the polymer is strongly incompatible with the non-solvent, and that only liquid-liquid demixing occurs. The linearized cloudpoint (LCP) curve is interpreted in terms of the various parameters occurring in the Flory-Huggins theory. The slope of the LCP line appears to be only dependent on the molar volumes of the components. Information about the binary Flory-Huggins interaction parameters and their concentration dependence can be obtained from the intercept of the linearized curve. Cloudpoints induced by crystallization do not follow the correlation. This gives an opportunity to distinguish between crystallization and liquid-liquid demixing without any additional experiments

    Mass transfer and thermodynamics during immersion precipitation for a two-polymer system: Evaluation with the system PES-PVP-NMP-water

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    An extended version of the mass transfer model by Reuvers et al. for a four-component system is evaluated, which is shown to be generally valid for short times. The thermodynamics under these circumstances are evaluated, together with the kinetics. Initial composition paths (concentration profiles) are calculated. It appears that delay of demixing is not possible when a polymeric additive is used, which is soluble in the nonsolvent, while the velocity of demixing decreases. The calculations are evaluated for the system poly(ether sulfone)-poly(vinylpyrrolidone)-N-methylpyrrolidone-water by means of light transmission measurements during immersion precipitation, for a wide range of compositions of the polymer solution and coagulation bath

    EU Region-Building in the Neighbourhood. The Eastern Partnership’s Contribution in the South Caucasus. EU Diplomacy Paper 04/2017

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    The promotion of regionalisation is part of the foreign policy of the European Union (EU). However, a closer understanding of the mechanisms by which its policies work towards this goal is lacking. Taking the South Caucasus as a case, this paper asks how the Eastern Partnership contributes to region-building. Based on policy analysis, discourse analysis and interviews, the study adopts a four-layered understanding of region-building as the promotion of closer cross-border contacts: Regarding economic linkages, the analysis underlines Georgia’s gateway function. On political linkages, the analysis assigns importance to regulatory harmonisation as a bottom-up tool against divisive regional discourses. Cross-border management fulfils a similar technical role for the promotion of security linkages. Concerning cultural linkages, Georgia is analysed as a hub for common socialisation and people-to-people contacts. Derived from these findings, the paper induces three general hypotheses about the mechanisms of EU contributions to region-building: while combining bilateral with multilateral approaches and functional spill-over effects contribute to region-building, the inclusion of non-state actors does not advance region-building

    Regulating competition in the digital network industry: A proposal for progressive ecosystem regulation

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    The digital sector is a cornerstone of the modern economy, and regulating digital enterprises can be considered the new frontier for regulators and competition authorities. To capture and address the competitive dynamics of digital markets we need to rethink our (competition) laws and regulatory strategies. The thesis develops new approaches to regulating digital markets by viewing them as part of a network industry. By combining insights from our experiences with existing regulation in telecommunications with insights from economics literature and management theory, the thesis concludes by proposing a new regulatory framework called ‘progressive ecosystem regulation’. The thesis is divided in three parts and has three key findings or contributions. The first part explains why digital platforms such as Google’s search engine, Meta’s social media platforms and Amazon’s Marketplace are prone to monopolization. Here, the thesis develops a theory of ‘digital natural monopoly’, which explains why competition in digital platform markets is likely to lead to concentration by its very nature.The second part of the thesis puts forward that competition in digital markets persists, even if there is monopoly in a market. Here, the thesis develops a conceptual framework for competition between digital ecosystems, which consists of group of actors and products. Digital enterprises compete to carve out a part of the digital network industry where they can exert control, and their strong position in a platform market can be used offensively or defensively to steer competition between ecosystems. The thesis then sets out four phases of ecosystem competition, which helps to explain when competition in the digital network industry is healthy and when it is likely to become problematic.The third and final part of the thesis brings together these findings and draws lessons from our experiences of regulating the network industry for telecommunications. Based on the insights developed in the thesis it puts forward a proposal for ‘progressive ecosystem regulation’. The purpose of this regulation is to protect and empower entrants from large digital ecosystems so that they can develop new products and innovate disruptively. This regulatory framework would create three regulatory pools: a heavily regulated, lightly regulated and entrant pool. The layered regulatory framework allows regulators to adjust who receives protection under the regulation and who faces the burdens relatively quickly, so that the regulatory framework reflects the fast pace of innovation and changing nature of digital markets. With this proposal, the thesis challenges and enriches our existing notions on regulation and specifically how we should regulate digital markets

    Kooperationsinformationssysteme: Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Instruments zur Erkenntnisgewinnung ĂŒber das PhĂ€nomen der Kooperation

