138 research outputs found

    High quality ultrafast transmission electron microscopy using resonant microwave cavities

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    Ultrashort, low-emittance electron pulses can be created at a high repetition rate by using a TM110_{110} deflection cavity to sweep a continuous beam across an aperture. These pulses can be used for time-resolved electron microscopy with atomic spatial and temporal resolution at relatively large average currents. In order to demonstrate this, a cavity has been inserted in a transmission electron microscope, and picosecond pulses have been created. No significant increase of either emittance or energy spread has been measured for these pulses. At a peak current of 814±2814\pm2 pA, the root-mean-square transverse normalized emittance of the electron pulses is Δn,x=(2.7±0.1)⋅10−12\varepsilon_{n,x}=(2.7\pm0.1)\cdot 10^{-12} m rad in the direction parallel to the streak of the cavity, and Δn,y=(2.5±0.1)⋅10−12\varepsilon_{n,y}=(2.5\pm0.1)\cdot 10^{-12} m rad in the perpendicular direction for pulses with a pulse length of 1.1-1.3 ps. Under the same conditions, the emittance of the continuous beam is Δn,x=Δn,y=(2.5±0.1)⋅10−12\varepsilon_{n,x}=\varepsilon_{n,y}=(2.5\pm0.1)\cdot 10^{-12} m rad. Furthermore, for both the pulsed and the continuous beam a full width at half maximum energy spread of 0.95±0.050.95\pm0.05 eV has been measured

    Theory and particle tracking simulations of a resonant radiofrequency deflection cavity in TM110_{110} mode for ultrafast electron microscopy

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    We present a theoretical description of resonant radiofrequency (RF) deflecting cavities in TM110_{110} mode as dynamic optical elements for ultrafast electron microscopy. We first derive the optical transfer matrix of an ideal pillbox cavity and use a Courant-Snyder formalism to calculate the 6D phase space propagation of a Gaussian electron distribution through the cavity. We derive closed, analytic expressions for the increase in transverse emittance and energy spread of the electron distribution. We demonstrate that for the special case of a beam focused in the center of the cavity, the low emittance and low energy spread of a high quality beam can be maintained, which allows high-repetition rate, ultrafast electron microscopy with 100 fs temporal resolution combined with the atomic resolution of a high-end TEM. This is confirmed by charged particle tracking simulations using a realistic cavity geometry, including fringe fields at the cavity entrance and exit apertures

    Design and characterization of dielectric filled TM110_{110} microwave cavities for ultrafast electron microscopy

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    Microwave cavities oscillating in the TM110_{110} mode can be used as dynamic electron-optical elements inside an electron microscope. By filling the cavity with a dielectric material it becomes more compact and power efficient, facilitating the implementation in an electron microscope. However, the incorporation of the dielectric material makes the manufacturing process more difficult. Presented here are the steps taken to characterize the dielectric material, and to reproducibly fabricate dielectric filled cavities. Also presented are two versions with improved capabilities. The first, called a dual-mode cavity, is designed to support two modes simultaneously. The second has been optimized for low power consumption. With this optimized cavity a magnetic field strength of 2.84 ±\pm 0.07 mT was generated at an input power of 14.2 ±\pm 0.2 W. Due to the low input powers and small dimensions, these dielectric cavities are ideal as electron-optical elements for electron microscopy setups

