9 research outputs found

    Variation in methanotroph-related proxies in peat deposits from Misten Bog, Hautes-Fagnes, Belgium

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    Methane emissions from peat bogs are strongly reduced by aerobic methane oxidising bacteria (methanotrophs) living in association with Sphagnum spp. Field studies and laboratory experiments have revealed that, with increasing water level and temperature, methanotrophic activity increases. To gain a better understanding of how longer term changes in methanotrophic activity are reflected in methanotroph biomarkers, a peat record (0–100 cm) from the Hautes-Fagnes (Belgium) encompassing the past 1500 years, was analysed for methanotroph-specific intact bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs) and the carbon isotopic composition of diploptene. A predominance of aminobacteriohopanetetrol (aminotetrol) over aminobacteriohopanepentol (aminopentol) indicated the prevalence of type II methanotrophs. Relatively high methanotrophic activity was indicated by all methanotroph markers between 20 and 45 cm depth, around the present oxic–anoxic boundary, most likely representing the currently active methanotrophic community. Comparing methanotrophic markers in the deeper part of the peat profile with environmental variables afforded, however, no clear correlation between change in water level and methanotrophic activity. This is potentially caused by a predominance of type II methanotrophs, a combination of sources for methanotrophic biomarkers or insufficient variation in climatic changes. A proposed way forward would include a study of a core covering a longer timescale, thereby involving greater variability

    Influence of temperature on the ή13C values and distribution of methanotroph‐related hopanoids in Sphagnum‐dominated peat bogs

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    Methane emissions from peat bogs are mitigated by methanotrophs, which live in symbiosis with peat moss (e.g. Sphagnum ). Here, we investigate the influence of temperature and resultant changes in methane fluxes on Sphagnum and methanotroph‐related biomarkers, evaluating their potential as proxies in ancient bogs. A pulse‐chase experiment using 13C‐labelled methane in the field clearly showed label uptake in diploptene, a biomarker for methanotrophs, demonstrating in situ methanotrophic activity in Sphagnum under natural conditions. Peat cores containing live Sphagnum were incubated at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25°C for two months, causing differences in net methane fluxes. The natural ή13C values of diploptene extracted from Sphagnum showed a strong correlation with temperature and methane production. The ή13C values ranged from −34‰ at 5°C to −41‰ at 25°C. These results are best explained by enhanced expression of the methanotrophic enzymatic isotope effect at higher methane concentrations. Hence, ή13C values of diploptene, or its diagenetic products, potentially provide a useful tool to assess methanotrophic activity in past environments. Increased methane fluxes towards Sphagnum did not affect ή13C values of bulk Sphagnum and its specific marker, the C23 n ‐alkane. The concentration of methanotroph‐specific bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs), aminobacteriohopanetetrol (aminotetrol, characteristic for type II and to a lesser extent type I methanotrophs) and aminobacteriohopanepentol (aminopentol, a marker for type I methanotrophs) showed a non‐linear response to increased methane fluxes, with relatively high abundances at 25°C compared to those at 20°C or below. Aminotetrol was more abundant than aminopentol, in contrast to similar abundances of aminotetrol and aminopentol in fresh Sphagnum . This probably indicates that type II methanotrophs became prevalent under the experimental conditions relative to type I methanotrophs. Even though BHP concentrations may not directly reflect bacterial activity, they may provide insight into the presence of different types of methanotrophs

    Temperature-Induced Increase in Methane Release from Peat Bogs: A Mesocosm Experiment

