411 research outputs found

    Port Pricing. Considerations on Economic Principles and Marginal Costs

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    Pricing by ports and operators within ports is considered quite a complex and untransparant matter, and as such it is sometimes perceived as archaic. This often results in debates about subsidies, captive markets and the dredging and deepening of maritime access routes, raising questions concerning potential distortion of competition and/or abuse of monopolistic power. This paper starts from the most important scientific literature on port pricing (and port competition), and adds new empirical results while calculating the marginal cost of a port call. A distinction is made between four elements of marginal costs in port operations, being costs for provision of infrastructure, costs associated with the use of the transport mode, costs for supplying port services, and external costs. This material may constitute the basis for a meaningful debate on the implementation of a pricing approach that is grounded on the marginal cost principle

    Three-dimensional confocal µ-XANES on mineral inclusions in natural diamonds

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    Economic impact of port activity : a disaggregate analysis. The case of Antwerp

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    The economic impact of the port sector is usually measured at an aggregate level by indicators such as value added, employment and investment. This paper tries to define the economic relevance for the regional as well as for the national economy at a disaggregate level. It attempts to identify, quantify and locate the mutual relationships between the various port players themselves and between them and other Belgian industries. Due to a lack of information foreign trade is only tackled very briefly but the method outlined in this paper can be used to measure the national effects of changes in port activity at a detailed level. A sector analysis is made by compiling a regional (regional as geographically opposed to national, not to be mistaken for the Belgian Regions Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia) input-output table, resorting to microeconomic data: a bottom-up approach. The main customers and suppliers of the port's key players or stakeholders are identified. A geographical analysis can also be carried out by using data at a disaggregate level. Each customer or supplier can be located by means of their postcode. In so doing, the economic impact of the port is quantified, both functionally and geographically. In the case of the port of Antwerp, the results show important links between freight forwarders and agents. The geographical analysis suggests the existence of major agglomerating effects in and around the port of Antwerp, referred to as a major transhipment location point. Key words: port economics, regional input-output table, sector analysis, geographical analysis.port economics, regional input-output table, sector analysis, geographical analysis

    Radicalization processes and transitional phases in female and male detainees residing in Dutch terrorism wings.

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    Background: Radicalization, violent extremism, and terrorism are risks to societal security. Although research on terrorism-related behaviors is increasing, thorough empirical studies are rare. Methods: This study investigates radicalization processes and transitions in a matched sample of female and male terrorist suspects and convicts (N = 26) residing in Dutch penitentiary terrorism wings. Results:Results show that both men and women often experienced discrimination. A subgroup of women grew up in a stressful family environment and lacked emotional support from their family, whereas the other women did not experience such circumstances. The majority of the study sample was susceptible to connecting with radicalized friends or family members. Interestingly, factors that initially led to radicalization (e.g., a utopian image of the Islamic State) could later turn out to be factors associated with abandoning extremism. Conclusions: In this study, differences in radicalization processes and transitional phases between women and men emerged. Men more often had police contact prior to a terrorism-related offense. Making an effort to right old mistakes seemed important in the radicalization processes of men, whereas women had a stronger desire for emotional support and were more driven by experienced trauma and feelings of loneliness. This study provides input for gender-specific prevention and disengagement interventions

    Differentiation between decomposed remains of human origin and bigger mammals

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    This study is a follow-up study in the search for a human specific marker in the decomposition where the VOC-profile of decomposing human, pig, lamb and roe remains were analyzed using a thermal desorber combined with a gas chromatograph coupled to a mass spectrometer in a laboratory environment during 6 months. The combination of 8 previously identified human and pig specific compounds (ethyl propionate, propyl propionate, propyl butyrate, ethyl pentanoate, 3-methylthio-1-propanol, methyl(methylthio)ethyl disulfide, diethyl disulfide and pyridine) was also seen in these analyzed mammals. However, combined with 5 additional compounds (hexane, heptane, octane, N-(3-methylbutyl)- and N-(2-methylpropyl)acetamide) human remains could be separated from pig, lamb and roe remains. Based on a higher number of remains analyzed, as compared with the pilot study, it was no longer possible to rely on the 5 previously proposed esters to separate pig from human remains. From this follow-up study reported, it was found that pyridine is an interesting compound specific to human remains. Such a human specific marker can help in the training of cadaver dogs or in the development of devices to search for human remains. However, further investigations have to verify these results.</p

    Maximumfactuur en kleine risico’s: verdeling van de eigen bijdragen voor gezondheidszorg in België

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    Overal in Europa komt de financiering van publieke systemen van ziekteverzekering of gezondheidszorg onder druk door de sterke stijging van de uitgaven. België ontsnapt niet aan deze evolutie. De stijging van de uitgaven voor gezondheidszorg lag bij ons zeker gedurende de laatste jaren zelfs duidelijk boven het Europese gemiddelde. Ondanks de grote maatschappelijke populariteit van ons systeem van verplichte ziekteverzekering, vormt het probleem van de kostenbeheersing toch steeds één van de belangrijkste discussiepunten tijdens de regeringsonderhandelingen. Wanneer de stijging van de uitgaven niet kan worden afgeremd, zullen in de toekomst ongetwijfeld fundamentele vragen over de organisatie van het systeem naar voor worden geschoven (Schokkaert en Van de Voorde, 2003)

    Radiolocalisation and imaging of stably HPLAP-transfected MO4 tumours with monoclonal antibodies and fragments.

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    Immunotargeting of PLAP-expressing tumours was studied for two radioiodinated, highly specific anti-PLAP monoclonal antibodies, 7E8 and 17E3, differing 10-fold in affinity, as well as for 7E8 F(ab')2 fragments. An anti-CEA monoclonal antibody or anti-CD3 F(ab')2 fragments were used as controls. Specific and non-specific targeting was examined in nude mice simultaneously grafted with PLAP-positive tumours derived from MO4 1-4 cells, and CEA-positive tumours, derived from 5583-S cells. Results indicated that (1) MO4 1-4 tumours, with a stable expression of PLAP on the plasma membrane, represent a useful new in vivo model for immunodirected tumour targeting; (2) differences in antibody affinity for PLAP in vitro are not reflected in antibody avidity for tumour cells in vivo; and (3) excellent selective and specific localisation of the PLAP-positive tumours is achieved when 7E8 F(ab')2 fragments are used. The high tumour/blood ratios (10.7 +/- 3.9 at 46 h after injection) were due to a much faster blood clearance of 7E8 F(ab')2 fragments. At this time point, the mean tumour/non-tumour tissue ratio was as high as 34.5, and the mean specific localisation index was 29.0. As expected, the F(ab')2 fragments provided high tumour imaging efficiency on gamma camera recording. These data imply important potentials of the PLAP/anti-PLAP system for immunolocalisation and therapy in patients, but also emphasise that in vitro criteria alone are not reflected in in vivo tumour localisation capacities of antibodies

    Wie betaalt supplementen in de Belgische gezondheidszorg?

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    Ondanks de genomen beschermingsmaatregelen (bv. de maximumfactuur) zijn de eigen betalingen voor gezondheidszorg van de patiënten gedurende de laatste jaren gestegen. Deze eigen betalingen bestaan uit remgelden en supplementen. In dit artikel onderzoeken we de sociale gevolgen van deze evolutie: we analyseren de omvang van de supplementen en vooral ook hun verdeling over de Belgische bevolking. De analyses gebeuren op basis van de administratieve gegevens van de terugbetalingen binnen de verplichte ziekteverzekering in 2003 voor een steekproef van 300.000 individuen. We vinden da