149 research outputs found

    Short- and Long-Term Biomarkers for Bacterial Robustness: A Framework for Quantifying Correlations between Cellular Indicators and Adaptive Behavior

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    The ability of microorganisms to adapt to changing environments challenges the prediction of their history-dependent behavior. Cellular biomarkers that are quantitatively correlated to stress adaptive behavior will facilitate our ability to predict the impact of these adaptive traits. Here, we present a framework for identifying cellular biomarkers for mild stress induced enhanced microbial robustness towards lethal stresses. Several candidate-biomarkers were selected by comparing the genome-wide transcriptome profiles of our model-organism Bacillus cereus upon exposure to four mild stress conditions (mild heat, acid, salt and oxidative stress). These candidate-biomarkers—a transcriptional regulator (activating general stress responses), enzymes (removing reactive oxygen species), and chaperones and proteases (maintaining protein quality)—were quantitatively determined at transcript, protein and/or activity level upon exposure to mild heat, acid, salt and oxidative stress for various time intervals. Both unstressed and mild stress treated cells were also exposed to lethal stress conditions (severe heat, acid and oxidative stress) to quantify the robustness advantage provided by mild stress pretreatment. To evaluate whether the candidate-biomarkers could predict the robustness enhancement towards lethal stress elicited by mild stress pretreatment, the biomarker responses upon mild stress treatment were correlated to mild stress induced robustness towards lethal stress. Both short- and long-term biomarkers could be identified of which their induction levels were correlated to mild stress induced enhanced robustness towards lethal heat, acid and/or oxidative stress, respectively, and are therefore predictive cellular indicators for mild stress induced enhanced robustness. The identified biomarkers are among the most consistently induced cellular components in stress responses and ubiquitous in biology, supporting extrapolation to other microorganisms than B. cereus. Our quantitative, systematic approach provides a framework to search for these biomarkers and to evaluate their predictive quality in order to select promising biomarkers that can serve to early detect and predict adaptive traits

    Complete Sequencing and Pan-Genomic Analysis of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus Reveal Its Genetic Basis for Industrial Yogurt Production

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    Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus (Lb. bulgaricus) is an important species of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) used for cheese and yogurt fermentation. The genome of Lb. bulgaricus 2038, an industrial strain mainly used for yogurt production, was completely sequenced and compared against the other two ATCC collection strains of the same subspecies. Specific physiological properties of strain 2038, such as lysine biosynthesis, formate production, aspartate-related carbon-skeleton intermediate metabolism, unique EPS synthesis and efficient DNA restriction/modification systems, are all different from those of the collection strains that might benefit the industrial production of yogurt. Other common features shared by Lb. bulgaricus strains, such as efficient protocooperation with Streptococcus thermophilus and lactate production as well as well-equipped stress tolerance mechanisms may account for it being selected originally for yogurt fermentation industry. Multiple lines of evidence suggested that Lb. bulgaricus 2038 was genetically closer to the common ancestor of the subspecies than the other two sequenced collection strains, probably due to a strict industrial maintenance process for strain 2038 that might have halted its genome decay and sustained a gene network suitable for large scale yogurt production

