4,546 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligent Credit Risk Prediction: An Empirical Study of Analytical Artificial Intelligence Tools for Credit Risk Prediction in a Digital Era

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    Millennials service expectations drive transformation from traditional lending into digital lending. The CAGR for digital lending is 53% until 2025. Therefore, in this growing information age new methods for credit risk scoring could form the central pillar for the continuity of a financial institution. This paper contains the first research into AI application in individual risk assessment across two advanced lending markets. The research has been performed on 133.152 mortgage and credit card customers of 3 European lenders during the period January 2016 – July 2017. As candidate models, we chose neural nets and random forests. The research describes three experiments that develop the artificial intelligent probability of default models. In all experiments AI models performed better than the traditional models. Scalable automated credit risk solutions can therefore build on AI in their risk scoring

    Radiographic features of liver allograft rejection

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    The radiographic features of 19 transplanted patients with failure of the liver allograft were evaluated. These features were: poor filling, stretching, attenuation of intrahepatic biliary ducts documented by T-tube cholangiogram, attenuation of branches of the hepatic artery seen on angiogram as well as a decrease of blood flow through the liver seen on angiogram and nuclear medicine dynamic scintigram. These findings were secondary to swelling of the transplanted liver and were not specific for rejection; they may also be present in hepatic infarction or infection

    QM/MM study of the taxadiene synthase mechanism

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    Combined quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations were used to investigate the reaction mechanism of taxadiene synthase (TXS). TXS catalyzes the cyclization of geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP) to taxadiene (T) and four minor cyclic products. All these products originate from the deprotonation of carbocation intermediates. The reaction profiles for the conversion of GGPP to T as well as to minor products were calculated for different configurations of relevant TXS carbocation complexes. The QM region was treated at the M06‐2X/TZVP level, while the CHARMM27 force field was used to describe the MM region. The QM/MM calculations suggest a reaction pathway for the conversion of GGPP to T, which slightly differs from previous proposals regarding the number of reaction steps and the conformation of the carbocations. The QM/MM results also indicate that the formation of minor products via water‐assisted deprotonation of the carbocations is highly exothermic, by about −7 to −23 kcal/mol. Curiously, however, the computed barriers and reaction energies indicate that the formation of some of the minor products is more facile than the formation of T. Thus, the present QM/MM calculations provide detailed insights into possible reaction pathways and into the origin of the promiscuity of TXS, but they do not reproduce the product distribution observed experimentally

    Evolution of hepatitis B virus liver disease after hepatic replacement. Practical and theoretical considerations

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    The morphologic evolution of hepatitis B virus (HBV) liver disease in 45 hepatic allograft recipients who were HBV surface-antigen positive (HBs-Ag+) at the time of liver replacement and who survived for more than 60 days was studied by routine histologic and immunocytochemical analysis of serial pathology specimens. The findings in these patients were compared to a control group of 30 individuals who were immune to the HBV (anti-HBs antibody positive), but required hepatic replacement for other reasons. Eight of the forty-five (18%) HBsAg-positive patients have no serologic evidence of HBV reinfection after transplantation. All 37 remaining patients are reinfected; 21 (47%) developed chronic active hepatitis and/or cirhosis, 3 (7%) developed submassive necrosis, and 6 (14%) developed chronic lobular hepatitis. One patient lost her graft to chronic rejection, despite reinfection with the B virus. Four other patients (9%) developed a chronic carrier state. No long-term follow-up biopsies were available in the remaining two patients. The histologic features associated with dysfunction related to recurrent HBV infection evolved from an acute to chronic phase and were similar to hepatitis B seen in nonallografted livers. Furthermore HBV-related lesions could be separated from rejection using routine histology alone. The only exception to this conclusion was the occurrence of a peculiar HBV-related lesion in two recipients, described herein. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated the presence of viral antigens in almost all cases. Hepatic inflammation also was commonly present during HBV disease and consisted mostly of accessory cells and T lymphocytes. Analysis of the effect of major histocompatibility complex matching revealed no clear association between the number of class I or II matches or mismatches and the development, or pattern, of active hepatitis in the allograft. Peculiar pathologic alterations in several of the biopsies and failed allografts after HBV reinfection suggests that, under special circumstances, the B virus may by cytopathic

    Accuracy of computerized tomography in determining hepatic tumor size in patients receiving liver transplantation or resection

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    Computerized tomography (CT) of liver is used in oncologic practice for staging tumors, evaluating response to treatment, and screening patients for hepatic resection. Because of the impact of CT liver scan on major treatment decisions, it is important to assess its accuracy. Patients undergoing liver transplantation or resection provide a unique opportunity to test the accuracy of hepatic-imaging techniques by comparison of finding of preoperative CT scan with those at gross pathologic examination of resected specimens. Forty-one patients who had partial hepatic resection (34 patients) or liver transplantation (eight patients) for malignant (30 patients) or benign (11 patients) tumors were evaluable. Eight (47%) of 17 patients with primary malignant liver tumors, four (31%) of 13 patients with metastatic liver tumors, and two (20%) of 10 patients with benign liver tumors had tumor nodules in resected specimens that were not apparent on preoperative CT studies. These nodules varied in size from 0.1 to 1.6 cm. While 11 of 14 of these nodules were 1.0 cm. These results suggest that conventional CT alone may be insufficient to accurately determine the presence or absence of liver metastases, extent of liver involvement, or response of hepatic metastases to treatment