    Dual mode microwave deflection cavities for ultrafast electron microscopy

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    This paper presents the experimental realization of an ultrafast electron microscope operating at a repetition rate of 75 MHz based on a single compact resonant microwave cavity operating in dual mode. This elliptical cavity supports two orthogonal TM110_{110} modes with different resonance frequencies that are driven independently. The microwave signals used to drive the two cavity modes are generated from higher harmonics of the same Ti:Sapphire laser oscillator. Therefore the modes are accurately phase-locked, resulting in periodic transverse deflection of electrons described by a Lissajous pattern. By sending the periodically deflected beam through an aperture, ultrashort electron pulses are created at a repetition rate of 75 MHz. Electron pulses with τ=(750±10)\tau=(750\pm10) fs pulse duration are created with only (2.4±0.1)(2.4\pm0.1) W of microwave input power; with normalized rms emittances of Ï”n,x=(2.1±0.2)\epsilon_{n,x}=(2.1\pm0.2) pm rad and Ï”n,y=(1.3±0.2)\epsilon_{n,y}=(1.3\pm0.2) pm rad for a peak current of Ip=(0.4±0.1)I_p=(0.4\pm0.1) nA. This corresponds to an rms normalized peak brightness of Bnp,rms=(7±1)×106B_{np,\textrm{rms}}=(7\pm1)\times10^6 A/m2^2 sr V, equal to previous measurements for the continuous beam. In addition, the FWHM energy spread of ΔU=(0.90±0.05)\Delta U = (0.90\pm0.05) eV is also unaffected by the dual mode cavity. This allows for ultrafast pump-probe experiments at the same spatial resolution of the original TEM in which a 75 MHz Ti:Sapphire oscillator can be used for exciting the sample. Moreover, the dual mode cavity can be used as a streak camera or time-of-flight EELS detector with a dynamic range >104>10^4

    Direct magneto-optical compression of an effusive atomic beam for high-resolution focused ion beam application

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    An atomic rubidium beam formed in a 70 mm long two-dimensional magneto-optical trap (2D MOT), directly loaded from a collimated Knudsen source, is analyzed using laser-induced fluorescence. The longitudinal velocity distribution, the transverse temperature and the flux of the atomic beam are reported. The equivalent transverse reduced brightness of an ion beam with similar properties as the atomic beam is calculated because the beam is developed to be photoionized and applied in a focused ion beam. In a single two-dimensional magneto-optical trapping step an equivalent transverse reduced brightness of (1.0+0.8−0.4)(1.0\substack{+0.8-0.4}) ×106\times 10^6 A/(m2^2 sr eV) was achieved with a beam flux equivalent to (0.6+0.3−0.2)(0.6\substack{+0.3-0.2}) nA. The temperature of the beam is further reduced with an optical molasses after the 2D MOT. This increased the equivalent brightness to (6+5−2)(6\substack{+5-2})×106\times 10^6 A/(m2^2 sr eV). For currents below 10 pA, for which disorder-induced heating can be suppressed, this number is also a good estimate of the ion beam brightness that can be expected. Such an ion beam brightness would be a six times improvement over the liquid metal ion source and could improve the resolution in focused ion beam nanofabrication.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    In gas laser ionization and spectroscopy experiments at the Superconducting Separator Spectrometer (S3): Conceptual studies and preliminary design

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    International audienceThe results of preparatory experiments and the preliminary designs of a new in-gas laser ionization and spectroscopy setup, to be coupled to the Super Separator Spectrometer S3 of SPIRAL2-GANIL, are reported. Special attention is given to the development and tests to carry out a full implementation of the in-gas jet laser spectroscopy technique. Application of this novel technique to radioactive species will allow highsensitivity and enhanced-resolution laser spectroscopy studies of ground- and excited-state properties of exotic nuclei

    Coherent Pair Production by Photons in the 20-170 GeV Energy Range Incident on Crystals and Birefringence

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    The cross section for coherent pair production by linearly polarised photons in the 20-170 GeV energy range was measured for photon aligned incidence on ultra-high quality diamond and germanium crystals. The theoretical description of coherent bremsstrahlung and coherent pair production phenomena is an area of active theoretical debate and development. However, under our experimental conditions, the theory predicted the combined cross section and polarisation experimental observables very well indeed. In macroscopic terms, our experiment measured a birefringence effect in pair production in a crystal. This study of this effect also constituted a measurement of the energy dependent linear polarisation of photons produced by coherent bremsstrahlung in aligned crystals. New technologies for manipulating high energy photon beams can be realised based on an improved understanding of QED phenomena at these energies. In particular, this experiment demonstrates an efficient new polarimetry technique. The pair production measurements were done using two independent methods simultaneously. The more complex method using a magnet spectrometer showed that the simpler method using a multiplicity detector was also viable.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures, 1 table, REVTeX4 two column, Version for publicatio