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    Ein immer grĂ¶ĂŸerer und zunehmender Anteil der wirtschaftlichen Wertschöpfung wird heute in Kooperationen und Netzwerken geschaffen. Zwar kennzeichnen Kooperationen die unternehmerische RealitĂ€t. Dennoch existiert bislang weder ein umfassendes empirisches Bild ĂŒber das Kooperationsgeschehen noch eine systematische theoretische Durchdringung dieses PhĂ€nomens. Die Beseitigung beider Defizite könnte durch adĂ€quate Kooperationsinformationssysteme erleichtert werden. Deren Zielsetzungen bestehen in der Auffindung, Strukturierung, Interpretation und Dokumentation von Informationen ĂŒber einzelne KooperationsfĂ€lle. AndrĂ© van den Boom hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, ein solches Kooperationsinformationssystem fĂŒr den wissenschaftlichen Gebrauch zu entwickeln. Im IfGArbeitspapier Nr. 41 prĂ€sentiert er seine ersten Arbeitsschritte und Ergebnisse. Er skizziert ein Anforderungsprofil, das nicht nur aus der theoretischen Basis der Kooperationsanalyse abgeleitet wird, sondern auch Finanzierungs- und Urheberrechtsaspekte sowie einige weitere Merkmale berĂŒcksichtigt. Auf dieser Basis werden die einzelnen Aufgaben und Schritte des Systems aus Prozesssicht offen gelegt. Auf diesen Grundlagen und Vorarbeiten aufbauend folgt in den nĂ€chsten Monaten die Konkretisierung und Weiterentwicklung. Die Arbeit ist in das IfG-Forschungscluster Unternehmenskooperationen einzuordnen

    Active control of boundary layer instabilities using MEM's

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    Paradigmawechsel als Notationswechsel: Saussure – Chomsky

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    Ich möchte fĂŒr das Folgende annehmen, daß ein Paradigmenwechse1 in den Wissenschaften sich als Wechsel der methodisch leitenden grammatischen SĂ€tze rekonstruieren lĂ€ĂŸt. Oder mindestens möchte ich behaupten; die Betrachtung eines Paradigmenwechsels als Wechsel der grammatischen SĂ€tze sei wenigstens bei einer Wissenschaft zwingend: bei der Linguistik. Daß die Linguistik lĂ€ngst keine vorparadigmatische Wissenschaft mehr ist, lĂ€ĂŸt sich bereits daran erkennen, daß sie sich stark genug fĂŒhlt, nicht abseits zu stehen, sondern ihrerseits mit einer linguistischen Definition von Wissenschaft aufzuwarten.[
] Daß es inzwischen Untersuchungen ĂŒber die Sprache der Physik gibt, die linguistische Ergebnisse berĂŒcksichtigen, hat sicherlich unter anderem damit zu tun, daß die Linguistik seit der Jahrhundertwende, seit Ferdinand de Saussure, selbstbewußt und sehr vernehmlich im Chor der Wissenschaften mitgesungen hat, bisweilen so laut, daß viele Wissenschaften, besonders in der Abteilung Geisteswissenschaft, sich gezwungen sahen, die Melodie der Linguistik zu ĂŒbernehmen, wenn anders sie nicht gĂ€nzlich ĂŒbertönt werden wollten. In dieser Situation ist es also auch fĂŒr andere Wissenschaften von einigem Interesse, davon Kenntnis zu nehmen, daß in der krĂ€ftigen Stimme der Linguistik ziemlich genau um das Jahr 1957 ein etwas abrupter Melodiewechsel nicht zu ĂŒberhören war: Noam Chomskys Buch 'Syntactic Structures' kĂŒndigte weiteren Kreisen eine wissenschaftliche Revolution, ein neues Paradigma an. Das heißt [
], daß die Wissenschaft der Grammatik, die ja insgesamt nur aus grammatischen SĂ€tzen besteht, das System ihrer methodologischen, [
] rein-grammatischen SĂ€tze gegenĂŒber ihren empirisch-grammatischen SĂ€tzen ĂŒber einzelne Sprachen grĂŒndlich verĂ€nderte. Der Linguist wĂŒrde sagen: die Vorstellung von den linguistischen Universalien Ă€nderte sich radikal gegenĂŒber derjenigen, die in dem paradigmatischen Lehrbuch der strukturalistischen Epoche entwickelt worden war, dem Cours de linguistique generale Saussures von 1916. Diese Revolution vom Jahre 1957 möchte ich nun zum Gegenstand einer nĂ€heren Betrachtung machen

    Prevention of bleeding and thrombosis in patients with liver disease

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    The liver plays a fundamental role in the production and clearance of proteins involved in blood clot formation. Not only does this include proteins that promote blood clotting (prohaemostatic proteins), but also proteins that inhibit this clotting process (antihaemostatic proteins). The scarring of the liver as a result chronic liver diseases, also known as cirrhosis, is therefore associated with complex changes in the haemostatic balance. Historically, this led to the notion that patients with cirrhosis were not only at increased risk of bleeding, but also “auto-anticoagulated”, and thus protected from developing thrombosis. Extensive research using advanced coagulation tests, however, has shown that patients with cirrhosis have a rebalanced, but fragile haemostatic status, with changes in both prohaemostatic and antihaemostatic systems. Consequently, patients with cirrhosis are not only at increased risk of bleeding but also at increased risk of thrombosis. Patients with cirrhosis have however been excluded from major studies investigating the effectiveness of drugs that affect the haemostatic system. Results of a clinical study within this thesis suggest that the efficacy of a single dose of heparin is similar in patients with or without cirrhosis. In addition, the efficacy of platelet inhibitors appears to be similar between patients with cirrhosis and healthy volunteers when added in vitro. Finally, transfusion of prohaemostatic blood products has a mild prohaemostatic effect in patients with cirrhosis, but its effectiveness may not outweigh the risks associated with these transfusions
