3,737 research outputs found

    The effect of neural adaptation of population coding accuracy

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    Most neurons in the primary visual cortex initially respond vigorously when a preferred stimulus is presented, but adapt as stimulation continues. The functional consequences of adaptation are unclear. Typically a reduction of firing rate would reduce single neuron accuracy as less spikes are available for decoding, but it has been suggested that on the population level, adaptation increases coding accuracy. This question requires careful analysis as adaptation not only changes the firing rates of neurons, but also the neural variability and correlations between neurons, which affect coding accuracy as well. We calculate the coding accuracy using a computational model that implements two forms of adaptation: spike frequency adaptation and synaptic adaptation in the form of short-term synaptic plasticity. We find that the net effect of adaptation is subtle and heterogeneous. Depending on adaptation mechanism and test stimulus, adaptation can either increase or decrease coding accuracy. We discuss the neurophysiological and psychophysical implications of the findings and relate it to published experimental data.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figure

    Slim cables, compact cross-bonding and corrected distance protection

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    In the Netherlands, high voltage connections will increasingly be realized using cables as it is very difficult to get permits for overhead lines. Pirelli and Nuon are continuously improving the design and production of the cables for increased reliability and capacity as well as lower costs. To this end, the present XLPE insulated cable has been optimized using a thinner primary insulation and lead sheath. The layout of production has been improved to lower manufacturing costs. Cable capacity has been improved by the choice for a thinner lead screen as well as increased use of cross-bonding. A cross-bonding box has been developed that allows capacity to be increased significantly at limited additional costs. The distance protection of cables has been revised to correct the calculation error caused by the return current in the screen. It is shown that adequate correction can be achieved using a real value which depends only on cable characteristics. This considerably eases implementation into new and in existing systems

    Quantifying health effects of nutrition

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    Modelsimulaties geven aan dat met een grotere consumptie van fruit, groente en vis veel gezondheidswinst te behalen is. Dit soort schattingen kunnen worden gebruikt bij de onderbouwing van het voedingsbeleid. Met behulp van het Chronische-Ziekten-Model (CZM) van het RIVM kunnen de gezondheidseffecten op de langere termijn en zorggerelateerde kosten van beleidsdoelstellingen en voedingsinterventies worden doorgerekend. De modelsimulaties geven aan dat met een verhoging van de consumptie van groenten, fruit en vis relatief veel gezondheidswinst te behalen is. Ook blijkt dat ten aanzien van de vetzuursamenstelling de meeste gezondheidswinst inmiddels al is bereikt. Als de gehele Nederlandse bevolking de aanbevelingen voor gezonde voeding zou naleven, overlijden de komende twintig jaar naar schatting 140.000 minder mensen. De totale zorgkosten die anders in 20 jaar worden uitgegeven verminderen dan ongeveer met 3%. Doordat mensen langer leven zullen in de daaropvolgende jaren hun zorgkosten wel toenemen. Het model is ook gebruikt voor doorrekening van twee concrete voedingsinterventies, te weten SchoolGruiten en Werkfruit. Een kind dat deelneemt aan SchoolGruiten zal gemiddeld langer leven (+0,37 jaar) en ook langer gezond blijven. Er worden minder medische kosten op jongere leeftijd gemaakt. Deze kosten worden echter voor een groot deel uitgesteld. Voorwaarde voor de gunstige effecten is dat kinderen na de basisschool structureel meer groenten en fruit blijven eten. Werkfruit is een interventie die zich richt op de fruitconsumptie van werknemers in Nederland. Wanneer dit wordt ingevoerd bij 1 op de 10 werknemers, stijgt naar verwachting de levensverwachting van een 20-jarige met 0,08 jaar en nemen de gezondheidszorgkosten met 0,2 procent af.Simulations show that with an elevation of fruit, vegetable and fish consumption large health gains can be achieved. Model simulation is a good method to underpin nutritional policy. The RIVM Chronic Disease Model (CZM) can be used to calculate long term health effects and health care related costs of policy targets and dietary interventions. Simulations show that with an elevation of fruit, vegetable and fish consumption large health gains can be achieved. On the other hand, most health benefits related to fatty acids composition are already achieved. If the Dutch population complies with the dietary recommendations on nutrition, in 20 years, about 140,000 deaths and about 3% of the costs of health care will be saved. As the life expectancy increases people will experience health costs later in life. Two dietary interventions, 'SchoolGruiten' and 'Werkfruit' are simulated within CZM. Children participating in 'SchoolGruiten' will see their life expectancy increased (+0.37 year). They will also, on average, stay healthy for a longer time, assuming long term effects of the intervention. In this way such a child will make less medical costs at a younger age, however most of this costs are only postponed. Introducing 'Werkfruit' in the Netherlands onto one out of 10 employers, will increase the life expectancy of an 20-year old by an estimated 0.08 year and decrease the health-related costs of the whole population with 0.2 percent

    Event-driven simulations of a plastic, spiking neural network

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    We consider a fully-connected network of leaky integrate-and-fire neurons with spike-timing-dependent plasticity. The plasticity is controlled by a parameter representing the expected weight of a synapse between neurons that are firing randomly with the same mean frequency. For low values of the plasticity parameter, the activities of the system are dominated by noise, while large values of the plasticity parameter lead to self-sustaining activity in the network. We perform event-driven simulations on finite-size networks with up to 128 neurons to find the stationary synaptic weight conformations for different values of the plasticity parameter. In both the low and high activity regimes, the synaptic weights are narrowly distributed around the plasticity parameter value consistent with the predictions of mean-field theory. However, the distribution broadens in the transition region between the two regimes, representing emergent network structures. Using a pseudophysical approach for visualization, we show that the emergent structures are of "path" or "hub" type, observed at different values of the plasticity parameter in the transition region.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Increasing feasibility and patient comfort of MRI in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    MRI is the most sensitive imaging modality in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), but has practical limitations. Optimizing the scanning protocol is, therefore, necessary to increase feasibility and patient comfort. To determine the feasibility of bilateral non-contrast-enhanced open-bore MRI of knees and to assess the presence of literature-based MRI features in unsedated children with JIA. Children were classified into two clinical subgroups: active arthritis (group 1; n = 29) and inactive disease (group 2; n = 18). MRI features were evaluated using a literature-based score, comprising synovial hypertrophy, cartilage lesions, bone erosions, bone marrow changes, infrapatellar fat pad heterogeneity, effusion, tendinopathy and popliteal lymphadenopathy. The MRI examination was successfully completed in all 47 children. No scan was excluded due to poor image quality. Synovial hypertrophy was more frequent in group 1 (36.2%), but was also seen in 19.4% of the knees in group 2. Infrapatellar fat pad heterogeneity was more prevalent in group 2 (86.1%; P = 0.008). Reproducibility of the score was good (Cohen kappa, 0.49-0.96). Bilateral non-contrast-enhanced open-bore knee MRI is feasible in the assessment of disease activity in unsedated children with JIA. Signs differing among chidren with active and inactive disease include infrapatellar fat pad heterogeneity and synovial hypertroph
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