    'Strategy on Management of Substances' and biological effect assessment

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    In het VROM project SOMS (Strategie OMgaan met Stoffen) is de aandacht o.a. gericht op het anders omgaan met de onbekendheid met gevaren van stoffen en het deelachtig maken van het bedrijfsleven inzake het nemen van verantwoordelijkheid voor risico's van stoffen. In dat kader is de vraag gerezen of toepassing van biologische effectmetingen aan emissies en het milieu, als aanvulling op het bestaande systeem van "stof-voor-stof" beoordelingen, hierin een rol kan spelen. Op basis van een verkenning in dit rapport naar de stand der wetenschap en bestaande beleidsruimte kan deze vraag positief worden beantwoord. Hierbij is onderscheid gemaakt tussen beoordeling van A)vervuilingsbronnen, waarbij de verantwoordelijkheid voor adequate uitvoering en rapportage primair bij het bedrijfsleven ligt en voor de overheid een toezichthoudende taak is weggelegd, en B) van het ontvangende milieucompartiment, waarbij uitvoering en rapportage bij de desbetreffende beherende overheidsinstantie ligt. Biologische effectbeoordeling biedt voldoende voordelen om een plaats naast de chemische stofgerichte benadering te rechtvaardigen. De techniek is beschikbaar; er moeten alleen keuzes worden gemaakt uit de scala van mogelijkheden voor effectgerichte beoordeling, alsook de wijze waarop de resultaten worden geinterpreteerd en vertaald naar het beleid. Beleidsmatig is nationaal en internationaal sprake van toenemende ruimte voor implementatie, zeker met betrekking tot effluenten en het compartiment water. Nederland loopt op dit punt niet voorop. In het kader van het waterbeleid wordt een inhaalslag verwacht, waarop het vernieuwde stoffenbeleid goed kan aansluiten.In SOMS (SOMS is the Dutch acronym for 'Strategy on Management of Substances'), a programme has been started aimed at modernising the Dutch and European policy on handling substances. Broadly, the direction in which solutions for new policy are sought is to make industry more responsible for taking measures to reduce the risks and safety hazards associated with substances and to set up an adequate infrastructure for appraising, deciding and communicating related matters. In this framework it was questioned whether the application of biological effect assessments of emissions and the environment could play a role, in addition to the "substance-by-substance" assessments. Exploring the state of both science and policy, this report confirms the usefulness of biological effect assessments in addition to the regular assessments of substances. Difference has been made between assessments of effluents (in which case industry is likely to be responsible for performing the tests and reporting the results, controlled by government), and those of the receiving environment (in which case the managing and administrative governmental bodies are in charge). Biological effect assessment offers a number of advantages. The approach fits the need of SOMS since the total chemical stress is taking into account (not only the few priority substances but also unknown (non-assessed) chemicals, metabolites and combination toxicity) and the process is not hampered for reasons of confidentiality of substance-linked data. Technically, a variety of methods are available. From a policy point of view there is increasingly room for implementation, both nationally and internationally. This is particularly true for aquatic effluents and surface water including sediments. Choices have to be made which technical methods are the most appropriate, and on how to interpret the results and to translate them in a policy framework.DGM-SA

    'Strategy on Management of Substances' and biological effect assessment

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    In SOMS (SOMS is the Dutch acronym for 'Strategy on Management of Substances'), a programme has been started aimed at modernising the Dutch and European policy on handling substances. Broadly, the direction in which solutions for new policy are sought is to make industry more responsible for taking measures to reduce the risks and safety hazards associated with substances and to set up an adequate infrastructure for appraising, deciding and communicating related matters. In this framework it was questioned whether the application of biological effect assessments of emissions and the environment could play a role, in addition to the "substance-by-substance" assessments. Exploring the state of both science and policy, this report confirms the usefulness of biological effect assessments in addition to the regular assessments of substances. Difference has been made between assessments of effluents (in which case industry is likely to be responsible for performing the tests and reporting the results, controlled by government), and those of the receiving environment (in which case the managing and administrative governmental bodies are in charge). Biological effect assessment offers a number of advantages. The approach fits the need of SOMS since the total chemical stress is taking into account (not only the few priority substances but also unknown (non-assessed) chemicals, metabolites and combination toxicity) and the process is not hampered for reasons of confidentiality of substance-linked data. Technically, a variety of methods are available. From a policy point of view there is increasingly room for implementation, both nationally and internationally. This is particularly true for aquatic effluents and surface water including sediments. Choices have to be made which technical methods are the most appropriate, and on how to interpret the results and to translate them in a policy framework.In het VROM project SOMS (Strategie OMgaan met Stoffen) is de aandacht o.a. gericht op het anders omgaan met de onbekendheid met gevaren van stoffen en het deelachtig maken van het bedrijfsleven inzake het nemen van verantwoordelijkheid voor risico's van stoffen. In dat kader is de vraag gerezen of toepassing van biologische effectmetingen aan emissies en het milieu, als aanvulling op het bestaande systeem van "stof-voor-stof" beoordelingen, hierin een rol kan spelen. Op basis van een verkenning in dit rapport naar de stand der wetenschap en bestaande beleidsruimte kan deze vraag positief worden beantwoord. Hierbij is onderscheid gemaakt tussen beoordeling van A)vervuilingsbronnen, waarbij de verantwoordelijkheid voor adequate uitvoering en rapportage primair bij het bedrijfsleven ligt en voor de overheid een toezichthoudende taak is weggelegd, en B) van het ontvangende milieucompartiment, waarbij uitvoering en rapportage bij de desbetreffende beherende overheidsinstantie ligt. Biologische effectbeoordeling biedt voldoende voordelen om een plaats naast de chemische stofgerichte benadering te rechtvaardigen. De techniek is beschikbaar; er moeten alleen keuzes worden gemaakt uit de scala van mogelijkheden voor effectgerichte beoordeling, alsook de wijze waarop de resultaten worden geinterpreteerd en vertaald naar het beleid. Beleidsmatig is nationaal en internationaal sprake van toenemende ruimte voor implementatie, zeker met betrekking tot effluenten en het compartiment water. Nederland loopt op dit punt niet voorop. In het kader van het waterbeleid wordt een inhaalslag verwacht, waarop het vernieuwde stoffenbeleid goed kan aansluiten
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