    Linear to Circular Polarisation Conversion using Birefringent Properties of Aligned Crystals for Multi-GeV Photons

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    We present the first experimental results on the use of a thick aligned Si crystal acting as a quarter wave plate to induce a degree of circular polarisation in a high energy linearly polarised photon beam. The linearly polarised photon beam is produced from coherent bremsstrahlung radiation by 178 GeV unpolarised electrons incident on an aligned Si crystal, acting as a radiator. The linear polarisation of the photon beam is characterised by measuring the asymmetry in electron-positron pair production in a Ge crystal, for different crystal orientations. The Ge crystal therefore acts as an analyser. The birefringence phenomenon, which converts the linear polarisation to circular polarisation, is observed by letting the linearly polarised photons beam pass through a thick Si quarter wave plate crystal, and then measuring the asymmetry in electron-positron pair production again for a selection of relative angles between the crystallographic planes of the radiator, analyser and quarter wave plate. The systematics of the difference between the measured asymmetries with and without the quarter wave plate are predicted by theory to reveal an evolution in the Stokes parameters from which the appearance of a circularly polarised component in the photon beam can be demonstrated. The measured magnitude of the circularly polarised component was consistent with the theoretical predictions, and therefore is in indication of the existence of the birefringence effect.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, 1 table, REVTeX4 two column, Version for publicatio

    Results on the Coherent Interaction of High Energy Electrons and Photons in Oriented Single Crystals

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    The CERN-NA-59 experiment examined a wide range of electromagnetic processes for multi-GeV electrons and photons interacting with oriented single crystals. The various types of crystals and their orientations were used for producing photon beams and for converting and measuring their polarisation. The radiation emitted by 178 GeV unpolarised electrons incident on a 1.5 cm thick Si crystal oriented in the Coherent Bremsstrahlung (CB) and the String-of-Strings (SOS) modes was used to obtain multi-GeV linearly polarised photon beams. A new crystal polarimetry technique was established for measuring the linear polarisation of the photon beam. The polarimeter is based on the dependence of the Coherent Pair Production (CPP) cross section in oriented single crystals on the direction of the photon polarisation with respect to the crystal plane. Both a 1 mm thick single crystal of Germanium and a 4 mm thick multi-tile set of synthetic Diamond crystals were used as analyzers of the linear polarisation. A birefringence phenomenon, the conversion of the linear polarisation of the photon beam into circular polarisation, was observed. This was achieved by letting the linearly polarised photon beam pass through a 10 cm thick Silicon single crystal that acted as a "quarter wave plate" (QWP) as suggested by N. Cabibbo et al.Comment: Presented at International workshop "Relativistic Channeling and Related Coherent Phenomena", Frascati (Rome) 23-26 March 200

    Strain-controlled criticality governs the nonlinear mechanics of fibre networks

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    Disordered fibrous networks are ubiquitous in nature as major structural components of living cells and tissues. The mechanical stability of networks generally depends on the degree of connectivity: only when the average number of connections between nodes exceeds the isostatic threshold are networks stable (Maxwell, J. C., Philosophical Magazine 27, 294 (1864)). Upon increasing the connectivity through this point, such networks undergo a mechanical phase transition from a floppy to a rigid phase. However, even sub-isostatic networks become rigid when subjected to sufficiently large deformations. To study this strain-controlled transition, we perform a combination of computational modeling of fibre networks and experiments on networks of type I collagen fibers, which are crucial for the integrity of biological tissues. We show theoretically that the development of rigidity is characterized by a strain-controlled continuous phase transition with signatures of criticality. Our experiments demonstrate mechanical properties consistent with our model, including the predicted critical exponents. We show that the nonlinear mechanics of collagen networks can be quantitatively captured by the predictions of scaling theory for the strain-controlled critical behavior over a wide range of network concentrations and strains up to failure of the material
