1,261 research outputs found

    Channel-based key generation for encrypted body-worn wireless sensor networks

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    Body-worn sensor networks are important for rescue-workers, medical and many other applications. Sensitive data are often transmitted over such a network, motivating the need for encryption. Body-worn sensor networks are deployed in conditions where the wireless communication channel varies dramatically due to fading and shadowing, which is considered a disadvantage for communication. Interestingly, these channel variations can be employed to extract a common encryption key at both sides of the link. Legitimate users share a unique physical channel and the variations thereof provide data series on both sides of the link, with highly correlated values. An eavesdropper, however, does not share this physical channel and cannot extract the same information when intercepting the signals. This paper documents a practical wearable communication system implementing channel-based key generation, including an implementation and a measurement campaign comprising indoor as well as outdoor measurements. The results provide insight into the performance of channel-based key generation in realistic practical conditions. Employing a process known as key reconciliation, error free keys are generated in all tested scenarios. The key-generation system is computationally simple and therefore compatible with the low-power micro controllers and low-data rate transmissions commonly used in wireless sensor networks

    Realization and MIMO-link measurements of a transmit module for spatial modulation

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    This paper describes the realization of a circuit that transmits a data stream, through spatial modulation in the 2.45 GHz frequency band. The development of the transmitter includes RF circuit design with components such as a PLL synthesizer, Tx-DAC and IQ-modulator. A microcontroller, integrated into the circuit and programmed in C, is at the heart of the system. In this hardware system, developed specifically for spatial modulation, data is BPSK modulated and transmitted through an RF switch connected to two antennas. It can differ for every symbol which antenna is used, according to an extra series of information bits that are to be transmitted. Here the number of the selected antenna encodes the extra information bit per symbol, which not only results in a doubling of the data rate but also realizes diversity. Spatial modulation allows these features with only a single hardware transmit chain, resulting in low-cost and low-complexity hardware. At the receiving side, the extra information bits are decoded by assessing the channel used for each symbol. This practical system has been thoroughly tested by means of different measuring campaigns. The measurement results show that spatial modulation is correctly demodulated at the receiving side and forms an effective way to realize affordable MIMO systems

    Teaching electronics-ICT : from focus and structure to practical realizations

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    We present a four-year electronics-ICT educational master program at Ghent University in Belgium. The students develop knowledge and skills from novice to experienced electronic circuit designers. In the corresponding topics, the immersion into engineering problems is deepened. The horizontal and vertical alignment of courses in the four-year master program at our university is discussed. The curriculum of the four-year master program is highly projectoriented and all topics are clustered around a well-considered set of standards. This clustering supports the logical structure of the program, with students gradually acquiring the necessary competences. All standards and their mutual interaction are extensively discussed in the paper. We also focus on four design-implement projects included in the electronics-ICT program, explicitly following CDIO-guidelines. Whereas the first-year project has a limited level of difficulty, the challenges increase significantly in the course of the next years. Students learn that product design is an iterative process on different levels, where the design strategy can be changed continuously based on important and crucial feedback. Different evaluations have demonstrated that our students are not only aware of CDIO-principles, but are also convinced of the quality of the results obtained by following the standards

    Design and realization of a 2.45 GHz transmitter and receiver as a modular unit for a MIMO SDR

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    This paper describes a low-cost transmitting and receiving system for wireless communication. In a first part, the design and realization of a transmitter for modulated data at 2.45 GHz carrier frequency and with frequency, amplitude and phase modulation is handled. A second part explains the design and realization of a receiving module, which filters and downconverts the signals to an intermediate frequency. The postprocessing section describes the use of a DVB-T module together with open-source software, SDR#, for the final downconversion, as well as for the demodulation and the detection of the received signals in order to reproduce the originally transmitted data. Combining all components results in a low-cost and flexible software defined radio system

    On the design of software and hardware for a WSN transmitter

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    Software defined radios (SDR) are booming. However, for a final breakthrough these systems need to be versatile, inexpensive and easy to program. In this paper a next step is taken to meet all these requirements. Our hardware consists of a computer with an affordable data acquisition (DAQ) card and a cheap self-made single-stage up-converter. The software is written in the slow learning-curve graphical programming environment LabVIEW. To prove the versatility of our SDR transmitter concept, we send packets with the wireless sensor networks (WSN) protocol IEEE 802.15.4, which are received by an existing packet sniffer

    Fast and robust anchor calibration in range-based wireless localization

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    In this paper we investigate the anchor calibration problem where we want to find the anchor positions when the anchors are not able to range between each other. This is a problem of practical interest because in many systems, the anchors are not connected in a network but are just simple responders to range requests. The proposed calibration method is designed to be fast and simple using only a single range-capable device. For the estimation of the inter-anchor distances, we propose a Total Least Squares estimator as well as a L1 norm estimator. Real life experiments using publicly available hardware validate the proposed calibration technique and show the robustness of the algorithm to non-line-of-sight measurements

    Correlated shadowing and fading characterization of MIMO off-body channels by means of multiple autonomous on-body nodes

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    In off-body communication systems low-cost and compact transceivers are important for realistic applications. An autonomous off-body wireless node was designed and integrated onto a textile antenna. Channel measurements were performed for an indoor non line-off-sight 4x2 MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) link using four off-body transmitting nodes and two similar fixed receiving nodes. The channel behavior is characterized as Rayleigh fading with lognormal shadowing and is fitted to a model determining fading and shadowing correlation matrices. The physics of the propagation is captured accurately by the model which is further used to simulate a link using diversity by means of Selection Combining, as implemented on the wireless nodes. The performance of measured and simulated links is compared in terms of outage probability level. The measurements and analysis confirm that the correlated shadowing and fading model is relevant for realistic off-body networks employing diversity by means of Selection Combining

    Realistic performance measurement for body-centric spatial modulation links

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    Spatial Modulation is a new transmission mode which increases spectral efficiency by employing information-driven transmit antenna selection. This performance is realized at a reduced hardware complexity and cost because only a single radio-frequency transmit chain is necessary. A measurement campaign is performed to assess the characteristics of spatial modulation over a body-centric communication channel, transmitting from a walking person with textile antennas integrated into the front and back sections of a garment, towards a base-station in realistic conditions. In the transmitted frames, additional spatial multiplexing as well as space-time coded data blocks are included. The off-body communication link is analyzed for line-of-sight as well as non line-of-sight radio wave propagation, comparing the characteristics of the different transmission modes under equal propagation conditions and for an equal channel capacity of 2 bit/s/Hz