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    Peat bogs are primarily situated at mid to high latitudes and future climatic change projections indicate that these areas may become increasingly wetter and warmer. Methane emissions from peat bogs are reduced by symbiotic methane oxidizing bacteria (methanotrophs). Higher temperatures and increasing water levels will enhance methane production, but also methane oxidation. To unravel the temperature effect on methane and carbon cycling, a set of mesocosm experiments were executed, where intact peat cores containing actively growing Sphagnum were incubated at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25°C. After two months of incubation, methane flux measurements indicated that, at increasing temperatures, methanotrophs are not able to fully compensate for the increasing methane production by methanogens. Net methane fluxes showed a strong temperature-dependence, with higher methane fluxes at higher temperatures. After removal of Sphagnum, methane fluxes were higher, increasing with increasing temperature. This indicates that the methanotrophs associated with Sphagnum plants play an important role in limiting the net methane flux from peat. Methanotrophs appear to consume almost all methane transported through diffusion between 5 and 15°C. Still, even though methane consumption increased with increasing temperature, the higher fluxes from the methane producing microbes could not be balanced by methanotrophic activity. The efficiency of the Sphagnum-methanotroph consortium as a filter for methane escape thus decreases with increasing temperature. Whereas 98% of the produced methane is retained at 5°C, this drops to approximately 50% at 25°C. This implies that warming at the mid to high latitudes may be enhanced through increased methane release from peat bogs

    Influence of temperature on the ÎŽ13C values and distribution of methanotroph-related hopanoids in Sphagnum-dominated peat bogs

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    Methane emissions from peat bogs are mitigated by methanotrophs, which live in symbiosis with peat moss (e.g. Sphagnum). Here, we investigate the influence of temperature and resultant changes in methane fluxes on Sphagnum and methanotroph-related biomarkers, evaluating their potential as proxies in ancient bogs. A pulse-chase experiment using 13C-labelled methane in the field clearly showed label uptake in diploptene, a biomarker for methanotrophs, demonstrating in situ methanotrophic activity in Sphagnum under natural conditions. Peat cores containing live Sphagnum were incubated at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25°C for two months, causing differences in net methane fluxes. The natural ή13C values of diploptene extracted from Sphagnum showed a strong correlation with temperature and methane production. The ή13C values ranged from −34‰ at 5°C to −41‰ at 25°C. These results are best explained by enhanced expression of the methanotrophic enzymatic isotope effect at higher methane concentrations. Hence, ή13C values of diploptene, or its diagenetic products, potentially provide a useful tool to assess methanotrophic activity in past environments. Increased methane fluxes towards Sphagnum did not affect ή13C values of bulk Sphagnum and its specific marker, the C23 n-alkane. The concentration of methanotroph-specific bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs), aminobacteriohopanetetrol (aminotetrol, characteristic for type II and to a lesser extent type I methanotrophs) and aminobacteriohopanepentol (aminopentol, a marker for type I methanotrophs) showed a non-linear response to increased methane fluxes, with relatively high abundances at 25°C compared to those at 20°C or below. Aminotetrol was more abundant than aminopentol, in contrast to similar abundances of aminotetrol and aminopentol in fresh Sphagnum. This probably indicates that type II methanotrophs became prevalent under the experimental conditions relative to type I methanotrophs. Even though BHP concentrations may not directly reflect bacterial activity, they may provide insight into the presence of different types of methanotrophs

    Growth rates of <i>Sphagnum</i> at different temperatures.

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    <p>Growth rates are measured after two months of incubation. Values are expressed in cm and represent means of four replicates ± s.d. Letters indicate statistically significant groups of data (<i>P</i><0.05).</p

    Potential methane oxidation rates (grey bars) and production rates (white bars).

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    <p><i>Sphagnum</i> plants and peat from a pool-site and a hummock-site were analysed. <i>Sphagnum</i> plants were divided in three parts. Rates are expressed in ”g.g dw<sup>−1</sup>.day<sup>−1</sup> and are means of triplicate incubations ± s.d. Letters indicate statistically significant groups of data (<i>P</i><0.05).</p

    Methane cycling at different temperatures.

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    <p>A) Diffusive methane flux, with and without <i>Sphagnum</i>, B) methane consumption, the difference in methane flux before and after removal of <i>Sphagnum</i>, C) methane retention. Fluxes are measured on small peat cores after two months of incubation and values are expressed in ”g.cm<sup>−2</sup>.day<sup>−1</sup>. Methane retention is expressed in % of the initial flux measured without <i>Sphagnum</i>. Values represent means of triplicate incubations ± s.d. Letters indicate statistically significant groups of data (<i>P</i><0.05). Diffusive methane flux data with and without <i>Sphagnum</i> were not compared to each other.</p


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